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13373560 No.13373560 [Reply] [Original]

So what exactly does /lit/ not like about him and his work again?

>> No.13374532

Please don't take what the children say seriously.

>> No.13374539

he's a brainlet pseud incel and i'm smarter than him because i read some articles on marxist.org

>> No.13374546

nothing bad to say about him from me, he is a hero. also he deadlifts which is important

>> No.13374558

this. Blablabla pseud, fuck these guys.

he does more thought then the most of these idiots.
I learn from him. The unweeting do not suprass their masters; the worthy one excels the teacher.

>> No.13374562

cringe, just end yourself already.

>> No.13374589

Exactly. He's a fucking child. At best a rainmaker.

>shits all over MMT scholars
>even calls one a parasite and rent-seeker despite the fact that she works at a private university
>does not have any background or competence in economics
>or really anything else
>has somehow positioned himself as some kind of mathematics sage who can see the black swan
>except he's never once anticipated any kind of event that others used data to predict

>> No.13374593

cringe, yikes, amen.

>> No.13374596
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I don't like him because he doesn't like me. Simple as that.

>> No.13374610

I like him. The things that I disagree with him about are not necessarily linked to his main ideas, which I think are incredibly useful.

>> No.13374623

Not completely familiar with him, but I read something that made me think he was just another neoliberal along the lines of Pinker.
Smart perhaps, just narrow minded. Am I wrong?

>> No.13374628

Yeah he and John Gray are the leading public anti-Pinkerites.

>> No.13374637
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He's the smartest man in the world.

>> No.13374666

Oh really? Where do they differ the most?

>> No.13374667

I've been following Taleb on Twitter to evaluate whether he's a pseud or not, so I can decide whether or not to read his books. I've determined that his core theses are basically sound, although probably not worth reading his books for. His grouchy public persona is fun though, quite a personality.
He hates Pinker. Specifically he numerically BTFOed Pinker's claim that the modern world is less violent by showing that the historical distribution of violence fails to reject the null hypothesis that violence is random.

>> No.13374746

One of the most important thinkers of our time.

>> No.13374753

t. didnt read the book

>> No.13374763
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I've read all his books unless Skin in the game. I have studies in statistics and finance, most of what he says is completely true. Now, his LARPing on twitter and his anti-IQ childish tantrums are pure cringe.

He also has a very nice debate with Kahneman on youtube over cognitive biases and people getting fucked by uncertainty.

>> No.13374774

Taleb went after Pinker’s last two books for statistical fallacies. He is critical of social science and economics, generally, and has recently made a (convincing, imho) rebuke of the statistical basis IQ and race “science,” which Pinker propagates. Taleb is also generally against the modern, centralizing tendencies in business, government, and culture. He is broadly pro-capitalist, though, so if that’s your criterion for neoliberal then I’m not going to argue with you over it, but I think that’s the wrong definition.

>> No.13374813

Okay. He dies seem smarter to me now. Thanks

>> No.13374981

Why is this man so adamant about not being an Arab?

>> No.13374986

read his twitter. He has an inferiority complex of some kind. He writes papers in academic form that make fun of other researchers and call them idiots, instead of just proving their ideas wrong. Its also really pedantic statistics stuff, which appears to be the only field he knows anything about.

>> No.13375022

It’s actually some very nice Orthodox-Maronite diplomacy, if you follow Lebanese politics.

>> No.13375043


>even calls one a parasite and rent-seeker despite the fact that she works at a private university

i don't think you understand what a rent seeker is, nor too many of his theories

>> No.13376368

cute arab

>> No.13377512

Refute this then: https://medium.com/incerto/iq-is-largely-a-pseudoscientific-swindle-f131c101ba39

>> No.13377954

>Its also really pedantic statistics stuff, which appears to be the only field he knows anything about.
Imagine thinking this is bad.

>> No.13378399

Statistics are not real, sorry.

>> No.13378471

that study was bonkers. future of the field of history

>> No.13378612
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he's right you know