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/lit/ - Literature

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13362021 No.13362021 [Reply] [Original]

What is the End of Evangelion of literature?

>> No.13362026

Imagine being an adult and watching anime

>> No.13362029

What's the qualities in End of Eva you want to read?

>> No.13362103

There is no real analog to EoE, it's a very heady of mix of different things that all worked out just right.

If you want some background info on various concepts, Freud and Schopenhauer are a good start.

>> No.13362121

You mean Jung

>> No.13362139

Imagine being a functional adult and using 4chan

>> No.13362168

I'll have you know that I'm highly functional, thank you very much

>> No.13362171

I'm not functional though, I have schizophrenia and live in a mental ward

>> No.13362180


It's still Revelation, anon. It was Revelation before you ever made the first instance of this thread, it remained Revelation when you started making these threads, it's still Revelation now, and it will always still be Revelation at every point in the future.

>> No.13362183

the unconsoled

>> No.13362186
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>> No.13362223

Stephen Crane's oevrue. You will find similar plots, themes and ways of telling the story to Evangelion. There is even realistically melodramatic christian metaphor and heroic anti-heroes like in Evangelion which was unusual in the time that Crane wrote.

>> No.13362260


>> No.13362271

Yes, I use it to fuck your mother with.

>> No.13362276

Listen child, if you really are entertained with anime you won't be able to fully appreciate true literature.

>> No.13362284
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>> No.13362288
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>> No.13362289

Ulysses. Revelation is second closest but it lacks the slice of life, parody, and pastiche aspects.

>> No.13362294
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>> No.13362309

Schopenhauer's critic on Kantian Philosophy.
4chan is not your mental ward.

>> No.13362390

Isn't it the jewish kabbal? With the tree of life and stuff like that.