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13362344 No.13362344 [Reply] [Original]

books about accumulating wealth

>> No.13362370

nigga poopoo penis

>> No.13362374


>> No.13362375
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>> No.13362415

What about The Great Gatsby? The great American novel?

>> No.13362423


Read Huysmans' Against the Grain

>> No.13362425

Any books on why wealth is meaningless?

>> No.13362457

as far as i know, only the rich are gaining wealth. we the poor are just getting the scraps. I don't think it has anything to do with being smart, charismatic, or savvy. You are just born rich or not. I know there are a couple of exceptions. Dont crucify me /litl

>> No.13362577
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The devout Father John Tauler[45] relates this personal experience: For years he had prayed God to send him someone who would teach him the real spiritual life. One day, at prayer, he heard a voice saying: “Go to such and such a church and you will have the answer to your prayers.”

He went and at the door of the church he found a beggar, barefooted and in rags. He greeted the mendicant saying: “Good day, my friend.”

“Thank you, sir, for your kind wishes, but I do not recall ever having had a ‘bad’ day.”

“Then God has certainly given you a very happy life.”

“That is very true, sir. I have never been unhappy. In saying this I am not making any rash statement either. This is the reason: When I have nothing to eat, I give thanks to God; when it rains or snows, I bless God’s providence; when someone insults me, drives me away, or otherwise mistreats me, I give glory to God. I said I’ve never had an unhappy day, and it’s the truth, because I am accustomed to will unreservedly what God wills. Whatever happens to me, sweet or bitter, I gladly receive from his hands as what is best for me. Hence my unvarying happiness.”

“Where did you find God?”

“I found him where I left creatures.”

“Who are you anyway?”

“I am a king.”

“And where is your kingdom?”

“In my soul, where everything is in good order; where the passions obey reason, and reason obeys God.”

“How have you come to such a state of perfection?”

“By silence. I practice silence towards men, while I cultivate the habit of speaking with God. Conversing with God is the way I found and maintain my peace of soul.”

>> No.13362583

Fuck off christfag

>> No.13362589

There's a cut-off point where accumulating any more wealth does not correlate to any significant increase in happiness.

>> No.13362596
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Antifragile and Skin in the Game

>> No.13362599

That man is happy. You are miserable.

>> No.13362714

lads im going to go build a country estate in minecraft now

>> No.13362728

I wish I could afford a big country house in the north of England or in upstate New York.

>> No.13362842

compare the lives of someone taking away 200k vs 20mil a year