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/lit/ - Literature

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13357550 No.13357550 [Reply] [Original]

>video games can't be as deep or emotionally resonant as literatu-

>> No.13357557

Bro at least include MGS 2 and Spec Ops: The Line and Silent Hill 2. 3/10 made me reply

>> No.13357560
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>not L4D1

>> No.13357567

>Persona 5

You had a point until this. It's a good game, but it's about as subtle as a brick to the head.

>> No.13357576

They can't. No medium can achieve the depths of literature. Games are too action-based to achieve this.

>> No.13357580

>no Rust or Gmod

>> No.13357625

take out metroid prime, l4d2, p5; replace them with hotline miami, mgs2, undertale

>> No.13357637
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>> No.13357723

Literature is the queen of arts. God spoke the world into existence. He didn't program it. He didn't film it. He spoke it. All other media. take the knee.

>> No.13357726

No Bioshock.....

>> No.13357773
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Don't mind me, just dabbing on all literature.

>> No.13357777

I wish Panzer Dragoon Saga was being remade instead of the original Panzer Dragoon.

>> No.13357782

Xenogears/Xenosaga. Nietzsche, Freud, and Jungian all wrapped into one giant clusterfuck of meaning

>> No.13357815

They will never give their users the tailored experience of their own guided imaginations.

>> No.13357840

Add bioshock, kotor 2, and planescape torment to that list

>> No.13357852
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This board fucking sucks now. Vidya threads are the logical conclusion of its downward spiral

>> No.13357865
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>half life 3 will never be released

>> No.13357875

Is Tides of Numenera good?

>> No.13357937

>posts shallow console shit
I know this is bait, but come on

>> No.13357946
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Same, this thread belongs in /V/irginland

>> No.13358016
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Is this a fucking bait thread?

Dark souls has a shit story that revolves around the basics of Resurrection and infinity, which isn't even written out well due to Miyazaki being kind of a shit writer so he has to be vague about everything

Actual bait



Does that even have a story?

>Chrono Trigger
Round up a bunch of losers from different timelines to kill a generic end of the world villain
Something something Time and space

Every Zelda has been shit aside from Majora's mask

>Metroid again

I don't know what the last one is

None of these games have an interesting story

Like there are tons of games with good stories that revolve around topics that matter, but you didn't even pick a single one

>> No.13358125
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>this is your brain on /v/
the closest i've seen a game come is papers, please, but even that gets btfo by any Bolaño novel

>> No.13358132

Boring garbage.

>> No.13358134

It’s summer

>> No.13358195
File: 151 KB, 250x349, Super_Smash_Bros_Melee_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No OP. The only games that rival literature are games that don't try to. A video game is not the ideal medium to express a narrative and explore thoughtful ideas. What separates vidya from other mediums is the interactive element, so therefore, the peak vidya that would reach it's highest potential as a means of expression would be competitive games.

The Giver was a fantastic book and a terrible movie because that story only really worked through medium of literature. The greatest video game would not work as any other medium.

For this reason Super Smash Brothers Melee is actually the greatest video game ever made.

>> No.13358199

take a shower

>> No.13358221

video games are the lowest form of entertainment there is, even if the game has themes and a message you'll usually get it within the first 40 minutes and then it's just another 8 hours of that as you do fetch quests until you kill the boss and win

>> No.13358242

Xenogears has pretty poor gameplay and the budget cuts that led to disc 2's pacing getting fucked make the story suffer tremendously. It's still decently engaging but it's more enjoyable to think about than to actually play.

>> No.13358247

Legacy of Kain is the only game worthy of being talked about as similar to literature, nothing else

>> No.13358252
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>> No.13358288

Only games that come to mind with any artistic merit were Nier for 360 and maybe Chrono Trigger

>> No.13358388


>> No.13358393


>> No.13358435

Anon you might be a sociopath or have very very poor reading comprehension. I hope you are just ironically shit posting

>> No.13358440

literature doesn't mean much and doesn't ensure quality
books can be good and bad and games can be good and bad

>> No.13358441

But anon sure you know that's not true

>> No.13358444
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the void is better

>> No.13358482


>> No.13358483

>reddit /v/ermin
u have to go back.

>> No.13358593
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>> No.13358599


>> No.13358603
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>Muh redditcore
Shit taste, desu

>> No.13358610

>deep or emotional
Come on, this is weak. Zelda: Ocarina of Time was far more emotionally intense. Felt such feels when that cute girl Saria watched on from the bridge as Link ran off to begin his adventure outside of Kakariko Village.

>Black dude with a katana
Yup, just as I thought; cancerous. Fuck post-modernism.

I think Super Metroid managed to create quite an intense 'feel' to the game. The music was hugely helpful, but there were times when a speedy escape was necessary, times of exploration, strange creatures to fight, and the story having everything, losing it, then having to regain what you've lost is an ancient archetype. There's open areas, tunnels only big enough to stand within, small spaces, secrets, wasn't there even different planets to explore? The art style and pace of Super Metroid seemed very well-done. I only played that FPS one for a little while, I recall finding it surprisingly enjoyable on that old GameCube, but it wasn't the same as Super Metroid.

Comparing videogames to literature is still literature-related.

Anyhow, here's a thought; what's the best romance book and romance-based game you've ever played? In terms of books, Bridge to Terabithia comes to mind, quite sad. As for a sad romance game, while it's not mainstream I do consider it to be surprisingly well done considering it came from here; 4chan. Katawa Shoujo. The art, original soundtrack, the animated bits, the story, character development, multiple endings, etc. Yes, there's nudity and sex scenes in it, but they take time to get to and are clearly not the focal point of the game, far from it.

A more recent game I discovered is Strive for Power, it can be found online. There's a Patreon but you can access it for free. Fundamentally it's a slave-management game, and I've been finding it to be quite interesting. Not much in the way of animation, most of it is text-based in terms of description, and there seems to be a lot of flexibility involved with some modest level of exploration. You can be evil and harsh, raping any of your slaves you want, instilling fear and pain, ruling with an iron fist... or you could use a gentler touch to provide a decent life for those slaves that you keep. It's been making me consider writing a story about a slave owner, the Poldark series comes to mind. He doesn't have slaves, but he does have servants whom are under his care, left to him by his late father. He ends up running a mine and so the people who work the mine are likewise his responsibility as his employees of sorts. I like the concept of taking responsibility for others to try and make things better, this sentiment is in Fallout 4 as well.

>> No.13358611


Finish your sentences when making a thread, OP :3

>> No.13358613

Did you seriously listed Zelda on this

>> No.13358627

If you seriously need music, self-immersion and image to make you *feel* something, you live a pitiful existence. Passive consumption and entertainment are for meek automatons whom I don't regard as human. Videogames, television and movies are the epitome of the "culture" we are living nowadays, boring shit for subhuman retards who won't know what living actually feels like. This goes for those who consume art for mere pleasure and distraction, too. Although the latter are a little higher in the scale of human greatness than the former.

>> No.13358671

Who hurt you

>> No.13358674
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Both are semi active mediums in which the participant has to put in some effort to continue, which is what I like. The difference is the long history and focus on writing and story (because that's the whole thing) in novels. A novel is also the vision and execution of one man, meaning you have quite a bit more shit, but also hit on absolute genius the whole way through one sometimes. Games can have a genius soundtrack composer, writer (almost never, they would just write books, although I imagine this will change soon), a genius actor, etc but still be only decent overall. There's a bright future for games but they don't hold up right now.

>> No.13358687

>The Giver was a fantastic book


>> No.13358692

>Anyhow, here's a thought; what's the best romance book and romance-based game you've ever played? In terms of books, Bridge to Terabithia comes to mind, quite sad.

the absolute state of vidya posters

>> No.13358698
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You could have at least used visual novels, since some of those do have the depth of real literature.

>> No.13358700

This thread was moved to >>>/v/467926916