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13368915 No.13368915 [Reply] [Original]

>Diogenes walked up to the table, examined a cup and, looking inside, asked, "Is it empty?" Plato nodded. "Where is the 'emptiness' which precedes this empty cup?" asked Diogenes. Plato allowed himself a few moments to collect his thoughts, but Diogenes reached over and, tapping Plato's head with his finger, said "I think you will find here is the 'emptiness'".
how can you guys take plato seriously when a literally ancient greek hippie destroyed his ideas

>> No.13368923

Diogenes likely never existed. His historicity is in question. He was not a contemporary of Plato to be certain.

>> No.13368928
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if you need time to collect your thoughts you already lost the plot

>> No.13368936

This. Same with Socrates. They were the invention of the entire School

>> No.13368940


>"Diogenes then proceeded to look away from Plato, extending his arms upwards in the other direction, that is towards Plato; we know that this occurred as we have the account from three different contemporaneous sources, who were present."
>"Although there is no other record of this gesture being employed in antiquity, context would seem to make it clear that the gesture was intended as a form of mockery and derision directed towards Plato."

>> No.13368976

I saw Diogenes at a forum in Athens yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for advice or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Do you desire anything, fair Diogenes?" but he kept cutting me off and going "Stand out of my sun" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my men, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to watch the games I saw him trying to walk out the stands with like fifteen chickens in his hands without paying.

The girl at the stand was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the stand.

When she took one of the hens and started beheading it, he stopped her and told her to pluck them each individually “to prevent any philosopher mistaking it for a man” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s an argument. After she plucked each feather and put them in a sack and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.13368997


>> No.13369074
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why do people only talk about diogenes on the 1st day that they discover him?

>> No.13369229

because he's the most based philosopher? he personally mock plato, someone that half the western philosophers look up to.

>> No.13369246

He was a based and interesting guy but all we have to go off of are funny anecdotes and clever witticisms. If his writings had survived his philosophy could be more thoroughly studied and he'd have a much more rigorous following.

>> No.13369253
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wtf. Why was Plato so evil?

>> No.13369259

i bet all the homeless living in Democrat cities compare themselves to Diogenes.
>yea, i'm homeless, but at least i don't believe in platonic ideals
>idealists btfo

>> No.13369278

t. Platonist

>> No.13369286

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.13369331

>I made joke so ur idea of metaphysics is wrong!

>> No.13369343

lmfao too true

Diogenes' masturbating in public was the best of his accomplishments I think. Our legal system might not be so fucking stupid if Socrates had a dick-yanking tale

>> No.13369356

fool, there's evidence he did exist, do your research next time

>> No.13369361

Idiot! I have been speaking of Diogenes for years!

>> No.13369362


He actually did exist but he likely never met Alexander the Great or saw that ghost or whatever

I think the guy got real big for his "honest person" bit but was a degenerate and so stoned to death or something

>> No.13369398

I wouldn't say it's *likely* that he never met Alexander, it's entirely possible, we will just never know for sure. What ghost are you talking about?
He never got stoned to death. There's a lot of debate over how he died, he is alleged to have either died from eating raw octopus, being bitten by a dog or from holding his breath.

>> No.13369406

>or from holding his breath.
isn't t-that impossible?

>> No.13369409

sasuga Diogenes-sama

>> No.13369411

Damn I hope he died from holding his breath lmao

I was looking up some stories about him on the internet and one that I found mentioned someone he knew seeing some ghost that lead him to an ancient grave, I forget how it was related to him honestly

>> No.13369414

never say never?
he was really old, maybe that had something to do with it?

>> No.13369465

>When a prostitute who promised to visit him was delayed for some time, he rubbed his genitals with his hand, ejecting semen. After the whore arrived, he sent her away, saying: "my hand celebrated the wedding-hymn first."

>> No.13369515

From now on, anyone who dares say Diogenes is NOT /ourguy/ should be mercilessly slaughtered.

>> No.13369523

Didn't the Greeks think that cognition occurred in the heart? The head tapping bit is odd.

>> No.13369559
