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13369435 No.13369435 [Reply] [Original]

What makes a book "dangerous?" Are any books dangerous?

>> No.13370275

>What makes a book "dangerous"?
bad behavior by the readers inspired by the book
>Are any books dangerous?
quran comes to mind, cant really think of anything else maybe some hindu philosophy

>> No.13370289

Anything that advocate a bigoted worldview such as racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, ultranationalism or fascism.

>> No.13370309

What the hell, Luigi, you can see what fortune can do to men. You had just finished fucking your woman when you want another one. I've been in Modena for several days when I came across an old woman who washes my shirts. She asked me to come into her hovel because she wished to show me some fine shirts. Innocent prick that I am I went in. There was a woman over in the corner. "This is the shirt that I wanted to sell you," the hag said. I was terrified. But I fucked her. I found her thighs flabby and her cunt damp. Her breath stank. But I was horny. When I was finished I took a torch and looked at her. I nearly dropped dead. The woman was ugly. She had a tuft of hair on her head but her head was bald. Her forehead was scarred. One eye looked up, the other down. Her eyes were filled with mucus, and she had no eyebrows. Her nose was twisted into a funny shape. Her mouth looked like Lorenzo de' Medici's but was bent to one side. She was toothless and saliva drooled out of her mouth. Her upper lip had a moustache. I looked at her stupefied. "What's the matter sir?" she asked me. As soon as she opened her mouth, such a stench came out that my eyes and nose were put to such indignation, that my stomach was not able to bear such offense and I vomited all over that old cunt; and so having paid her with the kind of money she deserved, I left.

>> No.13370324

>What makes a book "dangerous?
see >>13370275
>Are any books dangerous?
"The Ego and Its Own", "On the Genealogy of Morals", "On the Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes".

>> No.13370471

Never tasted it but that's not curious.
Your body sends out the best part of you for creating another life. It is rich in minerals. Copper and zinc are lost.

>> No.13370474

Those books aren't dangerous, they're stupid.

>> No.13370695

it's (((him))) again

>> No.13370705
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>> No.13370729

The Learned Elders of Zion caused a pretty massive shitstorm. I find it interesting that despite being an obvious fake it predicted so much, and I wonder what compelled someone to write it in the first place?

>> No.13370739

Anything that isn't the Bible.

>> No.13370749

I only now just realized that hijak came from this painting of Machiavelli