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/lit/ - Literature

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13372845 No.13372845 [Reply] [Original]

What is it that makes Christians so arrogant and condescending? Any literature on this?

>> No.13372853

Get prayed

>> No.13372855

>What is it that makes Christians so arrogant and condescending?
They choose to believe in something that by their rules is inarguably true and objectively right. They're convinced they will never be wrong, they're not even open to the idea of being wrong.

>> No.13372859

those legs

>> No.13372869
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>> No.13372921

Have empathy for them. They are the victims of the most successful indoctrination campaign of the past two millenia. Everything about Christianity works specifically to ensnare their psychology and have them be shaped in a certain way, which only few manage to observe objectively later on and shake the grip of.

Personally, the more I reflect and experience, the more I believe that Buddhism is true, and wish everyone could be Buddhist in the original, Siddharthian form. Our world would be tremendously better. There's also no harm in combining the teachings and aesthetics of both traditions together where value is found, but most followers wouldn't like to do so, and I also found religious syncretism tacky. Point is, Buddhism seems the best to me but I don't mean to say that Christianity should be discarded entirely.

>> No.13372938

It's Abrahamism, OP. It's essentially philosophical narcissism. Jews and Muslims are the exact same way, they just don't care about correcting you because you're a subhuman or slave and really who cares what cattle and slaves think?

>tfw you will never have dancer's legs so gorgeous the sun itself stops to stare
It hurts.

>> No.13372949

>It's essentially philosophical narcissism. Jews and Muslims are the exact same way, they just don't care about correcting you because you're a subhuman or slave and really who cares what cattle and slaves think?
100% this.
They have this bizarre idea that everyone who isn't a Christian is willingly and knowingly rejecting Christ, as if they know that Christianity is true but reject it for whatever reason. Can't they accept that other people don't buy into everything they do, and often have good reasons for doing so?

>> No.13372962

Nice generalization. I think this only applies to low-IQ Christians. People like St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Kierkegaard seem like bros.

>> No.13372972

A society composed of nothing but great Christians sounds a lot better than a society of great Buddhists.

>> No.13372996
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I'd rather be Bhutanese than any Christian ethnicity at least

>> No.13373003

>Christian ethnicity

>> No.13373007


>> No.13373019

You can be Bhutanese and Christian

>> No.13373082

How so? The level of kindness, wisdom, and mental fortitude Buddhists display is greater than I have ever seen of a Christian, or anywhere else. The doctrine they follow also appears sound to me, and as time goes on I observe more and more of it seemingly suggested by scientific findings. Cases of past lives have a body of scientific evidence behind them, and DMT indicates there really may be other realms and intelligences within our world.

>> No.13373128

christians today are degenerates or evangelical cultists also theres a lot of differetn kinds
if you met a non practicing buddhist or a theravadin you would get an extremely different idea of it

>> No.13373269

If you had already studied Christian culture deeply, you certainly wouldn't been bitchin' about it.

Someone lied to you and you didn't even question it.

I bet you're young too. Are you Lisa Simpson?

Try to read something till you achieve the level to the highest literature, it will change your little mind.

>> No.13373375

Is your counterargument an example of op's point?

>> No.13373395

Why are accelerationists attacking Christians now?

>> No.13373500

Point me to an example of the respectable Christians then, because I've genuinely only seen ones who fall into all the general traps that are stereotypically accused of Christians: narcissistic, judgmental, control-hungry, tribalistic, scripture-drones, lacking in independent judgement, and so on. Maybe the Quakers are the ones who don't fit these attributes.

And though for the Buddhists I've encountered I'm not sure of their background sect, but have nonetheless held the general set of qualities of being calm, open-minded, compassionate, and self-controlled.

The history of the two religions is also a world apart, with one of them displaying far more conflict than the other.

>> No.13373553

Yeah, they always drop that one, it's just passive-aggressive shit.

>> No.13373579

>They have this bizarre idea that everyone who isn't a Christian is willingly and knowingly rejecting Christ
Because that's what's written in the Pauline epistles, and they believe it. And it's reinforced by little to no exposure to non-Christian worldviews.

>> No.13373658

he cute

>> No.13373668

It would mean so much to me, personally, if Christians would replace themselves in every slogan of theirs. Instead of telling me that Jesus loves me, can you please tell me that you yourself do? Rather than saying "God bless you", which would presumably be true regardless of whether you told it to me or not, it would mean so much more for a Christian to say "I bless you". God is presumably always blessing a person, without need for his minions to spread his sentiments. When Christians say these catchphrases, the words are often both superfluous and impersonal, not amounting to more than a formality. If they genuinely mean it from their heart, it's very appreciated, but often times it's a way for them to feel morally commendable while still retaining their ideological control within the conversation.

Now I know they're the whole doctrine of sin and God being the only one with ability to dole out Grace and Love, hence why they speak from God's vantage, but I'd still prefer Christians loved and blessed me themselves rather than simply relay the message that their God happens to.

>> No.13373679

they have access to the truth. maybe you should listen to them before it's too late

>> No.13373690

>it would mean so much more for a Christian to say "I bless you"
jesus christ that would be far fucking worse, who the fuck are they to bless me

>> No.13373702

It's not a Christian thing, it's a religious thing. There is this type of religious person who seems to be mostly into the faith to feel superior to other people, you can see their smug smiles and feeling of satisfaction when they see nonbelievers make bad life choices. I've met both Christians and Muslims like this but I suppose you can find this behavior from other religions too. These seem to be very common in 4chan.

>> No.13373704
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>> No.13373711

Which thread triggered you?

>> No.13373714

Empty threats

>> No.13373717
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>What is it that makes Christians so arrogant and condescending?
>who the fuck are they to bless me

>> No.13373722

saying "I bless you" is arrogant as fuck

>> No.13373728
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This gave me a very hearty bellowing kek.

>> No.13373736

It's a gesture of compassion towards another person. Just like when people shorten it to "Bless you", without any mention of a God, and it being synonymous with something like "Take care" or similar.

>> No.13373742

But I agree it sounds arrogant, though I never meant it like that. I meant it as a way to say "I wish you well", but the phrasing sounds off.

>> No.13373775
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These threads have nothing to do with literature and putting "any literature on this" at the end of your blog post about how you hate Christians will not change that. Not a single book has been mentioned in this thread. These sorts of meaingless threads have been the downfall of this board. Half of all the posts nowadays are just some random worthless opinion with "any books on this" at the end to keep him safe from the Jannies. Unironically go back to /pol/ since at least there you can find people who just want to rattle off opinions and bait people into replying.

>> No.13373793

itt: unrepentant souls too proud to admit they need a Savior

>> No.13373827

Christianity is evil, gaslighting

>> No.13373834

You shouldn't need a Savior, anon. You shouldn't want one, either. You should rely on your own self, and lift yourself up by your own powers. In the material world, yes, we do need to help eachother given the nature of the tasks, but in spirituality, nobody can enlighten you but yourself. Siddhartha said this. And it's an eternal truth. Instead of depending on Jesus or anyone else to "save you" from your sins, which he can't ever do nor can anyone else, you need to develop the willpower not to sin in the first place, nor expect them to be absolved, and ultimately to reach whatever spiritual state you aim for solely by your own efforts.

>> No.13373836

The Buddhists never needed to kill mass amounts of people to spread their religion. That pretty much all you need to know about difference between it and Christianity

>> No.13373864

weber- protestant ethic

>> No.13373869
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One day, a lot sooner than you think, you'll be lying in bed with a drip attached to your arm, wheezing your final breaths. If you have the strength, you'll start blubbering.

'I don't want to die!' you'll sob. 'I was wrong for hoping in the tech singularity! I was wrong for hoping in transhumanism.'

If you're not too proud, maybe you'll finally admit what you should have hoped in. 'I wish I'd hoped in you, Lord!' And if you think that, and really mean it, you'll be saved.

But maybe you won't be that lucky. Maybe you'll be thinking smugly how arrogant and condescending Christians are as you cross the road without looking--BAM!

Or maybe our blessed Lord will return to judge your soul and decide your eternal reward as you're reading The God Delusion in bed, chortling haughtily to yourself.

>Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

>> No.13373885

He neven even remotely said he "hates Christians", and a thread like this is only being made in response to the literal infestation of threads from Christians whereby all kinds of non-literary discussion is held, including where they invade other threads on other religious literature with warnings of damnation and expressions of ridicule. Your comment is completely invalid, sorry. Threads like this are necessary in order to raise the quality of /lit/ back to what it was before it became /larping-Christians/.

>> No.13373887

>One day, a lot sooner than you think, you'll be lying in bed with a drip attached to your arm, wheezing your final breaths. If you have the strength, you'll start blubbering.

I work in a hospital. I am very familiar with people dying. I know you like to fantasise about other tribes suffering for not agreeing with you, and realising how right you were before death, but that really doesn't happen often if at all.
I find it of rather poor taste that you'd exploit people's fear of death to intimidate people into agreeing with you.

>> No.13373891

I like it how people like you instantly flock in to prove OP right

>> No.13373899

Christ professed atheism on the cross, why would I profess Christ on my own deathbed? He clearly realized the truth, in his final moments. And my only concern regarding death is not being reborn here, anon. I'm trying to ascend to better planes of existence.

>> No.13373905

imagine believing that you can know anything of the god. this criticism apply to all religions. yes, the buddhist freaks are just wrong and they need to stop being so fucking arrogant about their meditation bullshit.

>> No.13373931
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Based thread

>> No.13373937

Nobody is saying that God is false nor supporting atheism. You're the Christian basedboy. Congrats.

>> No.13373940

You sound angry, anon. Meditation will help you with that. Serious.

>> No.13373962

This thread still exemplifies the reddit mindset

>> No.13373971

Listen buddy, I don't even know what reddit is, maybe you ought go back to it or whatever since you seem to know so much about it

>> No.13373975

>anything I don't like is reddit!
Nice cope.

>> No.13373986

>t. reddit defence league

>> No.13373998

no, anger is my natural state of being. meditation just makes me more angry about how bullshit it is.

>> No.13374084

Anger can be observed neutrally, and eventually transmuted into peacefulness. I wish you well on your path.