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/lit/ - Literature

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13362686 No.13362686 [Reply] [Original]

have interesting discussion in this thread

>> No.13362696 [DELETED] 

The Qabba was originally a pagan site before Muhammed came along. Alot of idol worship going on there

>> No.13362712

Muslims sucks. All abrahamics suck. Religion is a mistake

>> No.13362715

Muslims who are outwardly hyper religious are overcompensating for their deviant lives.

t. Knows guys who invite me to the mosque but commit sins more than the average person

>> No.13362723 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13362727
File: 2.51 MB, 3852x2572, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically love how excessively tacky and ostentatious Dubai looks in photos. I wish I could visit (maybe even live there) but it's absurdly expensive. It really is the jewel of the Middle East.

>> No.13362729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13362734

oh no muh benis is ebic growin :·3!

>> No.13362735 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13362741 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13362750

Shaytan posted these, look away from this thread

>> No.13362759

>Muslims who are outwardly hyper religious
So Muslims

>> No.13362809

This is haram

>> No.13362839

I am not Muslim, but how exactly is this bad? Surely if you are not a good person you would want to make ammends for it? If men were perfect there wouldn't need to be a law in the first place. It's better to be a hypocrite that at least recognizes some virtue than a man who doesn't try to hold himself to any higher values.

>> No.13362957

hot thread

>> No.13363078

They do it for show. They want to show that image to manipulate other people. they are not actually trying to be better

Niqab wearing girls who are actually big sluts, Merchants wearing beards who steal money from you... Ect

>> No.13363082

N o____

>> No.13363202

A lot of negro DNA there, a lot of African slave girls on the Arabian peninsula over a lot of years... The women's butts and the wooly hair on the men are a giveaway, skin tone aside.

>> No.13363222

Not /lit/

>> No.13363229

Just become one of the slave laborers building it

>> No.13363722

Idiot. Middle eastern women are famous for having wide hips. She’s probably Iranian.
Not to forget Armenian women.
I’ve noticed more flat asses on Saudi women, actually. Don’t give me that negro dna crap

>> No.13363751

But beautiful as a poem.

>> No.13363764

Just go to the older, more run down districts full of Afghan refugees to buy stuff. Prices are considerably cheaper in the areas tourists don't frequent.

>> No.13363775

Religion is an inevitability of the neurological evolution of language and the tendency of the brain to use metaphor as a way of assigning meaning to symbols

>> No.13363778

And what's with the disgusting censorship ITT?
This some kind of joke?

>> No.13363780
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I mean this is pretty normal across all religions. Religion is partly a mechanism for laundering one's own bad behavior.

>> No.13363940

Oh, Butterfly! I had no idea you were such a student of Arab ass! Please tell us more about that brand of oriental posterior!

>> No.13363944

Chtistcucks don't like it and this is their safe space, be respectful of their sharia, friend.

>> No.13363946

Honestly Islam interests me but 4chan has tainted my mind that I could never approach it without major bias

>> No.13363951

Found the Hindu

>> No.13363987 [DELETED] 

Christcucks are defended the shapely asses of muslim women? Doubt.png

And there’s no reason to respect them. They’ve turned /lit/ into a hell hole

>> No.13363995

Christcucks are defending the shapely asses of muslim women? Doubt.png

But there’s no reason to respect them. They’ve turned /lit/ into a hell hole. Don’t respect that.

>> No.13364029

Look into quranism.

>> No.13364112

Goddamn there are so many cute girls in hijabs on my campus but I'll never get with any of them unless I convert to Islam and marry them. I guess for now I just have to be content with their smiles when I tell them "Asalamu alaikum". I've only met a few hijab girls who weren't impressed or at least humored that I knew that phrase. Allah help me, I'm an Islamophile.

>> No.13364195
File: 132 KB, 831x477, 1901–06 - Holy Rus - Mikhail Nesterov (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians should wear them too

>> No.13364300


>Fuck you 4chan I was going to waste my time researching scribes of desert barbarians and tales of scrubbing cum out of Muhammad's clothing but you biased me!

>> No.13364395

Muslims have god-tier literature

>> No.13364396

That is very true. We always joke that the person who always tries to outwardly show just how devoted and hard-line he is must be an awful hypocrite or a terrorist in the making

>> No.13364415

I wish I could post pictures of semi-famous arab women as a person from the middle east, but 4chan banned me from posting files and I don't know why :(

>> No.13364429

>but I'll never get with any of them unless I convert to Islam and marry them
let me give you a hot tip
all women have the potential to be sluts even muslim ones
you dont need to convert to shit, just be charming enough and before you know it youll be fucking her while stuffing her entire hijab in her mouth

>> No.13364432

>unless I convert to Islam and marry them
Untrue if in the UK. I've fucked exclusively muslimahs for two years. Hijabis were in the minority, but still. Many are promiscuous and the daddy issues translate into rough sex. Almost as if the only way they can enjoy the sex is if they are dominated and/or degraded. Probably something to do with how they view it as sin and so, larping sexual submission absolves them of some agency, or responsibility. I am too vanilla for muslimahs. Also, insane doesn't excite me.

>> No.13364506

which uni you're speaking of anon?

>> No.13364513

She's cute. I'd like to defile her.

>> No.13364602


I'd like to stimulate her clitoris with the shaft of me penis through rapid and repetitious thrusts of the organ into her womb, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.13364632
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x960, Turk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got you Abdul, however most of these women won't be Arab sorry.

>> No.13364637
File: 3.59 MB, 2880x1450, Nasim 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13364640
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>> No.13364642
File: 52 KB, 500x749, Haifa Wehbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13364646

Muslimahs or asian girls?

>> No.13365892

Do you guys have any advice for hitting on and getting with Hijabi chicks vs. your average girl?

>> No.13365900

Pronouncing what as wat is the same as pronouncing who as woo

>> No.13365917
File: 159 KB, 550x824, 7hy[.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13366042
File: 161 KB, 660x991, 147DDCBA-47B2-4A1B-B3D1-BDE6133A6B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a thing they can do? You’re sure its on 4chans end?

Best try your luck with the ones that don’t t wear the head covering.

What=wut. Who=hoo.

>> No.13366067

>the ones that don’t t wear the head covering.
Arab girls without hijab are rude sluts.

Only date hijabis long-term, if you get along with her dad you don't even need to convert unless they're really serious about muh islam.

>> No.13366255

>What=wut. Who=hoo.
No, you're a fucking idiot. Pronouncing what as wut is the same as pronouncing who as woo.

>> No.13366924

University of Saskatchewan

>> No.13366953

Fuck me, I unironically love Arab women, but no women ever gives my 5 minutes of the day, so why would specifically Arab women ever notice me?
Every day is torture
Every night is anguish

Books for this feel?

>> No.13366959


>> No.13367501

In Islam hypocrisy is literally the worst sin after atheism

>> No.13367508

for such a chaste muslima, she sure has a lewd face.

>> No.13367541

>Sinif Gusesi instead of Kosesi
That's Azerbaijani not Turkish. You've been duped

>> No.13367587

Thanks for that. I have a half Armenian half Russian friend from Baku. This girl could be any ethnicity or mix of.

Beg pardon. Late at night I wasn’t understanding the meaning of your thought there. English is weird, yeah.

>> No.13367930

what a meme name

>> No.13367940

How is this allowed?

>> No.13369478

t.person who is a degenerate and hates himself for it but can’t bring himself to repent, so he considers hates sinners who actually have some shame left in them

>> No.13369485

Remind me again which country has a significant population made up of the descendants of slaves shipped from another continent?

>> No.13369501

All sins are by their very nature hypocrisy. A Muslim who sins always is going against the values that he speaks of in prayer. Every man is a hypocrite insofar as he has any values since no man is perfect. It is not clear what you are implying here. Perhaps you mean a different sort of hypocrisy, as in something more Pharisaical and lacking in shame.

>> No.13369516

The Islamic definition of hypocrisy is different. Committing sins but still trying to pray and remain good doesn’t come under hypocrisy. In Islam, hypocrisy is when you pretend to be something when with people, but inwardly you hate that thing and believe the opposite.