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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 270 KB, 704x928, Emily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13371235 No.13371235 [Reply] [Original]

Be brave anon, but we are going to do something unusual, almost unimaginabe for today's /lit/, yes we are going to talk about books. (not memes, politics, religion...).

Post pic of a book or author, get a book recommendation.

I'll start. Give me something like Wuthering Heights.

>> No.13371238
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The Bible

>> No.13371259
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>> No.13371284
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>> No.13371320
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OP, not two days ago I posted something thoughtful and honest in a book thread that got a total of three, I said THREE replies. The OP himself abandoned that thread, presumably to masturbate and eat ramen noodles. The reason people aren't biting into book threads is because everyone's petrified of being unironic and being called a fucking pseud. Yes, petrified. Everyone here is so steeped in irony that they cannot share their sincere analysis without fear of upset. Let's be clear - we are emotional creatures here. We read literature for crying out loud (apparently). The reason politics and religion get talked about endlessly here is because people care enough about those things to risk being called a fucking idiot because they are stupid and confident and they simply do not give a shit. We lack the confidence or interest to talk honestly about books because they are simply less pertinent than politics and religion; it is childish to care as deeply about fiction as we do those two things. And even if we do have the confidence to argue, we do not have the poise to do so without resorting the base insults.This will never change. Even now we are reduced to book recommendations and picture associations. /lit/ is damned.

>> No.13371368

I want something like Wuthering Heights too. What did you like the most about it anon?

>> No.13371378
File: 1.65 MB, 2048x1538, Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that anon. At least we are now above three replies (it happened to some of my threads as well)... I guess, strangely enough, /lit/ too is about fashion. At least book recs aren't that bad, and we still talk about Dosto and Tolstoy.

>> No.13371470
File: 66 KB, 474x631, Heathcliff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked how mysterious and chaotic the whole story is as well as the characters, how empty it is of Dickensian sentimentality. I just love Romanticism, Gothic, the 19th century and how full of bare emotion it is. What did you like the most?

Also, about similar books, I've heard that "A True Novel" by Minae Mizumura is a sort of remake but a wonderful book on its own. Haven't read it though.

>> No.13371486

I got a book club started.

I get the first round, I'm thinking of "Breakfast of Champions" by Kurt Vonnegut as my first suggestion.

It's funny and has some nuggets of wisdom inside, so it should keep attention. I also remember really liking it as a teenager

>> No.13371492
File: 20 KB, 263x400, 9780199554089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has a similar toxic relationship study

>> No.13371865

I liked how complex and slightly relatable the characters were. Favourite part was how intense and toxic Heathcliff and Catherine's relationship was, but I also liked the setting. It was one of the first books I read in english (I'm an ESL) and it helped me learn a lot of new words. I plan on reading it again next year to see if I can enjoy it more than I did the first time

>> No.13371975
File: 35 KB, 968x645, when you wish you would've done it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw emily will never clumsily pry her CUNT open and tell you to take a deep breath and press your mouth against it forming an airtight seal and then scream into it as hard as you can

>> No.13371980


>> No.13372330
