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/lit/ - Literature

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13364307 No.13364307 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanted to give an update on The Lit Quarterly. So far, I've received and edited:
>six short stories/flash fictions
>five poems
>two essays
I'm expecting one more story and one more essay, which I think will be enough to go to print. HOWEVER, if you have been working on something to contribute, I will review and edit up until the 3rd of July. Repeat: THIRD OF JULY for any submissions. Am sending to printers before 12th of July.

If your work isn't ready by then, don't worry. I've had so much fun with this project that I'm certain to do it again, refining the process, tweaking the format, and perhaps expanding the scope.

When I've printed the quarterly, I will make a thread here for you to request a copy. My intention is to sell at cost...hopefully $10 or less per copy, depending which printer I decide on.

Any questions, comments, or submissions send email to litquarterly@gmail.com. Pic related for extra info.

>> No.13364559

How long is a short story? I'm assuming ~2-3K words right? I might edit one of my stories to around that to submit

>> No.13364566
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Does anybody even care about literature anymore? I feel like this is all a fucking meme and you have absolutely Zero chance of making a living off of writing.

>> No.13365249

You still accepting poems?

>> No.13365276

Don't just write, do other things on the side

>> No.13365328

I don't have anything prepared for publishing.t. Working on an anthology and all of the stories are not through a second round of editing yet. Next time, though!

>> No.13365449

Missed the original thread but I might spin up an essay for this. Seems fun.

>> No.13365609

As a rule of thumb, I've found around 2000 to be a good length for this project. In general, though, a short story was defined by Poe as something that can be read in one sitting.

This project isn't about making a living. It's just about becoming better writers.

I could probably take one or two more, yeah.

Sounds good!

Sounds good. Deadline 3rd of July!

>> No.13365622

It's cool that you're still committed to this project, OP. I ignored your first threads because I didn't think you'd follow through with it, but if you're going to do more than one issue I'd like to contribute.
Can you explain your motivation for doing this? Is it a political thing where you're looking for cutting-edge stuff that couldn't be published in a mainstream journal?

>> No.13365733

Sounds really exciting, can't wait to see what happens.

>> No.13366064

No, it's not inherently political. My motivation is to encourage (in MYSELF and others) a certain long-term engagement with reading and writing, rather than merely a casual, goal-less hobby. I explained to one of the contributors how I had earmarked a few thousands bucks for tuition to go back to school, but was not accepted to the program I wanted, so decided to use the money for this type of project. I think a lot of people here are in the same place as I am: we like reading, we like writing, but have little outside motivation to write seriously or with discipline because there are no deadlines, no feedback, and an almost prohibitive path to mainstream publishing.

So, for starters, this is not mainstream, but it's also not aimed at anything specific. Just amateur writers being edited and critiqued for printing. As long as I'm employed full-time (which will resume after my sabbatical), I think I can fund something along these lines on an annual basis (printing quarterly, as I've tentatively decided, might become too much of a financial burden, but we'll see).

Keep an eye out in mid- to late-August for an update thread. If you miss it, just email litquarterly@gmail.com to request a copy once it's done.