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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 298x420, ThePenultimatePeril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1336491 No.1336491 [Reply] [Original]

what are you reading now
pic related

>> No.1336495

Kafka - The Trial

>> No.1336499

Also how were the rest of the Lemony Snicketts? I think I read up to 5 then stopped.

>> No.1336503

Titus Groan

>> No.1336510

Best YA series out there, exceptionally written with a lot of literary merit. Handler fucked up the last book though, he fucked it up bad...

>> No.1336515

Cat's Cradle

>> No.1336519
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pic related

>> No.1336520

I was so fucking disappointed with the whole SOUE series. All the books are the same, to a fault, and the last book literally ends with "...and they continued to have similar adventures, forever and ever. the end DURRR". Fuck Lemony Snicket, or Dan Handleman or whatever that fucks name is.

Speaking of, has he done anything else in the last decade?

>> No.1336521
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Currently reading:
The Worst Hard Times (it's a book about the dust bowl during the 30's, really fascinating stuff)

Chicken (an anthropological research book about chicken, reading it for a class)

Socrates's Apologies

I just finished Voyage of the Dawn Treader as well

>> No.1336525
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Just started The Sea by John Banville

>> No.1336529


If it's your first time reading the series, skip the last one and make up an ending for yourself.

>> No.1336535
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>> No.1336539
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they were okay

>> No.1336544

Yep. Snicket is a pussy for not killing them off.


I remember visiting his site. He had a couple games, or "games" - one was the kid skiing down a hill, and another was a word grid with one word, and all the other letters were "X". Fuck that guy.

>> No.1336547
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what is that anon, it looks nice.

>> No.1336552

Even though I've read the last book I can't remember what the fuck it was about or how the series ended. They were on a boat or something. Did he even tell us what that damn sugar bowl was all about?

>> No.1336562



I don't think so. JS is kind of unexplained, too.

Actually, he explains almost nothing.

>> No.1336566

Just started the Dark Tower series last night, will finish the first one tonight, have about 50 or so pages left. It's great, although I'm still waiting for amazon to deliver my fucking second book :/ damn snow...

>> No.1336564

no, lemony just used that to drive along the story.
adult: you'll know when we find it

>> No.1336575



>> No.1336591


That King guy owes me a couple of weeks of my life back from the time I wasted on that!

>> No.1336782
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given the "serious" stuff some people here seem to read i will probably be burn on the stake - but right now it's the "Ciaphas Cain - Defender of the Imperium" Omnibus by Sandy Mitchell. I was reading Bertrand Russell's "In Praise of Idleness" on the plane before, but for now it will rest in favour of the commissar. =)

>> No.1336865

Is Ciphas Cain any good. I was at the book store like a half hour before it closed, and I was thinking of getting it. How is it?

>> No.1336876


It's called a MacGuffin, which is used just to drive the plot.

>> No.1336883

Besieged: Siege warfare in the ancient world

Turns out that the ancient Greeks were shit at siege warfare.

>> No.1336888

A Treatise of Human Nature
and scholarly journal articles on it

>> No.1336910
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only Justine. The wonderfully wretched scenarios in the novel make de Sade's philosophical musings tolerable.

>> No.1336921


[polite sage]

>> No.1336928

The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley.

It's due back at the library tomorrow, but I'm not nearly finished. ;_;

>> No.1336951
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>> No.1336991
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no escapist melodramas here

>> No.1337005
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I have an inexplicable Willa Cather fetish.

>> No.1337013
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For the third time.

>> No.1337027

looks dope as fuck

>> No.1337036

Grendel is the shiz. If you like nihilism, read Grendel. If you don't like nihilism, read Grendel. If you don't know what nihilism is, read Grendel.

>> No.1337040

Chapterhouse: Dune

>> No.1337045

I'm reading American Psycho and after that, I've got Stephen King's On Writing.

>> No.1337051

The boat sunk.

>> No.1337147
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this is me btw

>> No.1337155


>> No.1337160

What a coincidence, I am as well. I'm concerned with how it's going to end, being told that Herbert did not really intend for this to be the last book.

>> No.1337189
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Just finished Kafka's America. Pretty sweet.

< What next /lit/?

>> No.1337190
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>> No.1337220
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>> No.1337243
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[u]The Club Dumas[u]
see film The Ninth Gate

>> No.1337247


My God that book is terrible. It is SO BAD! And it's shocking because the earlier books are SO GOOD! Seriously, I can't believe the guy who made The Vile Village shitted out the monstrosity known as Penultimate Peril and Grim Grotto. I wanted to scoop my eyeball jelly out and feed it to crows.


He didn't just fuck the ending up. He introduced me to the trend King follows to a T - Progressively fucking up the story until the end is sheer agony. Handler really exemplifies this shit in YA lit, though.


I bet you're just reading that because of the new movie that's coming out. It's okay, I've been digging through my old Narnia books myself, though I've not yet gotten to that one. I remember from that book that I was upset about Eustace not wanting to be a dragon and wanting to be a fleshy, weak human again. Shit was retarded. I would have stayed a dragon and just chilled out on the island until they completed their quests, or flew back to Narnia with them or some bullshit like that.

I also thought it was a copout that Caspian didn't just sail over the vast wave at the end. He should have just done it, and said fuck the rules.

>> No.1337253
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anything except the wasp factory

>> No.1337263

which one is the wasp factory?

>> No.1337271

I hate Ayn Rand fucking stupid cunt.

>> No.1337279
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Kerouac. He makes me cum.

>> No.1337286
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>> No.1337302
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>> No.1337304

wow take a chill-pill bro.

prob just for his masters thesis or something.

>> No.1337305
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>> No.1337431

Youth in Revolt
Wayyyyyyy crazier than the movie

>> No.1337450
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I'm really loving this

>> No.1337459
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>> No.1337476
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>loving this

>> No.1337478
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>> No.1337483
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I'm loving it so far, as I have all of the other Hunter novels I've read.

>> No.1337495
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>> No.1337502
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I'm hoping to get it finished tonight. I only have 11 pages left(The Marsh King's Daughter), but I'm feeling rather tired. Overall, I thought that the tales were decent, but "The Fairytales of the Brothers Grimm" are quite a bit better, IMHO.

>> No.1337507
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Almost finished.

>> No.1337509


I read the Symposium about a month ago, myself. I loved it to. Something about the characters' mannerisms really amused me, and when Alcibiades burst through the door, drunk off his ass, I lol'd heartily.

>> No.1337512 [DELETED] 


>> No.1337516
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I'm on Oedipus at Colonus right now. I actually really liked Oedipus the King.

>> No.1337518
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The Parallax View - Slavoj Zizek
The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester

I'm also nipping short stories from Kelly Link and Thomas Ligotti.

Just finished Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carré.

pic unrelated

>> No.1337519
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Kind of strange so far.

>> No.1337528
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>> No.1337530
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Yeaaaaah, Boiiiiiiii!

>> No.1337531


I don't understand why people on 4chan hate Ayn Rand so much. Even on the rules, it says, "4.There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand."

>> No.1337536

The Demon in the Freezer - Richard Preston

It doesn't seem as focused as The Hot Zone, but it's still been an enjoyable read.

>> No.1337542
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Just starting this one now. Really enjoyed The Time Machine so I have high hopes for this one.

>> No.1337544

Liberals, being the closet totalitarians they are, are completely intolerant of opposing views and would rather everyone conformed to their homogeneous groupthink/mass ideology,

>> No.1337560


Sounds a bit off.

Replace "Liberals" with "Conservatives" and remove "closet." There, that sounds more accurate.

>> No.1337561

"Liberals, being the closet totalitarians they are, are completely intolerant of opposing views and would rather everyone conformed to their homogeneous groupthink/mass ideology," typed the chubby fingers of the roly-poly puppet man tied in the chair. He then paused, holding his fingers aloft, as if he were a fine lady on the verge of a curtsey. The audience leaned forward in their seats, their pupils widened, their hands at their salivating mouths, their tongues moistening their bleeding, chapped lips.

The hideous roly-poly puppet man was ready to perform. His eyes rolled in the back of his head. He began to spasm, and then it happend. His slick rolls of fat shuddered as he shat noisily into the hot, wet suede. The audience around him tittered and gagged, and a few of them hissed in contempt.

He, himself, did not seem to care - the expression he wore was the mask he wore, the same idiot grin, the same broad rictus as he ever would wear. This was his life. This was every day.

And so he closed the tab and moved on to another thread, as his bowels readied themselves for another great, greasy, soupy shit.

>> No.1337562

The Republic by Plato

It's way better than I was expecting.

>> No.1337564

Did you read The Unauthorized Autobiography? Beatrice Letters? Make sure you do before you read The End.

I think killing off the Baudelaires would have been a terrible choice, and I don't know why you expected that to happen. Nothing gruesome happens to any of child in the series (not described by Snicket, anyway).

>> No.1337567


Fuckitty, fuckitty, noko.

>> No.1337571


I love you, right now.

>> No.1337573

Is it really good?
I own a copy of it, and wanted to read it eventually.
However I put it off in order to go to the picture of Dorian Gray next

should I instead read the republic first?

>> No.1337575
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Jeff Lindsay - Darkly Dreaming Dexter

>> No.1337576



Some interesting stuff here.

My favorite is the link to this:


>> No.1337601

The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm

>> No.1337625

>raging asspain detected


>> No.1337640
File: 17 KB, 250x380, ZombievUnicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this'un.

Great collection of short stories. Some typical, but good, some funny, some downright disturbing.

I'm torn between "Children of the Revolution" and "The Proper Care of Your Killer Baby Unicorn" for favorite stories.

So, /lit/, for those who have read, or want a discussion, which side are you?




The choice is yours.

>> No.1337641

One of them grows up to be Count Olaf.

>> No.1337643


"RAGING ASSPAIN DETECTED," bleated the dusty robot, its voice like ripping paper. It looked like a rusty trash can, and it had on its outstretched metal arms a tray, and on this tray was laid out a well-made breakfast. A sandwich, neatly cut diagonally, the crust cut off. A glass of fresh orange juice. Picture-perfect eggs.

And, on the floor, a broken bowl of oatmeal, upside down.

The robot beeped and hummed as Stacy, the prisoner, dressed in a hospital gown, gagged, spitting up blood and oatmeal. She dropped the spoon. She whinnied in pain. Her anus hurt. Her head hurt.

Something in the oatmeal had hurt her. Poison.

She put both hands to her cheeks, spreading them, bucking forward and backward on the balls of her feet. She was spitting out more blood now, and inside her head, she could feel her brain expanding.


>> No.1337644


She put her hands to her mouth. Something was growing inside of her head. Her head was, as well, turning white, just as her pelvis, which felt like it was going to split open like a wishbone, was turning green. Green fluid dripped down her legs as she scrambled for the locked door, but she could barely move a step before falling down.

She writhed on the floor, choking out quiet screams, her body twisting and breaking with agony.

Her head swelled to three times its size, snapping her skull into sections. Her head, while covered in white, was clearly now much larger, and whiter, and covered with fur. Two enormous ears broke out of the still-forming flesh of what had been her face.

As for her lower section, it had split off, her entrails now ribbons on the floor, her legs snapping off. Her pelvis was growing. It was twitching. It was now pulsating with a slimy, amphibious skin.

>> No.1337645


"SEQUENCE NOW COMPLETE," bleated the robot.

The room was now silent. It was now obvious. Stacy, poor Stacy, had split in two, and now she had two new names.

The first of her bodies stood aright, its large ahead now obvious. It was Hello Kitty.

And now the second of her bodies leapt a minor hop. Keroppi the Frog was now here as well.

The robot, meanwhile, was off to fetch some fresh oatmeal. There were other girls to transform. After all, the Sanrio operation never sleeps.

>> No.1337648

Also, on the subject of Lemony Snicket, you guys needed to pick up "The Beatrice Letters" like I did. It revealed the true ending.

(Hint: It was not happy.)

>> No.1337657
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How does it end?

>> No.1337669

The same as Titanic.

>> No.1337678 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 650x447, Ship Piece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you got "TBL" and popped out the letters and unscrambled their anagram, you got the message "Beatrice Sank." Said message also came with a poster of the boat wrecked with damaged bits (Violet's torn ribbon, Klaus's cracked glasses, etc.) strewn about in the water.

After that, I'm just going to let you figure out what happened to them, then.

>> No.1337693

The Magus - John Fowles

>> No.1337861

They obviously survive the boat sinking, since Beatrice (Kit's daughter) mentions Sunny being on a cooking radio show .