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File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, Aleister-Crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13373896 No.13373896 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of Aleister Crowley?

>> No.13373906
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Did some degenerate things on his life but besides that he was a genius

>> No.13373916

Evil Satanist. Gurdjieff took one look at him and expelled that evil man from his house.

>> No.13373923

A real human bean

>> No.13373994

Luciferian Illuminist, pederast, pedophile, sodomite, agent of Churchill and thus British Israel Zionist double-agent, friend of and aid to Draconian Cartel, financial elite, eccentric socialite, international drug peddler, racist, hedonist, addict, blasphemer, panderer, charlatan, and holder of just about every other unfavorable characteristic a human being can have. Truly a maverick of his time.

>> No.13374011
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Well at least he came up with the Thelema. Which goes in accordance with natural law

>> No.13374014

I don't know. What do you think?

>> No.13374060

He was given the doctrine by an ET. I personally don't trust any of it whatsoever.

>> No.13374081

Well that goes all the way to Hermeticism and the origins of hermetic laws(just who spreaded them) and that knowledge unironically may be alien like.
The laws however are correct regardless.

>> No.13374110

idk, but Evola thought he was okay.

>> No.13374126

hermetic knowledge does not come from aliens you utter fucking buffoon

>> No.13374131

this and a little more

>> No.13374143

Don't know about him much, but he makes christfags buttblasted, and there are (most likely false) rumours of him doing not only some crazy shit, but some vile shit as well. So he could be the first punk.

>> No.13374146

Oh yeah you seem to know its origin. Do tell

>> No.13374187

Where to start with him?

>> No.13374208

Schizos like you should be posting on /x/

>> No.13374210

I, too would like to know. Was it just Neoplatonism?

>> No.13374235
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Why you avoid the question? Pussy

>> No.13374243
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>> No.13374252

Be nice. The origins of Hermetic philosophy are shady at best. No one knows who Hermes Trismagistus was, and a simple search of his name in Google does bring up loads of links to ET data. I believe the content of the Corpus was historically placed slightly after the Pharoic period of Egypt and is Greek in it's content.

>> No.13374271

meditative practice, drug aided 'trances', stripping away the self, 'ego death', 'enlightenment' or whatever you wish to call the experience.

read poimandres - his thoughts are soaring and hes on his own, then he comes to understand a connection between his mind and greater reality.

compare it to plotinus' account in ennead 4.7 for a much more 'logical' / 'platonic' / 'western' account of the same process.

>> No.13374272

Which book is that Kierkegaard quote from?

>> No.13374289

No idea I had it saved

>> No.13374305

This answer is correct on the way that some of these teachings can be traced back to Shamanism. On the way of 'trance' status with outer realities but one nature always

>> No.13374313

My Diary Desu

>> No.13374337

Is sort of that. Its Egyptian god role plays somehow and somewhere on the equation

>> No.13374340

it is likely that the knowledge comes from cults of thoth in egypt or it is greek knowledge that greeks falsely attributed to cults of thoth. it is also possible that hermes was in fact just a person called hermes (there is historical evidence that people used the name)

>> No.13374359

Doesn't Thamus BTFO Thoth in the Phaedrus of Plato when he said writing wasn't a medicine to remember, but a poison?

>> No.13374370

Yeah it was a practice to name high ranking priests after the deities they represented, thus Hermes would itself be a title instead of a name.

>> No.13374375

could "soaring" refer to an integalactic journey in a flying saucer to the pleiades where aliens enlightened primitive mankind and educated him on how to build the pyramids? ancient astronauts theorists theorize yes.

>> No.13374405
File: 252 KB, 1152x1099, 64998712_389864364973148_9169313332199424000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm currently reading The Book Of Lies (pic related is from that book). Up next is TBOTL.

>> No.13374411

What did Crowley mean by this?

>> No.13374420

He was channeling a spirit

>> No.13374438

i hear he was actually very bad with money

>> No.13374466

From my understanding, Thelema and Current 218 are incompatible, but I'm basing that on a rumor that N-A.A.218 was the man in this interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8U5S9hmCY4
But I have the 218/182 books and it's some pretty cool stuff. I see a lot of language I was equate to freemasonic or golden dawn throughout the books, so it wouldn't really surprise me for a moment if he was a member of one of their lodges as well. In my opinion you can skip over Liber Azerite, the english translation is unacceptable, their old online text and their Book of Sitra Achra contain more than enough info to fill you in on their belief and practices. I myself preferred the practice of 182 and have had many positive experiences with the tradition, though I did not commit fully through the blood sacrifices necessary for proper pathworking. Both currents, 218 and 182 respectively, have traces of many other interesting traditions out there but themselves stand on their own. You will not find any sex magic in them, hence why I believe the above interview has some truth to it.

>> No.13374481

Wasn't he eating away his inheritance? Why wouldn't the secret services provide him with a decent salary?

>> No.13374541

Who says they didn’t? He was probably a big spender

>> No.13374552

It keeps getting more based the more you describe him

>> No.13374578

an ugly human.

>> No.13374656

One needs to be familiar with the work of John Dee, and his Enochian magic system understood as Protestant theurgy, to really get the context of what Crowley was doing, as he worked within this system as developed by Dee toward what was a structurally identical end goal based on identical but inverted values (off which his insistence that his system was RHP is telling).

>> No.13374664

he was a dyel and i'd wreck him

>> No.13374684

>read the work of this spook to understand the work of this other spook

>> No.13374713

If you want to discuss it with any level of knowledge or accuracy then yes. This goes for most of philosophy and even literature as people build off of, react to, are influenced by, or develop the work created by people who came before them.

If you don't want to discuss it with any level of knowledge or accuracy then go ahead, but don't pretend you are doing otherwise.

>> No.13374728

Based. He's a pussy just like his dom, Satan.

>> No.13375008

Everything he did was out of resentment for his overbearing Christian mother. A slave.

>> No.13375131

What’s the best Crowley biography? Tobias Churton’s?

>> No.13375157

Masks of the Illuminati. Crowley is best approached through lies and fiction.

>> No.13375171
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Finally another fat wojack in my shlick collection. Thank you

>> No.13375179

That describes most of his books

>> No.13375248

I like him alot Ive read most of his books

>> No.13375292

Why do both manly p hall/masons refer to "great work" and "thelema" as well as people like crowley - and then have people deny that there is a "luciferian" connection to masonry?

>> No.13375579
File: 23 KB, 360x480, Masonicpillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular masons have no understanding of their own organizations philosophy, while higher ranking members are sworn by oath not to expose it, and also don't even consider it a lie when masking the truth from the "profane" (uninitiated). Growley himself was head of the Golden Dawn for quite some time. GOLDEN DAWN, meaning rising sun, morning star, Lucifer. Freemasons themselves use symbolism such as pic related. It's a fascinating to study this stuff and know what's really going on. I myself am currently reading Morals and Dogma, and yes, it is blatant Luciferianism. Lucifer, meaning the intellect, the spark of illumination, illuminism, ect.
I think the lie is mostly to cover the objective fact that this world is controlled by secret societies (elites) which all hold a philosophical belife known as the Luciferian Doctrine, also known as Utopianism.

>> No.13375629

thank you for your thoughtful reply. I have been studying my self and you are right. This luciferian doctrine/illuminism/self-ism/law of the will is very prominant throughout all of it. But why is it also known as utopianism, what are the characteristics of what you're mentioning?

>> No.13375638


Crowley was not exactly a traditional mason, otherwise he would have no need to found Thelema. OTO was a semi-masonic body that accepted the Law of Thelema. It basically meant that the ritual structures of certain Freemasonic initiations were reconstructed under the law of Thelema:

>Five and forty apprentice masons out of work!
>Fifteen fellow-craftsmen out of work!
>Three Master Masons out of work!
>All these sat on their haunches waiting The Report of the Sojourner; for THE WORD was lost.
>This is the Report of the Sojourners: THE WORD was LOVE;(23) and its number is An Hundred and Eleven.
>Then said each AMO;(24) for its number is An Hundred and Eleven.
>Each took the Trowel from his LAP,(25) whose number is AN Hundred and Eleven.
>Each called moreover on the Goddess NINA,(26) for
>Her number is An Hundred and Eleven. Yet with all this went The Work awry; for THE WORD OF THE LAW IS {Theta-Epsilon-Lambda-Eta-Mu-Alpha}. (=THELEMA)

Crowley claimed Thelemas the lost word of Masonry. It's numeration being 93.


>> No.13375681

Utopian literature became prominent during the renaissance period and after. It speaks of the perfect society (America known as the "Great Society"). Many authors of many of these historically renowned books were members of secret societies (such as Rosicrucians). It's been the goal for centuries and with the aid of technology, we're just about there. See China and Singapore's current social programs. The testing grounds are set, and once the kinks are worked out, itll slowly be phased into western culture. The end goal here will be a completely antonymous society, on a worldwide scale. Society will self-guide itself through technologically maintained social programs. What this has to do with the Luciferian Doctrine is that there will be no hindrances in the global production and accumulation process. Historically, most conflicts have been contrived and controlled by secret societies. The freemasons and their splinter organizations have had a hand in most modern conflicts dating back to the French Revolution (and even before). The reason and philosophy behind this is simple: Progress. The nuts and bolts of this philosophy is outlined in the first chapter of Morals and Dogma, and a very in depth study of this was done by William Cooper on his radio program Hour of the Time, specifically titled "Mystery Babylon".

>> No.13375771

Wow, wild stuff. Reminds me of ray kurzweils singularity book. It all sounds so vaguley anti-human and i suppose that is because it is so lofty and idealistic. much appreciated insight. ive known of the mystery babylon series but haven't sat down yet to soak it up. now might be the time. thanks again.

>> No.13376013

>What do WEEEEEEE think lit?? What opinion is safe for me to adopt, so i don't stand out among an anonymous crowd@
Piss off, nibber.
I can't stand this insufferable way of putting questions, meekly probing the taste of the lit peergroup. Most people here are idiots, and i would be inclined to suspect the share among the non tacit members of this board to be even larger. Don't assimilate into the collective,. Think for yourself. Faggot