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13365353 No.13365353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>the greatest ever Russian writer was of African descent

>> No.13365367

we are all of african descent bro

>> No.13365414

I'm not.

>> No.13365428

go away alien

>> No.13365429


Pushkin’s granddad was a literal African. But nice cope, you atheist faggot.

>> No.13365483

>Pushkin’s granddad was a literal African
African insofar as he was from the continent, yes. But he was not negroid, but Caucasoid, being from Ethiopia. His skin may have been black but he lacks the distinct skull and jaw shape, adverse cognitive alleles (MAOA-uVNTR, ENAM, and others responsible for low intelligence). I am not a racist but to call him an African, and conflate two distinct groups is misleading at best.

>> No.13365484

great grandfather

>> No.13365493

Dropped sick rhymes and died young after being gunned down by a hater over a ho.

>> No.13365500

I went to a black church one time where in their childrens area they had a section of paintings of influential "African" artists. They had that same one but all of his features were significantly negro-fied. Its sad and hilarious how hard black people have to go to cope with their poor historical performance.

>> No.13365503

Any sources he is from Ethiopia? The Wikipedia article says quoting Richard Pankhurst he is from Cameroon.

>> No.13365505

Okay, now this is epic.

>> No.13365507

Nevermind then, I thought Gannibal was from Ethiopia. Statue looks like Cameroon might indeed be true.

>> No.13365509

Nah we are from Balkan descent get with the times

>> No.13365516


every source and painting suggests that he was a negro

>> No.13365522

pushkin was 88% white, he would not be considered black by blacks or whites

>> No.13365528

And any resources for the cognitive alleles?


>> No.13365534
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>the greatest ever Russian writer
Блoкc ёp пaф.

>> No.13365535

What history?

>> No.13365544


>> No.13365583

>I am not a racist

>> No.13365585

So what if he is? That doesn’t make what he said untrue. Go back to your safe space, you faggot zoomer.

>> No.13365591

I don’t care if he’s a racist. I know racists exist. I just don’t want him to lie :)

>> No.13365595

Ктo этo?

>> No.13365600
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>one of the greatest French writers was half-black
And no one cares OP

>> No.13365603

Not an argument. Just because your feelings get hurt doesn’t make what he said wrong. Quit pozzing up this board.

>> No.13365611


>> No.13365615

Real talk 4chan how do we fix blacks and make them moral people again. I have one black friend who is one of the “good ones”. But the rest of his family, pure hood, crabs in a bucket, victim mentality.

>> No.13365625

Dismantle the music industry and Hollywood

>> No.13365629

Blame the democrats and leftist media for enabling their lethargy and unscrupulousness.

>> No.13365636

Go back to your containment subreddit, incels.

>> No.13365641

>containment subreddit

>> No.13365646

>these are the kind of morons that laud their shitty liberal arts degree that ostensibly make them “educated”

Stick to watching your cuckflix. Let the adults here discuss literature.

>> No.13365648
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A literal slave produced better quality work than today’s African Americans. Wtf happened lmao.

>> No.13365662

You seem dense. I’m not making an argument about the content of his post. We both agree he is racist. Case closed

>> No.13365669
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Wtf happened to black people. Was it liberal media and hip hop culture. They need to adopt the republican mindset.

>> No.13365676

>basement dwelling manchild making thinly veiled poltardian threads, endlessly regurgitating stale epic meems and occasionally namedropping people he never read whilst quoting wikipedia
>adult discussing literature
Go. Back. To. Poleddit. Cancer.

>> No.13365678

>a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Where is the prejudice? Where is the discrimination in that post? There isn't; therefore, he is not a racist from the information provided

>> No.13365681

There are plenty of ways to insult pol but trying to connect it with reddit is beyond retarded

>> No.13365687

That’s because the left can’t meme.

>> No.13365701

Kek. Did you literally arrive here a month ago, summer? /pol/ has been a reddit colony and gateway to the rest of 4chan since 2014. Your average nu-polyp is literally just a redditor with diametrically opposed political views.

>> No.13365714

I am not a, what you may call a racist, good sirs. Am merely a race realist *tips monocle*

>> No.13365718

I arrived on 4chan in 2009 and pol is the direct opposite of Reddit in both content and moderation style. Pol is the most 4chanlike board on 4chan except maybe b, which is unusable because of porn flooding.

>> No.13365730

>black people have low intelligence
That checks the box for believing a race is inferior to others, so there you go

>> No.13365737

>/b/tard cancer thinks new cancer is great and „le tru 4chan“
Not surprised.

>> No.13365749

Blacks are more athletic, is that racist? No it’s just acknowledging the truth. Blacks used to have morals till the welfare state and lefty politics dismantling the black family. Now it’s just a victim mentality race with single mothers.

>> No.13365767

i haven't browsed b since 2009. Ive been on lit since 2012, when did you get here?

Maybe you dont understand what makes 4chan and reddit different, but it is exemplified by b and pol. It's not a coincidence that 90% of the content on pol literally cannot be posted on reddit, it is a direct result of anonymity and lax moderation.

a board like lit is slow enough to not be overrun by mass shitposting for the most part, but it is still part of 4chan, and therefore has the transgression associated with it. When you see this transgression and then try to associate it with a place that doesn't allow it to exist at all, you are in fact a retard.

>> No.13365774

Dostoevsky was a nigger?

>> No.13365794

>I can say nigger a lot!!
>dis is le true 4chins!!
Jesus Christ, reddit.

>> No.13365805
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>completely missing the point
Go back to r/books retard.

>> No.13365807

It's not about saying nigger, do you think the only reason people believe races are different is for le fun edginess?

>> No.13365811

>n-no you
As expected from cancerous summerfaggot.

>> No.13365832

>do you think the only reason people believe races are different is for le fun edginess
Of course not. I did in fact prefer poltards when they were mostly actual stormfaggots.

>> No.13365834

>black people are more athletic, is that racist?
Yeah. If you believe your racist thoughts to be true then I really don’t care. Enjoy that. It is racist though by your definition and everyone else’s
>blacks used to have morals
that’s racist too. At the very least you should know that so you’re not lying to yourself

>> No.13365844

You don't need to be a white nationalist or Hitler larper to look at the colossal amount of evidence showing race differences and the absolute non-existence of any evidence showing that the races are the same to question the dogma of absolute equality a little bit.

it is pure redditry to react this way to racism

>> No.13365849

I’m not the same guy you think your replying to. Is it racist to think black people are more athletic and have less morals, probably. Do I care, no because it’s true lol

>> No.13365865

Nobody said you do. Are you arguing with trannies that live rent free in your head again?

>> No.13365877

Im arguing with you since you seem to think pol is exclusively reddit or stormfront, and not the massive amount of young men, highly concentrated on this entire website, that have started questioning things like antiracism, and so ended up on pol for some time.

>> No.13365879

I’m also a race realist because I want to help black people. The breakdown of the family was one of the worst things for the black race is modern American. That combined with their degenerate hip hop victim culture, chimp out moments and lefty welfare state, means a useless race.

How is it wrong to say they have less morals than they use to. Would the blacks of today produce anything like what they did in Tulsa before actual racists bombed it. Fuck no lol.

>> No.13365969

>le enlightened centrist
Okay, reddit.

>> No.13365996

There are few things less reddit than calling something 'enlightened centrism' but included among them is calling something enlightened centrism as a kneejerk reaction to an unfamiliar position when it doesn't even fit what the person said. I am 100% racist, and this has literally nothing to do with politics. It is a statement about the human species, I could be an anarcho-communist or absoltue monarchist and believe that the races are different. You somehow get more retarded with every post

>> No.13365998

You’re not the guy I’m replying to? Or not the guy I think I’m replying to? Either way I don’t really care if you’re racist lol

>> No.13366021

>on a literature board
>can‘t decouple metaphorical semantics from direct lexical connotation
>in a ubiquitous meme expression
That‘s why you should stay in your double digit IQ subreddit, friendo.

>> No.13366847

>one of the greatest French writers
Not even close.

>> No.13366883

Look up the definition of racist.

>> No.13366939


>> No.13367010

Yes, that is 4chan and the polar opposite of reddit.
>he said nigger time to shit my diaper

>anyone who disagrees with me is a summerfag
Boo hoo

>> No.13367099

American blacks aren't worth saving. Their culture is too far gone. Black Americans speak street trash ebonics to each other and consider it their language, that's how bad things are. Their culture is centered around being anti-white and doing the opposite of what whites do (oppositional culture, look it up). They're not worth integrating. It's better to admit that we fucked up, should have picked our own cotton, and just give them a piece of land for them to all live in.

>> No.13367193

I wonder how Africans view American blacks

>> No.13367226


Hi there, idiot. The first slaves were brought to pick tobacco, not cotton, because the profit margins were too low without free labour. They were each supposed to receive 40 acres and a mule after the Emancipation Proclamation, but a precious few degenerate white fucks bought the land they were supposed to receive.

>> No.13367249

>reproaches anon for not stating the origins of slave labor
>goes on to mention the emancipation proclamation, a time in which slaves picked cotton

Yeah, that’s going to be a yikes from me.

>> No.13367295

Yeah I didn't know what he was going for with his low IQ post

>> No.13367298

Cпacибo бoлшoe

>> No.13367305

His son wrote much better than he did

>> No.13367306

Hi there, nigger. I love how you addressed none of the cultural problems I brought up, focusing only on pedantic details and trying to spin what I said.

>> No.13368436

>greatest ever Russian writer
>greatest ever
Dostoevsky is much greater.
>was of African descent
>1/8 ethiopean
>7/8 european
>of african descent
Pushkin sucks as a writer, his books are shit, i have read some of his works (that he wrote under pseudonym of "Belkin"), they are not bad, but comparing to Bulgakov or Dostoevsky or Turgenev its total shit not worth reading.
Some of his poems are really good though, but in my opinion he is still not the best russian poet (i like Lermontov much more).

>> No.13369921

It only means that if we are to survive this mass immigration phase, there is still hope for a civilization in Europe. Perhaps even in France, but they need to genocide retards.

>> No.13369927

what a beautiful black man

>> No.13370005

What a sad retard, stop making a fool of yourself

>> No.13370119
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>> No.13370213

These idiots have never been to Ethiopia loool.

>> No.13370388


>> No.13370461

Not the skin but skull shape.

>> No.13370514

Amerilards would consider him black, they consider Spanish swarthoids non white too.

>> No.13370515


>> No.13370565

Lmfao have you been to Ethiopia.

>> No.13371304

fucking retarded ethnographer

>> No.13371333

>one of the greatest French writers
blacks coping

>> No.13372230

They're both mediocre entertainers.

>> No.13372238

That doesn't help you see the skull shape unless you go to a couple of graves there, brainlet.

>> No.13372626

From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopid_race :
>Ethiopids are typically classified as a Caucasoid (Europid) subrace.