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/lit/ - Literature

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13364354 No.13364354 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13364356


>> No.13364631


>> No.13364643

i shidded and farded

>> No.13364656

hhaaha based

>> No.13364685

Who's the first one?

>> No.13364696

Fantastic bait anon, it made me viscerally angry. Great job 9/11

>> No.13364706

Depends what you mean. Ted was a genius with an IQ of 167 and made remarkably accurate observations and predictions.

>> No.13365003

yeah sure, boomer

>> No.13365007 [DELETED] 

>> No.13365010
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>> No.13365012

TK = one of the most intelligent and important figure of today
Deleuze = based but inevitably uncool vu que mes oncles 68ard kiffent
Guénon = most erudite thinker, bashes erudism, bashes anglos. most definitely based. quintessentialy french
Land = passable, only contemporary anglo worth reading

>> No.13365020

TK is an anglo

>> No.13365031

Other than being of polish heritage, he's fundamentally anti-anglo. Which country birthed industrialisation? TK's stance is pure unadulterated anarchy, against science, against institutions, and most of all against queuing(domesticated urban shit). The anglo's most defining feature is surrendering to higher material forces.

>> No.13365038

1. Not a pseud but still wrong.
2. Biggest pseud who ever lived.
3. Pseudish for certain but not a pseud.
4. Pseud.

>> No.13365113

Ted and Guenon aren't pseuds.
Deleuze isn't a pseud but he's a charlatan.
Land is a lvl 99 pseud.

>> No.13365119

You got it backwards, larpers

>> No.13365136

He's literally an Anglo writer

>> No.13365152

>Ecoterrorist and mathematician. Probably the rabid avatar of Christ on industrial transhumanist society. He tried against The Cathedral before it was even a concept.

>The next big step after Lacan. He gives tools to understand the XXI century, but the vernacular makes it inaccessible without proper formation. Probably a pothead.

>The man who connects the East with the West.

>It tackles the structural problems of capitalism through the use of desire with reactionary dyes. Literally a meth head. The Christopher Robin of Neochina.

>> No.13365195

considering deleuze had one of the broadest and most thorough knowledge of western phil imaginable, how is he a pseud?

>> No.13365211
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Did the Unabomber live in a cabin...inside a parking lot? Lol

>> No.13365234
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So now that OP's request has been fulfilled, lets talk about why we love Nick Land.
I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist. Nick Land wants to eradicate humanity, and so do I. 95 % of people I've come to meet online or from the media or real life are either absolutes assholes and I get the urge to physicall hurt them, or they are vapid, uninteresting degenerates. Even on /lit/ I'd likely hate most people.
Who gives me the moral and philosophical permission to have this thoughts which would be considered "evil" in christianity? None better than Nick Land.

29 years and I am not a videogamer. No bait, just my real thoughts. My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours, I work with many differnt people on a daily basis on my job. I do find many good people there & even more from the large group of stupid people, out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
My workplace is filled with grade A people only, but I guess I'm not the only one hearing abhorrent stories from relatives who participate in real life, stories from work or private life, where again the stupidity of the large part of humanity is presented to you.
I want these people to burn. Who can blame me for liking Nick Land?

Just finished watching this lecture about how society will collapse soon
Land's dream will become true soon, mabye even during his lifetime. I am awaiting it in joyful anticipation. Good luck.

>> No.13365356

No, it's where the hut is currently, in an FBI parking lot seems to be. They have it stored as a collector's artifact.

>> No.13365374


Why to people worship this terrorist so much? You know he killed and injured innocent people? That's just wrong. I don't care how smart he may be.

>> No.13365384

he killed liberal college professors, PR consultants and dabbed on liberals

>> No.13365408
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>> No.13365436

The problem with Ted Kaczynski is that 20 years later his thinking is an uncomfortable truth.

We are killing the planet and he said it. Explaining in detail the capitalist vision and that of the left that provoke and allow it. Some anon said that his ideas are vindicated every day that passes. The problem will always be his method. He practically follows the same line as the zodiac killer, but while zodiac is a rabid animal, Ted is The Mandarin.

>> No.13365463
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Accelerationists are basically just Qtards, worshiping some hack bullshit from an invisible source that will never deliver on the promises.
Boomer Cope philosophy.

>> No.13365481

That's the problem. If Nick Land's ideas come true, we're basically dead.

That's how geopolitical projection works, there are no "sides" rejecting or accepting ideas. It works in the opposite fashion. The idea is to disprove that capitalism is out of control and by contact, to disprove Nick Land. That would be positive for civilization. The problem is that its projection is negative and is developing now. Ask Ted what he thinks of Nick Land and he'll tell you it's just the swan song for Western civilization.

>> No.13365556

No one gives a fuck about Nick Land sweatie.

>> No.13365582
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>> No.13365700

Accelerationism =/= Nick Land

>> No.13365740

not deleuze

>> No.13366241

and camed

>> No.13366244

Who said anything about Land, retard.

>> No.13366261

So is fans of jordan peterson =/= Jordan peterson
So is Nazi people =/= Hitler
Nick land is literally the central figure of Accelerationism, what are you talking?

>> No.13366795

>no zizek

>> No.13366810

Lmao you’re not part of the story nigger

>> No.13366834

I too love to shit on people and concepts I know nothing about, hehe
Now watch me destroy Marx...

>> No.13366843
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>> No.13366846

beat me to it

>> No.13366871

Fisher isn't interesting to the general populace because he's not wacky enough and is actually depressing to read, unlike the fun boomer Land with his epic lovecraftian cyberhorror.

>> No.13366944
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Fuck off Land you dumb cunt. No one was even talking about you.
Go pack some fireworks or some shit.

>> No.13367084
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>> No.13367096

A stopped clock is right twice a day, and he was extremely right.

>> No.13367126
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He had sex.

>> No.13367149


>> No.13367385

I don't get it

>> No.13367876

>He practically follows the same line as the zodiac killer, but while zodiac is a rabid animal, Ted is The Mandarin.
He explicitly states in his manifesto that he regrets having to kill people, but he did it because it was the only way his manifesto would have a snowball's chance in hell of being read by the public. He promised to stop killing if the newspapers would publish his unedited manifesto in its entirety, and he ceased his bombing campaign the moment they did.

>> No.13368342

Literally who?

>> No.13368416

Do you have a specific quote/number for the regret bit? I don't remember him regretting it at all and in his journals he even relished hurting/killing people (or possibly killing people unrelated to the bombings).

>> No.13368466

2/4, not bad

>> No.13368554
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>4 psueds of lit
Umm op you do realise this guy exists right ?

>> No.13368734

Tedfags are the worst. Ill even tolerate Land and Guenon over them

>> No.13369288

DFW should replace that fella in the bottom left.

Keep Teddy.

>> No.13369299

Where's Curtis Yarvin?

>> No.13369304

The only pseuds I see there are on the left, just like in the real world

>> No.13369319
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>innocent people
He hunted reptoids. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.13370021

Pynch as well

>> No.13370721
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>> No.13370979
