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13374170 No.13374170 [Reply] [Original]

What books will give me a new outlook on life?

>> No.13374174

Confessions by St. Augustine.

>> No.13374227

Read that one about killing nibbas, day of the rope and shit.

>> No.13374237

The Bible
The Confessions of St Augustine
The Divine Comedy
Pensées by Blaise Pascal

>> No.13374260

depends on what your outlook is now

>> No.13374321

The Lord of the Rings.

Liked by everyone from Nazbols to libertarians.

>> No.13374325

Crime and Punishment
Fear and Trembling

>> No.13374364

Thanks partially to the help of the Buddhists on here, I've been learning about Buddhism and progressively falling in love with it. Even though I'm not a fan of religion, I feel grateful to have discovered this philosophical ethos. It feels like everything I've needed in my life. The recognition that I myself have a mind, and the need to study it's nature to understand the sources of my suffering, and to control it should I ever want my trials to end. It's just such a brilliant and fundamental approach. I also love the concept of enlightenment, and of every individual needing to put in the work to reach it, with no outside force being able to bring you there. All of this resonates as wholly true for me. I also believe, thanks to my research into DMT reports, that there are other realms and lifeforms within our universe, who are of a higher-consciousness than we are. I also believe that if we ascend our own consciousness, we can take birth as those higher beings. And as lower beings if our consciousness descends.

There was also a time during meditation where I felt my crown chakra open and bring me to a state of "cosmic consciousness", if I can call it that, whereby I had my first and only glimpse of higher awareness. It was utterly profound. Our awareness normally feels like it's glued to our skin, but here it felt like I had become the air which hovers a foot around my body - like the radius of my being was far wider than I previously thought it was.

Basically I've become very introspective lately, born out of my personal nature and also from my exposure to Buddhist philosophy. I am changing my life around now, recognizing the need to understand the nature of my being, and to gain mastery over it, and to reduce the suffering of myself (which I had previously felt I was the passive recipient of) and of others, intending to live out my life with the goal of enlightening my consciousness.

May all sentient beings, including those of this thread, know peace and comfort.

>> No.13374377

Ironically any religious books

>> No.13375447

The Trouble With Being Born
The Temptation to Exist
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.13376436

Mans search for meaning. Dont read the logotherapy shilling section though

>> No.13376451

What Dreams May Come

>> No.13376458


>> No.13376466
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Read the Bible and the Ego and it's own at THE SAME TIME.

>> No.13376467

Only second one, crime is a fanfic

>> No.13377523

Buddhism is retarded soft nihilism.

>> No.13377532

I'm starting to think (fear) that the greatness of a book depends on its capacity to confirm pre-held beliefs. My favourite books tend to be those which reinforce and articulate outlooks and opinions I already hold in some vague way, though the overlap between "what is appealing to read because it offers an objective inisight" and "what is appealing to read because it reinforces a subjective standpoint" is sometimes difficult to pull apart.

>> No.13377540
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Also Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and Infinite Jeat by DFW

>> No.13377546

Can nietzsche help me see life as cosmic comedy?

>> No.13377557
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Imperium by Yockey

>> No.13377558

He was arrested?

>> No.13377718
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13378199

Fuck of with your Christ cuck pill sigmund shekelstein

>> No.13378203

That’s western Buddhism

>> No.13378218
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Only if your a nihilist.

>> No.13378230
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Read red and black pill charts. Hey, you never said you new outlook had to be positive or bright.

>> No.13378325
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Metta brothers and (unlikely) sisters.
Idk about life changing or whatever but it felt like, oh yeah, other people get that this shit shouldn't be taken seriously too. Worth a read if you follow me.
At some point they're all about the same shit just from different perspectives. The meme of human thought is that it all does the same thing, justifys the way we live.
If you want to laugh engage comedy not philosophy. There are a few keks in freddy. I'd unironically recommend alan watts for this. Or just straight to zhuang zhi or Hinduism.
Fucking emo shit cunt, kysif you take it that seriously.
The ego and its own, in search of the miraculous and the dao de ching (extra points for zhuang zhi.) Supplement with zen flesh, zen bones, the 12 similes, zappfe's burning house metaphor, the bhagavad gita, the flower sermon and finish with the parable of the raft.

>> No.13378335


>> No.13378646

do you need to have read the NT for confessions i.e. is it heavily biblical criticism or more autobiography?

>> No.13378933
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>> No.13378947

>If you want to laugh engage comedy not philosophy
Im more about seeing life as a comedy

>> No.13378962

This starts with being able to laugh about it.

>> No.13378977
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>> No.13379085

Thus spoke Zarathustra if you're Christian
Aquinas if you're not Christian