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File: 178 KB, 857x1333, ghosts of my life Mark Fisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13356210 No.13356210 [Reply] [Original]

When are the 90s finally going to end?

>> No.13356231

When National Socialism re-emerges

>> No.13356238

I'm a Zoomer, a child of the Turn of the Millenium. To me, the 90s represent a time of nostalgia, even thought when you look at them objectively, they were very violent times, with multiples messy wars and terrorism on the rise. The 90s bled over into the 00s, albeit diluted in a mire of celebrity worship and delusional denial of reality. However, the 90s are the definitely over. The new 10s are a world apart from what came before, they're not comparable.

>> No.13356246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13356271
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quintessential post that encapsulates the zeitgeist of the decade.
Don't worry OP, this is the last year of this cursed decade, next year we're entering sci-fi years. Time for cyberpunk kino to become a reality

>> No.13356273

When capitalists leaves the US for China big time.

>wish we could turn back time...
The 1930s are never coming back

>> No.13356279
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>> No.13356342

>they were very violent times

Lolwut. Shithole countries dont count

I think the popularisation of the internet and smart phones is the significant demarcation Line. You're right about 90s bleeding into the 00s, but things changed forever after 2007

>> No.13356429

>1993 WTC Bombing
>Ruby Ridge
>Simpson Trial
>Rodney King Riots
>Tokyo Sarin Gas Attack
>Oklahoma City Bombing
>Unabomber bombings
Shall I go on?

>> No.13356583

Getting sick of everything being a rehash, even in """avant-garde""" underground art

>> No.13356594

the decades don't match up with their numbes sometimes. the 90's didn't end until 2001. the bizarre part of the teens didn't start until 2012. the next phase shift will likely be 2024

>> No.13356758
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When is that publisher gonna go broke? They can't even bother to update their site with their new releases.

>> No.13356880

Fuck you you fucking tmruined tbjs movie for me

>> No.13357014

>Shithole countries dont count
but why

>> No.13357862

Jesus Christ Fisher is such an appalling writer, conceptually I found his ideas in this book to be intriguing but I don't understand how anyone can take him seriously as an intellectual.

>> No.13357870

I really need to read Mark Fischer.

>> No.13357873
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Why is it ruined for you?
You thinking of them as lesbians or something?

>> No.13357882

So Zoomers are the new mllennials? Where'd the millennials go? Eating avocado toast in hauntology?

>> No.13357887

most of those attacks had a very good reason to occur though

>> No.13358890
File: 149 KB, 600x1003, oeof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the 2020 election. America will either go full on fascism with a Trump victory or the slow rebuild of a slightly not as worse, future

>> No.13358946

The 90's ended for everyone but Fisher. He was the sad-boi of theorycels and was increasingly morphing into a dime-a-dozen "Kids These Days Don't Know REAL Music" critic-curmudgeon. Fisher sometimes would make a salient point and then, because he could not help himself, try and shoehorn in a reference to Blake's 7 or something equally inappropriate and achieve nothing from it except his own satisfaction that he got to talk about that thing he likes.

>> No.13359004


>> No.13359285
File: 78 KB, 1000x416, Ready-Player-One-1000x416-n66ongdso5b70az7vkdweauarqaw9qbq380qnyqudc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 90's ended for everyone but Fisher

Anon doesn't realize he's witnessing the slow cancellation of the future.

>> No.13359300

>muh Americuh

Shit like this has been happening forever in every fucking country.

>> No.13359310

Wrong, but things will really go out the window when Texas goes blue for the first time.

>> No.13359371

The future isn't cancelled, you just didn't get the future you wanted.

>> No.13359380

reminds me of the crystal castles s/t cover

>> No.13359386

From a situation where nothing is possible, everything will be possible again

>> No.13359467
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tbf, the future I wanted definitely didn't have so many rehashed movie remakes in it. Definitely a lot less star wars movies. my god.

>> No.13359472

Shut up incel

>> No.13360969
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They will never end in memory, and their enthusiasm will continue to inspire present, until vision of Ascended Millennium becomes fully realized, when optimism of past is reconciled with that for future.

>> No.13361111

Because muh subhumans poltard babble. Ignore him.

>> No.13361634

To be fair, Fisher's argument was rather that cultural change has remarkebly slowed down compared to earlier decades.
Compare for example the rapid changes in pop adn rock music we saw between 1965 and 1980, and compare them to changes we saw between 2004 and today.

>> No.13362763


>> No.13363006

all attacks can have a very good reason to occur.

>> No.13363135

I've always kinda wondered what Fisher expected to happen though, I feel like the rapid cultural change that occurred from 50s - 80s was bound to slow down at some point. Like he points to Burial and stuff as an evolution in music but where do you go from there? Ambient electronic music is music stripped down to its absolute barest. What comes after that that could be considered new?

I wouldn't mind if he was just observing the phenomenon but he always seemed upset, I just don't know what he expected

>> No.13363185

can someone name some of his most influential/best essays/blog posts?

my library only has his collected k-punk book and i don't want to read 500 pages of blog posts

>> No.13363213

being blog posts, a lot of them repeat the same themes. I would recommend

>Exiting the Vampires Castle
>The Privatisation of Stress
>Fear and Misery in Neolibeeal Britain

>> No.13364519


>> No.13365137
File: 40 KB, 720x695, 1528653299246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there such a thing as a psychological illness where you're really craving the 90's and the past?

>> No.13365573

>I'm a [...] child

>> No.13366820

When is Pride month finally going to e

>> No.13366829

That's hauntology doing it's work.

>> No.13366840

>tfw no Beyond 2000 futures of fusion-charged sexbots brapping dank psychoactive flatus before they lead you by your leash to the flesh slave auctions

>> No.13366861

>the 90s are the definitely over. The new 10s are a world apart from what came before, they're not comparable.

maybe aesthetically we're still seeing through the same postmodernist trend (arguable) but everything else in the world has radically changed with the recent social technology revolution

>> No.13366869

this isnt even the real « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.13366890
File: 167 KB, 1475x1080, 7A73EF90-42AE-473B-8C45-FD4358D768E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Hi.