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File: 50 KB, 719x371, Phonological Erosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13374833 No.13374833 [Reply] [Original]

Why do grammar pedants not realize the inevitability of a language being restructured over time? Why do they regard as subhuman small gains in efficiency innovated in every day speech? Why is rote memorization of flavorless standards more important to them than the creativity inherent in speaking and writing?

>> No.13374862 [DELETED] 

>nigger speak
Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.13374869

truly based

i hate niggers but love ebonics. there's a flavor to it

>> No.13374879
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you're the retard here if you can't see the appeal in phonological erosion and consolidation of vocabulary independent of your race realism.

>> No.13374891

>language being restructured
I think you mean reformed.

>> No.13374894
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i thank ya means recombobulated sonny bwoy

>> No.13374898

Okay but niggers aside I fail to see how resisting the change is bad. You're not suggesting we should stop resisting entirely, are you? If we dropped all institutional standards and allowed for free molding of the language, all the good things you mention would mirph into something disfunctional. The fact that language evolves at a rate which is natural is partly because of the push back against it.

>> No.13374910

I don't know.

The day we devolve back to mere grunts like our ancestors will be the turning point in our progressive evolution to the next higher state.

>> No.13374936

Anon, you say that you don't know but then write like you do. Boggling.

>> No.13374955

>the inevitability of a language being restructured over time?

by restructured you mean degraded, because as populations change, as culture degenerates, as the nation is corrupted, so is the language to suit the despicable conditions:

e.g. :

thot (thought)
based (basal)
beast, used to describe skillful or excellent performance, "beastmode" - (bestial)
with the shits - cooperation
shit - interchangeable with thing, stuff, situation, etc.
fuck with / fucks wit - in accord or in mutual support of a thing

>> No.13374959
File: 139 KB, 971x565, Anaximanderian evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fail to see how resisting the change is bad
I've no ethical issue with resisting the change, it just strikes me as naive and sad. And people who innovate the changes in any are of life simply strike me as more interesting and alive than the people who try to be the old guard. The kids are always gonna speak in tongues and the way they do it ain't gonna be the way you did it. You're with it until you ain't, and then what's with it becomes scary and obscene. You can either embrace it and try to understand it or hide behind a wall of stone engraved with the symbols of the dead.

>> No.13374963

Never happened, makes you wonder how much etymology gets wrong

>> No.13374967

>nd people who innovate the changes in any are of life simply strike me as more interesting and alive than the people who try to be the old guard.

truly based. american blacks have more of a vital spark in them than urban whites, whether for better or for worse

>> No.13374971

you're under the misconception that all change is for constructive purposes, and that ignoring the meaning of words and the neglect of using them correctly is a good thing

>> No.13374975

a good standard grammar make everything a lot easier to understand.

>> No.13374978

Icelandic is one of the most conservative languages and it's beautiful. I wish more languages would coin new terms for technology instead of borrowing English words.

>> No.13374989
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>Because as populations change, as culture degenerates, as the nation is corrupted, so is the language to suit the despicable condition

Structures rot only to be replaced with similar structures. You see the degredation of a power structure and a social system, and you see it as this irrevocable moral failing. But that's hardly the case. Whatever you're yearning the loss of becomes the compost for what grows next. The most erudite and refined and non-degenerate tongue you can think of (What is it, anon? Ancient greek? Latin? Old English? Middle English?) inevitably was the bastard of whatever it grew out of. Are there periods in the degeneration of old structures? Absolutely. But they aren't irreversible and whinging over their loss excessively is to be a big fat pussy. If you really want to preserve your culture have a family already and retire from the culture war. If thou truly wisheth to see thyself multiplied, then multiply thyself.

>> No.13374991
File: 45 KB, 363x527, derrida-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monitoring this thread

>> No.13374993

>I've no ethical issue with resisting the change
The specific of ethics wasn't really what I was asking. I agree with basically all of your statements other than the ones where you discredit the conservative view. You seem angsty and your statements about symbols of the dead is pretty ridiculous. I would recommend considering the essence of what it is you contend or find pitiful. Is it the stuck up, tasteless folk, or the linguistically conservative, because those two people are most definitely not the same in the way that you paint them.

>> No.13374996

>you're under the misconception that all change is for constructive purposes

never asserted such a thing.

>> No.13375001
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1516328015763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, this is true. Icelandic has changed very little in 800 years compared to English and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.13375054


Language reflects the thought process and the spiritual quality of a people/nation etc. apart from being unique to the ethnic progenitors in pronunciation, sound structure, alphabet etc.

Language is a structure, but before that it was a tool, and this tool has been turned against the faculty of reason as the nation was corrupted. a sane person who thinks clearly and deeply will use language in manner than communicates thoughtfully. but as in the examples i gave you regarding the contemporary "market speech," we see an obvious degenerate current running through.

the other anon says that the american black has a vital spark in them and that this is good for the english language. it is, but more aptly, IT WAS, because many american black communities are among the most corrupted and degenerated in the USA, and it is from the cutting edge of these communities that the younger folk derive their ignorant slang from.

why is shit and fuck so commonly used when other words would communicate the same, but more literally? because of the person that uses the language.

I reiterate:
"you're under the misconception that all change is for constructive purposes, and that ignoring the meaning of words and the neglect of using them correctly is a good thing"

it is not enough to recognize that languages are supplanted, or are reformed, or are married into another.

>> No.13375226

For the same reason you would be appalled if your doctor started using it. In order to be precise and to communicate something meaningful you need a greater word choice, and the meaning of those words has to remain relatively stable over time. It's why professional jargon exists. What you describe is not a gain in efficiency, it's a loss of it. It's a loss of the ability to communicate sophisticated nuanced ideas effectively and quickly. Diminishment of language by limiting word choice constrains thought, which shouldn't require much in the way of explanation to persuade you is bad. It also impairs our ability to pass down the current body of knowledge to future generations (which is how we progress as humans), as too changeable a language will greatly impair our ability to interpret words in just a few years. This is why, for example, latin is used for naming in so many scientific fields.

Someone should write a novel about the consequences of this new way to speak.

>> No.13375234

As long as your language is written properly it will not erode

>> No.13375258

The irony.

>> No.13375270

N'1 D'a'mn a'n'ost a's tr' l'ah t' trd!! 1fo's t'm'na 'er dat :3
D'mb negs fk fuk m'anguish! Sh'1

>> No.13375287

Language is how Hegelian negativity is generated because language is the house of being. It's where conceptual content becomes objective, becomes a common possession of everybody, and continues to develop. Think of what it does to a language when you fill its respective society with borderline retarded populations from all over the world, when people stop regularly reading books that challenge them, when the intelligentsia becomes deliberately "pop" and avoids classics, when visual media replace discourse in general, when discourse becomes a preserve of the elite media and people feel cut off from civic participation and the need to compete for the intellectual distinction necessary to lead their countrymen. In short, when all of society regresses to solely economic values and people meet each other only as abstract economic units, and all that is necessary for "communication" is a washed-out pidgin version of the original language that must be accessible to all foreigners and to the laziest possible consumers so that no one is left out of the sales demographics. Then imagine what happens when rich people who sell things actively want to shape society to fit the pidgin, on top of already shaping the pidgin to fit society.

When you read a Youtube comment by some Indian guy going "me am like dis vid" and your brain can parse it without being confused or offended, when you can read low-effort text messages from borderline fucking retards who no longer even use punctuation and whose actual internal monologue now consists in monosyllabic simple phrases like "Can you pick me up from the store" and "Ok", you are unconsciously having your expectations lowered as to what constitutes discourse and to the minimum threshold of conceptual content and conceptual clarity necessary to qualify for full humanity. Third-world languages often don't have the words "ominous" or "portentous" or "eerie" to describe things, they just have "scary" and "bad," and a generation from now, your children will only have those as well, because retards are the ever-increasing majority and the spaces where you can even hear words like "portentous" are becoming more restricted and sparce. Emojis are just one more front in the capitalist nigger war on thought.

>> No.13375619

The pedantry.

>> No.13375648
File: 173 KB, 256x387, dfdubsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Language reflects the thought process and the spiritual quality of a people/nation etc.


> apart from being unique to the ethnic progenitors in pronunciation, sound structure, alphabet etc.


>Language is a structure, but before that it was a tool, and this tool has been turned against the faculty of reason as the nation was corrupted.

That's the metanarrative of a frightened man who feels irrelevant. Have more faith in the people and don't be so afraid of them. Speak with them and you will see that they have wisdom.

>the other anon says that the american black has a vital spark in them and that this is good for the english language. it is, but more aptly, IT WAS, because many american black communities are among the most corrupted and degenerated in the USA, and it is from the cutting edge of these communities that the younger folk derive their ignorant slang from.

I've made general points in this thread about phonological evolution in languages, truncation and small quality of life increases and there is this irritation with black people that keeps coming up and that's not really what the thread is about. If y'all wanna go there, fine. Who am I to stop you? I have nothing interesting or worthy to add on that front. I'm not as preoccupied with the subject.

> you're under the misconception that all change is for constructive purposes, and that ignoring the meaning of words and the neglect of using them correctly is a good thing

I never said the change was good or that all change is for constructive purpose. I'm denouncing fear and pedantry. If you think your values are being corroded by the changes in the language then work to reinforce them in your own time. One good way of doing this is actually embracing the change and trying to steer it.

>it is not enough to recognize that languages are supplanted, or are reformed, or are married into another.

I have no objections to this.

>> No.13376632

Oh brother. Listen, I'm a black man by the white man's standards, and while the African has a peculiar ability to novelize language, this talent does not lend itself to the virtue of the use of said language, or of the people using the language. It has more to do with the african brain, the fact that the african has been forced to use the european's language (which was tailored to european thoughts), the african identity and so forth. This talent does not negate the fact that Language in the hands of the degenerate, of the ttyrannical, of the deceitful, becomes a tool of obfuscation and degradation. That is my main point, and that is what can be seen in contemporary slang / laymen speech.

>> No.13376937

sorry, i don't understand anything you just wrote, i guess the language restructure already happened.

>> No.13378347

>Why do fitness pedants not realize the inevitability of a populace becoming fatter over time?
And so-on and so-forth until it's okay for everyone to talk retarded and be 400 pounds.

>> No.13378753
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>I'm'na eat
I say this. Fuck everyone in this thread calling it degraded. Learn to appreciate your language in all its variety.
I just wish there were a way to write how I'd actually speak without sounding cringey.

>> No.13378764

guess Jung was right about “white” Americans

>> No.13378877
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>> No.13379562 [DELETED] 

>Language is possibly the defining evolved trait of humanity and has existed for tens of thousands of years with no deliberate oversight.
>It will go to shit without deliberate oversight!.

You may as well worry people will be breath wrong and die if you don't force them to do it at a particular tempo.

>> No.13379580
File: 124 KB, 726x750, 0CE3FE96-0A10-404C-B779-B74DCD72EB5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13379600

>Language is possibly the defining evolved trait of humanity and has existed for tens of thousands of years without ever once becoming dysfunctional regardless of whether a culture made any efforts whatsoever to deliberately maintain or cultivate it.
>It will become dysfunctional if its not deliberately maintained and cultivated.

You may as well worry people will breath wrong and die if you don't force them to do it at a particular tempo.

>> No.13379604

Shitty comparison.