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File: 15 KB, 220x278, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13356890 No.13356890 [Reply] [Original]

>World history is not the place for happiness. Periods of happiness are empty pages in history, for they are the periods of harmony, times when the antithesis is missing.
On great (world-historical) men:
>Their destiny was by no means happy. They attained no calm enjoyment, their entire life was toil and trouble; their entire nature was nothing but their master-passion. Once their goal is achieved they fall away like empty shells from the kernel. They die young, like Alexander; they are murdered, like Caesar; they are exiled, like Napoleon to St. Helena.

>> No.13356896

he looks like a stinky old woman

>> No.13356933
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, damn-fine-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, Nietzsche is proud
Happiness is entirely acceptable and should not be reprimanded by any means; on the contrary, the suffering of the unhappy (not of the struggling, of the depressed, of the angry, etc) should be doubled again and again, unceasingly, always doubled until the unhappy subject doubles over unto themselves, agonized and apoplectic. That is the nature of the unhappy, it is what unhappiness remains in nature for, and all other behaviors that are not stemmed from the intrinsic unhappiness of man should be silenced in favor of one's natural unhappiness unto insanity (that is, unless one is disposed to sanity and joviality: then he must remain happy, and also clean).

>> No.13356944

>Stop being happy
way ahead of you senpai

>> No.13356954

So you want us to die young, be murdered, or be exiled because you misunderstand the Hegelian notion of a great world-historical individual (one whose destiny is not knowingly willed by them but nevertheless fits perfectly with their capacities and character; Caesar's ambition was not to be murdered, nor was Napoleon's to be exiled, nor Alexander's to die young).

>> No.13356964

from what book of his are these quotes?

>> No.13356972

>im not happy so it must be wrong to be happy

>> No.13356973

The absolute state of your reading comprehension.

>> No.13357045

>One must imagine the soldier happy.

>> No.13357050

Was Hegel a Neocon?