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/lit/ - Literature

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13364181 No.13364181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Leave school at 16 and become a NEET for 8 years
>8 long, lonely, empty years
>At 23 I finally meet someone who gets me, someone I actually like who likes me back
>We met online, we spend the first year travelling 100+ miles every two weeks to see each other
>Then his neurotic mother goes nuts and refuses to let me visit him in HIS house
>So he pays for a room for me nearby and we see each other every evening and weekend
>After another year, his mother dies and we move in together in our own flat
>I comfort him as he grieves, spend a month organising movers and cleaners and a funeral on his behalf
>A few months later he's acting weird and suspicious
>Disappears into his room for hours on end with his laptop and phone, both of which he freaks out about if I even go near them
>Finally accuse him of planning to cheat on me
>He denies it, suggests if he's making me so miserable I should just go because he feels guilty and miserable about making me miserable
>Says he finally has freedom and he wants to exercise it, which apparently means solo holidays to south east asia for 2 weeks multiple times a year
>He says he's not cheating and isn't planning to, but I think he's lying because he knows I'll kill him and myself if he admits it
>It's clear he doesn't love me, if he ever did, and he doesn't kick me on the street because he doesn't want to feel bad
>He wants to make me so miserable and betrayed that I leave voluntarily and he can write it off in his head as "another person who abandoned me"
>I got a job for the first time in my life and begged him for things to just be normal again
>He just shrugged and said "I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I'm gonna do because I'm just a cunt", which he meant as an excuse
>"If we're both making each other miserable, maybe we should just split up"
>The thought of being alone again makes me want to die
>The thought of him being happy with anyone else makes me want to die
>The thought of never seeing him again, hateful as he is, makes me want to die
What do I do? We're both men.

>> No.13364191
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Read The Bible.

>> No.13364200

based and biblepilled

>> No.13364231

How the fuck is that going to help?

>> No.13364239

Lamo fagget
>Expecting a meaningful relationship from another man
It's not happening

>> No.13364254

You say that like women are any better at not being pieces of shit who bail out for pathetic reasons

>> No.13364273

taking care of a pathetic woman is good for your soul. taking care of a man who can do everything for himself? not so much.

>> No.13364275

That's true, but the shittiness of men and women complements each other, and child rearing is probably one of the few things that universally offer significance to life.

>> No.13364276
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That's easy. Commit double suicide together.

>> No.13364277

They are and the fact tha woman are more than 50% of the population is big too. Even if we assume same fags want stable relationship (doubtful) they are in the super minority of fags so it's leaves you 5% of 1% of the population to find someone.
Even on empirical non religious grounds you are fucked

>> No.13364285

>They are
Yeah, ok retard.

>> No.13364288

This, kill him and then yourself. Isn't that logical?

>> No.13364289

What's the difference? Women aren't helpless.

>That's true, but the shittiness of men and women complements each other
Like how?

>> No.13364296

That faggot cope considering you are in the verge of suicide is kind of funny.

>> No.13364302

Women can’t be lonely piss off back to /r9k/

>> No.13364360

Start with the greeks

>> No.13364399

> we're both men

>> No.13364437

Confront him head on and if he refuses to open up tell him that no relationship can work if you arent honest with each other and trusting. If he still whines then break up, take a week of from work and try to move on. Keeping toxic people around you ain't worth it.

>> No.13364445

Did you not read the last 3 lines of the OP greentext retard?

>> No.13364653

wrong board maybe? did you mean to post this on /adv/ or /r9k? perhaps /lgbt/?

>> No.13364657

Fuck off

>> No.13364713

>gay man travelling to south east asia multiple times a year

>> No.13364759
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I know this isn't /fit/, but is that achievable natty?
>pic related
Starting body

>> No.13364766

fuck off faggot

>> No.13364781

Are you borderline and / or codependent? Go to therapy.

>> No.13364784

Sodomites are abominations. 8 years of solitude should have taught you that. Instead, you lived amid distraction after distraction which warped and twisted your mind. I'm betting you grew up with your mother and no biological father. This, anime and porn are to blame for your lot in life. I recommend chemical castration for homosexuals.

>> No.13364795

That’s why you shouldn’t use other people as a crutch. Now that you learned about how standing on your own is important, carry on with your life and keep improving it instead of committing murder suicide like some kind of brain damaged nfl player.

Also, start meditating and go to psychologist; you got issues man. Good thing is, they are fixable through time and effort.

>> No.13364801

Finding a bf online is asking for trouble. Mine's went crazy too

>> No.13364846

What happened?

>> No.13364852

>solo holidays to south east asia for 2 weeks multiple times a year
He is a pedophile most likely, you better get some distance to him... fast.
Also you are pathetic and your dependence disgusts me.

>> No.13364873

What does this have to do with literature? Go die of AIDS.

>> No.13364874

He's not a pedo he just likes 18-20 year olds

>> No.13364919
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For 18 year olds he doesn't need to travel to a part of the world that is infamous for its child prostitution.

Read pic related

>> No.13365647

so uh....where is the literature?

>> No.13365763

I'm pretty similar to you in many ways, and I'm also 23 and I have similar experiences though not exactly and I kind of relate. Now, my opinion from my long experience is that stoicism is always one of the most convenient beliefs. And stocism applied to people goes like this: It's not possible to control other people; however, you can still learn about them. Therefore, in my opinion what you want most of all is to search to understand them as best as possible, to understand their motivations of why he wants these holidays by asking him and making your intention clear that you're asking this because you want to know and not for some other reason. It's important to be assertive about how you feel and about what you think and to not confuse your thoughts and feelings with his, nor confuse the impact of the situation with his intentions. Make concessions with him and search for solutions together in a way that makes your relationship good for you two. I warn you though, make sure that he feels listened, show him that you're trying to understand him, and what it is that you think from what he has told you and do not try to impose your beliefs or desires on him but instead understand that any change from his part will only happen naturally and that you have a better chance finding some point of agreement rather than trying to refute his opinions. Now, the most important part, is how you'll start, the thing here is that you want to take a third point of view, such that you can state the problem in a way that both of you can be in agreement: that difference that you both share, and try to listen to him first (before expressing yourself) and if that's not possible then sure it might be important to include some aspects of what you want to express as motivating this invitation towards exploring this problem together. Basically it's all contained within the book "Difficult conversations" and since you're pretty intense I would also recommend you to read a workbook on bpd or to go to a therapist and make him know about it.

>> No.13365799

shut the fuck up idiot

tell him what you told us. if he is worth keeping, he will be concerned about your feelings and make more of an effort to put you as a priority
good luck anon

>> No.13365814

false he won't listen to you unless you listen to him first

>> No.13365821

tl/dr fag

>> No.13365824

You're on a fucking board for books retard.

>> No.13365839

Then what is this fucking post doing here

Suck him off so hard he passes out, then murder him

>> No.13365895

and what book is this thread about

>> No.13365910
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You're both mentally ill homosexuals.

>> No.13365950

Abandon sodomy and start working out and get a job

>> No.13365972

>We're both men.
Then you deserve no sympathy. Reported.

>> No.13365984

He'll get over it.

>> No.13365989

"Homosexuality is not mental illness"

>> No.13366130

"Only homosexuals have relationship problems"

>> No.13366157

The vast majority of homosexuals have relationship problems.

>> No.13366172

Source: my ass

>> No.13366174
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Graced and breadpilled

>> No.13366199

>homosexual has to talk about things in his ass

>> No.13366326

You’re both pathetic people and you only hold each other down. Get a therapist and a gym membership and stop being such a whiny miserable cunt. Your boyfriend clearly is tired of your shit, and so am I to be honest, you sound like an absolute fucking mess. You’re not a good partner for your boyfriend at all, you’re a clingy dependent basket case who has to hold a gun to his own head in order to guilt your partner into a relationship I’m sure he regrets.

>> No.13366332

cringe and larppilled

>> No.13367020

you seem pathetic and needy, and on top of that you're a faggot too

break up with your boyfriend, get a job, go fuck some pussy so you'll get cured of your cock cravings

if not just kill yourself and take him with you too

>> No.13367435

sounds like he's deffo cheating. but u dont need him, happiness is within, or if not then it's deffo not with this guy, u may be preventing urself from meeting someone who would actually treat u right, they're out there.
so just dump the bitch

>> No.13367514

gay, uh wtf. just stop being so dramatics