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File: 509 KB, 660x1044, 1561398297274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13354649 No.13354649 [Reply] [Original]

This must be why some people can't enjoy fiction.

>> No.13354659

I liked your post opea

>> No.13354662

Are you telling me some people can close their eyes and project random stuff onto their retinas?

>> No.13354670
File: 15 KB, 558x614, 1524140269897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I only read fiction to picture little movies in my head

>> No.13354672

I can enjoy it but i choose not to, it's a waste of time compared to history and philosophy

>> No.13354675


>> No.13354678

Yeah. A bunch of NPCs were also broken on Reddit today too from this

>> No.13354690

i didn't literally see a red star on my closed eyelid through my retinas, but I """"saw"""" a red star, solid and not outlined

>> No.13354711

The image literally says "in your mind's eye" you wingnuts

>> No.13354729

I definitely have a mental awareness that there is a red star in my mind, but it's not like I can focus on the thing as a whole, or replicate what it might be like to see it.
It feels more like when I recall a memory and I'm experiencing the sensation of being in a place, picturing maybe small snapshots at a time, branches, brickwork, water, an object or a movement, etc.

>> No.13354745

It’s weird realizing how many redditors there are on /lit/ once I myself started browzing reddit and now see the amount /lit/ threads being inspired by reddit ones

>> No.13354754

What the hell is a mind's eye?

>> No.13354759

>"mind's eyes"

>> No.13354767

I have an easier time doing it with my eyes open for some reason.

>> No.13354775

OP here.
I found that picture while browsing /pol/. Then I looked up Aphantasia and then I went on the subreddit for some reason and then it was being flooded by NPC Redditors because someone made a post on a popular subreddit saying that they had Aphantasia.

>> No.13354782

i saw 6
what does this mean? will i be a good writer of fiction?

>> No.13354786 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 900x900, 1557072636222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of them

>> No.13354805

Maybe, but I think that's a little simplistic. I can usually only manage in the range of 3-5, but the scenes I "see" are highly detailed in a sensory way. If I'm really immersed I can feel the wind and smell the fucking air, but the image itself is never pristine.

>> No.13354822
File: 35 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.714383212_iala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw pic related very vividly and i started hearing in my "mind's hears" a weird choir. Am i woke yet ?

>> No.13354823

I don't believe I have a "mind's eye", I can't see shit in these cases. I think as a kid it worked, but nowadays it's all gone.

What is interesting is that I can invoke the feeling of seeing something, if that makes sense. I can think of a green field with a tree on top, a cute girl sitting underneath the tree, I get a feeling for that space, that setting, I "feel" the grass blowing in the wind, but I can't see it.

My mother doesn't even have an inner voice, at least I have that.

>> No.13354828

I know I am thinking of a red star. I have seen red stars before. I can imagine a star, but I think in words, not in images. I can't fantastically project a red star, imitating the reality of seeing a red star. This is absurd bullshit, just like every other mental trick in the book.

>> No.13354831

A mote it is to troble the mind's eye

>> No.13354842
File: 213 KB, 652x651, 1558824227907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this before, but I wanted a sharper one. This star, because when I think "star" I think space, and a star in space is drawn like thiiiiisss.

>> No.13354851

I feel like half the people thinking they have it are just retards who think they’re supposed to literally see the star like a hologram

>> No.13354854

New age bullshit meant to draw people away from the light of God.

>> No.13354856
File: 8 KB, 285x249, 1540133736118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad because you have aphantasia aren't you?

>> No.13354857
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pic is the red star that I imagined.

>> No.13354860

The other day I was trying to remember some cyberpunk film I saw, but then I realized I was recalling images I'd gotten while reading Philip Dick's Flow My Tears. I didn't use to recall images from fiction so vividly, so maybe I am getting better at it.

>> No.13354861

Seeing mental images

>> No.13354870

I can legitimately imagine a red star as an image. I think you're just angry that you can't do so.

>> No.13354896

Well thats fucking bullshit.

>> No.13354899

Semi-related, if you imagine a spinning object, say, pedals on a bicycle for example, can you stop the movement and then reverse it without much mental effort? Because I have trouble with that.

>> No.13354910

What you picture when you read a story.

>> No.13354911

Is this a gender thing? Is this why more women read books?

>> No.13354912

Oh shit. I thought I was the only one.

>> No.13354915

What if I imagine a six-pointed star?

>> No.13354918

when you close your eyes do you just see fuzzy blackness or are you having actual full-colour closed-eye hallucinations?

>> No.13354919

being able to imagine images

>> No.13354928

It's not literal sight like with your eyes. We're talking about imagination.

>> No.13354932

I think the guy you're talking to means actually seeing it the way you see the fuzzy blackness. The language being used itt is very imprecise

>> No.13354933

I don't have a visual hallucination, but I can imagine a star shap that's red-coloured. When you read a book and get a mental image of what's happening, it's like that.

>> No.13354938

Yeah I know that's what he means, he's some kind of spastic or autist.

>> No.13354940

That happens to me when I'm dizzy or half asleep. I will imagine (I don't see shit, even when dreaming) some repeating pattern, be it spinning or something else and I try to stop it or reverse it. It's very difficult indeed.

True story you'd only read online: This was a big problem when I was into sissy hypnosis and kept seeing penises.

>> No.13354947

It legitimately makes me uncomfortable to try it. Every time I get to the top of the "swing" so to speak, it takes immense effort to stop it just carrying on. A quick 'wipe' of the image and then imagining it stopped and then reversing isn't the same as slowing to a halt and then reversing.

Fucking weird.

>> No.13354950
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>This was a big problem when I was into sissy hypnosis and kept seeing penises.

>> No.13354951
File: 1.08 MB, 2048x1536, red giants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagined this
Whats the diagnosis

>> No.13354954

lmao, being haunted by cockspin sounds amazing

>> No.13354958

When i do it I imagine an invisble force stopping it and then pushing it the other way. It is almost accompanied by a feeling of using a muscle, but like a mental muscle

>> No.13354959

I can do it but it requires a strange amount of mental effort. Also, if I attempt it a few times i get dizzy. Strange as fuck

>> No.13354968

Kek, that mental muscle thing is exactly what I tried to describe

>> No.13354978
File: 455 KB, 1660x1105, CapitalIsColumn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already proved that 99% of lit are NPCs.

>> No.13354979
File: 34 KB, 295x553, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now this

>> No.13354980

I'm trying to imagine what a clod brained faggot you'd have to be to undergo mental strain trying to picture a spinning wheel, and it feels like a void opening beneath me. Pretty sure you guys aren't completely human.

>> No.13354989

The box

>> No.13354990

Well, how clear is the image supposed to be? I have no trouble visualizing any of this stuff, but the way you guys talk about it sounds like you got a movie projector in your head. I see it but I don't SEE it.

>> No.13354996

>This was a big problem when I was into sissy hypnosis and kept seeing penises.
nigga what

>> No.13355000

Yeah visualization is like second nature to me. Used to do full color fantasies of me and this total babe from 8th grade. God she had great tits

>> No.13355001

No, I do not have autism.
It depends on how retarded Sally is.
If she does not realise the giant lump indicating the ball's presence is missing from the basket, she'd look in there. If she does, Ann is about to catch a beatdown like the thieving bitch she is.

>> No.13355012


>> No.13355060
File: 19 KB, 385x383, 249249942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think, you can't be a Christian
really bakes the noodle eh?

>> No.13355061


>> No.13355068

>No, I do not have autism.
OP cant inb4
>It depends on how retarded Sally is.
>If she does not realise the giant lump indicating the ball's presence is missing from the basket, she'd look in there.
You are autistic

>> No.13355069

I saw a printed red star at first, something from Chinese or Russian military for example, then I began to see like a massive red dwarf star in space and wondered which one I should see or what the outcome of the silly goddamned test would make of that.

>> No.13355148

well, then that means you want to get pegged in the ass by ellen page. sorry

>> No.13355152

this shit is weird af to overthink about
i can make a red star but i feel like it's way high above me and at risk of being lost as soon as i stop focusing on it, then when it's gone i don't know if it was ever actually there or if i just imagined it

>> No.13355162

>Laughing at all the wooden-souled brainlets who can't do basic brain operation ITT

>> No.13355193

Have you seen a wheel before? Literally just remember a wheel.

>> No.13355207

I see vibrating fields that can fade from blackgrey bubbles into erratic white lines depending on how hard i concentrate (the paper factory) or traveling space of blue stars when i press or have a lot of stress (astro world) ((i think these are showing blood moving through the nerves at various pressures)) which i have to enter in and mold the image out of in a black space of silent vision. Besides the settings that are literally seen, the images are seen and unseen at the same time. I only hallucinate when there's music or i get tired. When I was twelve years old I befriended an older psychopath who helped me to see the paper factory and inserted a mental version of himself in there to erase parts of my personality that neither of us liked. I encountered the first difficult piece of literature around the same time, so I think this may be connected to reading, even more when you consider that the association is with paper and newsprint. I see both 2 and 6 (literally seen, seen outside my head) so I'm posting to ask if anyone else has two fields of vision, or if you have just one, and whether the guy who befried me could have been responsible for splitting it, whether it may be due to the emergence of verbal thought alongside the visual, or if it's normal and unrelated to either.

>> No.13355253


>> No.13355263

Oh ok yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.13355300

Not picturing it, that's absolutely fine, it's stopping it spinning and reversing the spin

>> No.13355317

But what difference does it make? You've seen a wheel, you've seen a wheel stopping, you've seen a wheel spinning.

>> No.13355353

I have no idea, but there's this slight disconnect between the initial spin and stopping, i can 'glitch' it into a reverse but can't get the hole thing from beginning to end. A wheel takes less effort than picturing a person on a bicycle thought, every time I picture them slowing, I aim to have them stop at the top of the pedal circle if you know what I mean, their leg carries on as if the weight has just continued it. I have absolutely no other visualisation problems, it's just this one, and as demonstrated in this thread, other people have it too, as well as numerous people I've spoken to IRL.

>> No.13355377

I can visualize only through my memory. How can I draw things with my mind?

>> No.13355388

>flashing rainbow 5 master race

>> No.13355402

I can do that but I have difficulty with other mental tasks such that I've developed workarounds.

For example, as a child I used to have highly unpleasant invasive thoughts about foreign objects entering various orifices. I had trouble mentally making them go away, so instead I had thoughts where tentacles or shovel sized wasp stingers emerged from my orifices and blocked out whatever was trying to enter.

Alternatively, when I had thoughts about being stabbed or cut open, I would imagine myself to have very thick and powerful muscles that would clamp onto the blade, possibly snapping it, while closing my wounds.

>> No.13355440

>le waste of time meme
Imagine intentionally filling your life with displeasure solely because you think it's important to know about Forms and shit

>> No.13355475

Its not the only reason for me its part of the joy of reading. I slow down my reading speed so I can picture the scenes in my mind and get completely immersed in the history.

I can read up to 450 words per minute without losing comprehension. But I dont enjoy it as much as when I slow down and enjoy the ride.

>> No.13355491

>tfw can imagine everything I want.
>tfw can't change what I want if that violates too much what Im currently imaging

I can imagine a red apple if someone tells me to.
I can imagine a green one if told to do so.

But If someone tells me to imagine a red apple and them tell me to make the red apple become green, I can't do it for whateaver reason.

My dreams are even weirder. I dont dream fantastic settings or whateaver. In fact, my dreams are all mundane stuff that I do daily, maybe be, with somethinhg twisted like adoor that takes me to a place that wasnt supposted to be.

I think I should do drugs....

>> No.13355502

I read fast and only imagine what is the author telling me in each moment, not the whole scene.

>> No.13355533

I pictured several things. the basic geometric red star, the commie star, a red version of our sun and I think commie superman all in like the span of a second. not trying to show off, I'm an illustrator I tend to be visual.

>> No.13355565

I've felt that excatly too.
Sometimes when I am half asleep (but only if I'm napping for at least an hour in the middle of the day) I can get stuck in a loop, where I'm trying to open my eyes or even sit up, but I can't, and only see vivid and blurry images. It's like I'm physically restrained by my half-awake state and it's very stressful. In one dream I was climbing on an edge of some industrial building, clinging to a pipe. I could not open my eyes to see down and I realized I was trapped in that sorry state until I eventually woke up.
That went a bit offtopic, but yeah, stopping a motion in my head puts a strain in my head, like a physical exhaustion.

>> No.13355596

Reading War & Peace, I sometimes pause just to paint a picture of whatever scene Tolstoy's currently describing, whether it's the interior of some grand russian manor, or the troop movements at a battle. Being able to do that is probably a very good thing for your visuospatial function and memory.

>> No.13355609
File: 11 KB, 61x80, 1558453743457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck but also include me on the screencap.

>> No.13355646

Im left handed, im supposed to be an "artist".
I cant visualize even a slight white line, but i can feel it and "imagine it".
This test is making right side of my brain hurt.

>> No.13355688

I am pretty much the same. I can picture some snapshots or quick flashes but nothing really specific

>> No.13355715
File: 51 KB, 728x665, 1560114424671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was a big problem when I was into sissy hypnosis and kept seeing penises

>> No.13355753

I think some of you guys have actual brain damage

>> No.13355945

Kek this is what happens when you’re a NORMIE

>> No.13355976

That is some serious fruedian shit right there. Were you raped?

>> No.13355990

People seriously can't do this? Nigga I can picture my entire room covered in grass in a nanosecond. I can summon a tulpa-esque figure and have conversations with it. I am the INFP living in his own dream land.

>> No.13356343

I don't really "see" a red star I imagine a red star. For example, I don't see Grushenka on my eyelids against the darkness or something, but she's somewhere in my mind and I can describe her beyond and sometimes in conflict with the book's description. Is this what is meant by this?

>> No.13356361

More specifically, the "mental image" is not better or worse when my eyes are open.

>> No.13356366

Your imagination, dumbass

>> No.13356451

What did the Irish eat before potatoes? And no, I'm not joking/

>> No.13356455

Sorry, wrong thread.

>> No.13356538

You are autistic

>> No.13356613

>I can read up to 450 words per minute without losing comprehension.
I don't understand what the point of lying about something like that on the internet is. Nobody believes you and even if they did you're anonymous so they wouldn't even be able to be impressed by you.

>> No.13357435

So how well do these people do with IQ tests?

>> No.13357964

based and redpilled

>> No.13357987

This, I visualized an actual star instead of a cartoon image

Does that mean we're super humans anon?

>> No.13358328

>pictured a burning gas giant
fuck which option do I choose?

>> No.13358360

450 wpm is slow as fuck

>> No.13358379

in my dreams magic is always contingent on imagination. How vividly you can imagine what you want to happen.
And in my dreams I CAN'T DO IT. It is the most stressful fucking thing you can possibly imagine. Monsters I could banish if only I could imagine them harmless, people saved, if only I could imagine them safe. Fields watered, friends met, art seen, lives lived- if only I could fucking IMAGINE. But, in my dreams, it's like trying to hold water in my fists. It's there but I just can't do it! It's awful and I HATE IT SO MUCH.

>> No.13358404

They're just concepts in my brain. I can only do it when I have a reference.

>> No.13358412

What do you mean? 450 wpm is not that high or hard. It just takes a bit of practice.

There are people that read twice as fast.

>> No.13358448

Congratulations, you're an NPC!!

>> No.13358452

Protip: nobody can do better than 2.
Those that say they can lie

>> No.13358459

That's why i say they lie. They "imagined" something, something that anyone can do with visualization But they pretend They actually projected it on their retina as the image implies.

>> No.13358466

It's Because You're obsessed by power.

>> No.13358469

I can imagine stuff without closing my eyes, projected onto thethreal real world. I actually have fascination with painted walls because when the paint cracks it can produce interesting shapes that I fantasize about. I look at the wall and imagine planets and dinosaurs and other stuff, it's actually mesmerizing. Not joking btw

>> No.13358480

I can too But It's imagination. It doesn't actually affection the eyes except indirectly. So You're not "seeing" shit.

>> No.13358486

Serious MKULTRA shit. Search for strange marks or discolorations on your body. Grill your parents, burn all disney classics dvds You might have; particularly Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.13358487

You would be too, if you had to deal with the shit I do. Real life's bad enough, but then I fall asleep and I have to watch an eldritch monster rip little children apart, trapped in a catch 22 where the monsters can't hurt anyone if I wasn't afraid of them, but because they do exist that means they can hurt, and I am afraid.
And then I know they're going to kill everyone, that I can't stop them, so I have to just wait for everyone and myself to be slaughtered.

>> No.13358493

You know shit about what I've had to deal with. Also I'm not judging You.
Perhaps try to be less defensive in the future.

>> No.13358494

That's semantics

>> No.13358502

No It's fucking not Because the ambiguity between the phenomena created confusion that smuggies can use to feel smug.

>> No.13358507

I'm sorry, I wasn't being defensive.
I was just venting. I've been having these dreams for years, and I dream every night.

>> No.13358518

You don't need to apologize; but behaving defensively when there's no reason to only hurts You in the end.

>> No.13358666

Other than mine swirling and being darker, same.

>> No.13358747

Is it weird that I can't force myself to picture the red star but I can picture scenes on a book when reading it?

>> No.13358804

If you have to ask, you already failed.

>> No.13358809

you're a good anon

>> No.13358840

>reread childhood book
>had forgotten most of the plot over the years
>immediately return to mind's eye images I made as a kid but now add my own extra understanding to flesh out the world as an adult
Memory and imagination are wild, I forgot about all that and it was still hidden in the back of my mind.

>> No.13358849

Imagine not seeing 1 and therefore being Absolutely Deranged

>> No.13358859

Larping hard. Or change your medication until you stop hallucinating

>> No.13358876

dude i literally have to like wring my hands to do that lmao i thought i was the only one

>> No.13358879

No, that’s normal. This aphantasia crap is just a meme troll. Being able to picture scenes in book over time is something entirely different than what OP is doing, which is either lsd, lying and/or trolling .

>> No.13358881

Apparently you're completely incapable of that, so I doubt you're using the right words to describe your thinking process

>> No.13358884


>> No.13358908

Larping hard. Not even beginning to cope. Pictorial representations do not exist. You cannot voluntarily see anything in your minds eye. Dennett already long argued against this nonsense meme created by Prof. Zeman.

>> No.13358962
File: 100 KB, 921x640, 1543177377093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot voluntarily see anything in your minds eye.
Oh! Good to know. I guess I have no choice but to stop doing it.

>> No.13358995

A vague representation is all you get. You cannot go into more detail without some sort of mental deficit or schizophrenic hallucination. The vague memory of the image you “create” is not self consistent either. Should tell you all you need to know about this fake phenomenon. Recalling memories is a different story.

>> No.13359013

Yes, I'm sure it's a "deficit" indeed. What a terrible affliction.

>> No.13359029

Are you telling me being able to project whole scenes like from a movie in your head isn't normal? And I don't mean blurry or no color shit but full vivid imagery in motion?

>> No.13359038

Damn, can I get SSDI for my terrible mental illness? Sorry boss, I need to take a mental health day I have too strong of an imagination.

>> No.13359044

The ability to delude yourself into accepting a false memory of a pictorial image you never had in that level of detail. Sounds a bit a child retelling it’s encounter with a pink unicorn on the way home from kindergarden. I guess there are worse afflictions, yeah.

>> No.13359053

Definitely not trustworthy in my book. You’d make for a shitty eye witness, lol!

>> No.13359061

imagen seeing such a plebeian star with your mind eye. Even 6 is too week

>> No.13359088

Everyone go read Wittgenstein and shut the fuck up

>> No.13359131

>words inspire ideas rather than triggering Pavlovian response
>u dont think lmao
wew lad

>> No.13359143

I can visualise fine, but I don't really visualise when I read. I mean I can if I force myself to, but I don't find it necessary in order to enjoy the story. Sometimes a particular image will enter my mind and stay there, but that'll only happen maybe once a book (for example, I have a strong image of the man from Notes from Underground and Liza in the room together, their faces red from the cold, and what that must have looked like) but nothing else. Not even the details of their appearances really.

I think this why I hate >the books were better than the movies fags who complain about details, like who gives a fuck what the actors look like I didn't imagine anyone in my head anyway even with physical descriptions

>> No.13359207

>there are people who cannot become hard and masturbate solely to a perfect scene in their imaginations
I wonder if porn has stunted this

>> No.13359219
File: 315 KB, 2048x790, 21E6DD39-692E-42B7-B656-AE40B30515CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Au contraire! If minds eye was real, there wouldn’t be any porn.

Pic related: your average minds eye larpers, like OP

>> No.13359245

I sat down for an hour and nutted out the layout one time

>> No.13359274

Why would you be sorry about something so hot?

>> No.13359302

I have to agree with the other anon: that sounds like some real Disney-assisted MKUltra shit, or else early child molestation. The muscle thing in particular makes me lean toward the former. Were you ever prescribed psychiatric medication?

>> No.13359326

Meh, even actual vision is not that precise except in special circumstances.

>> No.13359341

To all the anons who cannot picture further than 2: how do you deal with geometry problems?

>> No.13359354

Abstract concepts. Also, 1. Can still work with simple geometric objects with up to 4 lines and recall memories. I doubt anyone here can spin a dodecahedron in their “minds eye”. Because there is no such thing.

>> No.13359356

Cope harder, roboman

>> No.13359358
File: 30 KB, 500x279, 1553530307472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13359362

Have you even nutted out your HUD yet? Is your mind palace big?

>> No.13359367

How do you think fiction writers, especially fantasy writers, come up with their worlds and characters? How do fiction authors make characters that they describe physically?

Any sane person can tell the difference between imagination, perception, and general knowledge. Those redditors are trying very hard to larp as video game characters in real life.

>> No.13359373

By slowly and deliberately building using fragments of memories and recombinations

>> No.13359381

I create entire mindworlds, sweetie. your npc ass wouldn't know

>> No.13359389
File: 85 KB, 635x953, bathroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one of the arguments that he stole from Berkeley, Hume was collapsing the distinction between Locke's "primary qualities" of an object (e.g. size, shape) and "secondary qualities" (e.g. color, taste). Unlike Berkeley's, Hume's argument was dumb and had to do with walking towards and away from a table to 'change' its size. I made an argument parallel to Hume's in class: assuming that the primary/secondary distinction collapses (which is super easy to show), you can manipulate objects in your visual field while remaining stationary and so adjust their qualities.

As an example, I mentioned that one could look at a white table and will it to change color via an imagined filter overlay. Instead of nodding in understanding and agreement, the class was pretty surprised. I described it as a willed, waking hallucination: as though a disco ball, or a colored spotlight, was shining on the white table. I hallucinate in my periphera regularly, but the overlay thing is surely not that uncommon, right?

>> No.13359400

And then everyone clapped as I revealed my Ironman suit.

>> No.13359417

That's what imagination is. No one can imagine something undiscovered but you can recombine existing things in new ways. Some people are better at it and faster. Visual artists use references and memories to draw new images and can do so very quickly. If you have watched someone draw something they haven't draw before without a reference image, they will think of that object before drawing, changing it to match with the mental references.
Do you have visual memories? Can you remember, for example, a backyard you were in as a child visually, or only in terms of what was in it?

>> No.13359441
File: 1.11 MB, 320x180, 1476770965532.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was in total schizo mode, I used to trawl /x/. This period was right when MLP was becoming popular, but before /mlp/ was created. A bunch of fanboys flooded the board trying to learn how to create MLP-tulpas, and some claimed they succeeded. People got so pissed at them, but my crazy ass thought it was hilarious.

>> No.13359456


Hot, and furthermore, ziggety, my good man

>> No.13359464

No I can recall images quite easily and also explore them. I cannot “imagine” a green car of some random make and then describe it. That’s what children do when they make up bullshit stories. Just like “red star”. Stars are dots. Or circles, or balls. Of varying size. Need more info to access and recall existing memories of star pictures. If you say imagine a chair, I will have to recall chairs I’ve seen and/or recombine them. If I can’t, then I can’t imagine it. There will be no chair.

>> No.13359515

i dont enjoy fiction and im a hardcore phantasiac that can easily spend every waking hour in a limitless daydream.

>> No.13359556

Your post seems self-contradictory. You do it by abstract concepts but you can still work with up to 4 lines drawings? Then you would not be relying on abstract concepts alone, and you would be capable of mental visualisation.

>> No.13359560

That sounds exhausting. So if I asked you to imagine a blue armchair, you would have to spend more than a second visualizing it? You don't have a type of chair or star that you think of first? Do you only read nonfiction? People have to imagine recombinations to make them happen with any kind of efficiency. For example, I repainted some rooms in my house and thought of different color combinations that would look nice together. Then I double checked with samples and mixed the paint to match this. When people are making new colors for cars they combine mental references of the car and the new color before making a model for approval. Children are undeveloped and have difficulty separating fantasy from reality, so they will tell stories from their imagination as if they were true. Sane adults know the difference. When I imagined green walls and off white trim I didn't literally see it, it was almost a manufactured combination of memory that I knew was not real but could use to test new combinations before going to the store and mixing paint.
So, when I imagine a scene it is similar to if you conjured a memory of a movie you saw. You have that memory, but you know that it did not happen to you.

>> No.13359605

How do you prevent that image of something you’ve never seen from constantly morphing into versions that you have seen? I cannot imagine a person I know with a different hair colour like blue, for example. There are no references I can draw from. I will recall an image of the person in shitty resolution and have an idea of blue but the two can’t mix or will instantly separate again.

>> No.13359684
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I, too, like to go on Reddit my friend ;)

>> No.13359755

I just hold it, like if you were trying hard to remember the layout of your room in a house you used to live in. It wavers like a memory does and it's harder to concentrate on at different times like memory recall. For example, it would be extremely difficult to hold an image while I am driving because all of my attention is on something much more important. If I listen to the radio while driving I will loosely imagine the story they are describing with very little visualization, if any at all. If they are talking about a village in Africa I'll have a fuzzy idea of it but it would be nowhere as clear and stable as when I am a passenger, but I understand the words without "seeing" an idea of what is going on in the story. Some things are harder to visualize than others and they will morph if you aren't trying to hold onto them like a memory. Imagining the walls in the room I am sitting in now is much easier and clearer than imagining my parent's first car as red because it's not in front of me, I haven't seen it in over a decade, and I don't have a reference. I can do it, but it's much blurrier and the image of the car itself changes and is not very accurate.

>> No.13359756

like clockwork

>> No.13359861

i noticed something like that too.
for some books, the visualized images i remember from them are as vivid in my memory as images of actual events from my life. and that applies to some dreams i remember as well.
fiction, dreams, and real sensations are all mixed in our memories.

>> No.13359956

You slowly built those images using composites though. Imagining the engine of a truck in 2 seconds and with infinite working detail is what proponents like OP and supporting actors think they can do.

>> No.13359972

just did it

>> No.13360003

Speak for yourself

>> No.13360170

Literally can't see anything, I can't imagine anything without context. I like fiction though. Where does that put me?

>> No.13360509

t. doesn't dream at night

>> No.13360741
File: 42 KB, 640x571, s03ndnkmtw331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even describe what I see honestly. I think I'm seeing a red star but I honestly don't know. I have an easier time projecting scenes from a book than I do projecting single objects in a void. Like right know I'm writing about a guy using a bank counter with two swinging doors on the sides of it, and I can see the scene I want to describe perfectly, but trying to see a single star instead of it being on a painting or in some kind of context is weird to me.
Maybe I'm just exhausted and my brain can't catch up.

>> No.13360785

>So You're not "seeing" shit.
If you can't literally see what you imagine, you're a dull NPC. How do you even try clothes on yourself or people you know?

>> No.13360821

>that retarded image

The sun looks white you fucking mongoloid, it is not a red dwarf/giant.

>> No.13361009

I'm level 6 and most fiction is either cringe or boring. Even most of the people you guys worship as classics such as Hemingway.

>> No.13361041

That just means you're a normal human being, anon. That's how normal humans work. Don't worry.

>> No.13361049

There is not a single word of this which is not bait.

>> No.13361158

This. If you imagined anything other than an actual red star, you're underage. If you failed to imagine a star at all, you're probably deranged, and also underaged.
That being said, what I find funny is that whenever I imagine something, I cannot control it from spinning out of control for very long. Never understood why, but everything I see with my 'minds eye' (imagination) is very difficult to control and usually flies around, generally in circles.

>> No.13361786

I can imagine scenes in books, like the battlefield in the Iliad, but to imagine an arbitrary object in my head is very difficult for me. With the star, I can visualise one point at a time like I’m zoomed in, but I can’t imagine it all at once. It’s like a shadow of an image in my head, very muted and blurry.

>> No.13361791

It’s because that shit is unnatural when we force it. Prof. Zeman is a fraud and fell for people claiming to be able to produce and hold pictorial and vivid images

>> No.13361798

No. You produced a few fleeting fragments

>> No.13362355

I ask this with no ill intent, but do you have autism?

>> No.13362474


Same senpai.

>> No.13362491

Not him, but I don't have autism, if that helps.

>> No.13362537

The fuck? I can literally do this with my eyes open and superimpose the image? Other can't?

>> No.13362562

>Imagining the engine of a truck in 2 seconds and with infinite working detail i
sounds like savant territory

>> No.13362590

No. Absolutely not autistic. Not super extroverted either. I enjoy jokes, art, music, literature, etc. I’m also a hobby photographer and enjoy post processing. I’m coming from a normal point of view in my opinion that an elaborate and pictorial minds eye is BS.

>> No.13362600

>I enjoy jokes

>> No.13362659

You can't superimpose the image. You can imagine the wall in front of your eyes with a star on it, but it's not the same as seeing that wall with a painted star on it. That would be a hallucination, and something to tell your doctor about.

>> No.13362666

Yeah just move on with the answer. Not autistic. Chances were pretty low to begin with.

>> No.13362787

No I can literally do that, with my eyes open. All my life. It's not 100% opaque as i can see through the images a little bit but I can do it with my eyes open.

>> No.13362799

Yes, anon, everyone can do it with their eyes open. But you're zoned out. Your eyes may be pointed at the wall, and they may be open, but your brain is not focusing on the visual information it is receiving. It is imagining what that wall looks like with that red star.

>> No.13362852

"Galton gave people some very detailed surveys, and found that some people did have mental imagery and others didn't. The ones who did had simply assumed everyone did, and the ones who didn't had simply assumed everyone didn't, to the point of coming up with absurd justifications for why they were lying or misunderstanding the question. There was a wide spectrum of imaging ability, from about five percent of people with perfect eidetic imagery to three percent of people completely unable to form mental images"

taken from: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/baTWMegR42PAsH9qJ/generalizing-from-one-example

Other things that are different between people: some people "see" text in their mind when they think, others "hear" the words. Still others don't think in words but scenes and images. And some people don't have an inner monologue at all, they just do their thinking in other ways.

The takeaway isn't "some people are NPCs" it's "there are many different ways to be, internally".

>> No.13362876

>taken from: https://www.lesswrong.com

>> No.13362889

When I close my eyes I can’t picture anything, i can imagine but that’s like going to a different world and I can do it with my eyes open.

>> No.13362945

Fucking retard holy shit this is all about imagining what do you mean you can't see anything when you close your eyes THAT IS WHY YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES
Why is everyone trying to out-snowflake each other with this stupid test

>> No.13363043

Don't knock it, it's a net good.
Same guy wrote a followup here: http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/03/17/what-universal-human-experiences-are-you-missing-without-realizing-it

>> No.13363060

I had a friend who could adjust what she was seeing using her imagination, supposedly. Like, if she didn't like the way a room looked, she could manipulate the dimensions a bit to make it look right.

She could have been making it all up though.

>> No.13363075

I was mostly replying to all the people doing that spinning experiment. For me it’s really easy to imagine a wheel spinning and stopping and going the other direction but I’m also still acutely aware of the blackness of my eyes being closed.

>> No.13363347
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>there are people who literally can't picture things inside their head
what the fuck
you guys are all trolling right?

>> No.13363382

It does happen sometimes, typically people who apply idiosyncratic rules to interpret anything.
Say they can daydream only about spock, princess celestia when naked, and certain breeds of pokemon. Why? Because autism. But an autist does still dream, very intensely, but only in the narrow field of their tunnel vision.

Complete lack of imagination is rare (brain diseases affecting mirror neurons). People so afflicted have bigger problems, as they also score a severe learning disability (you need to imagine the explained model to understand).

>> No.13363441

as someone with aphantasia 100% yes

>> No.13363451

Yea, as someone with aphantasia the idea of visualization is weird to me lmao.

>> No.13363590

What's it like trying to do math that involves 3D objects?

>> No.13363604

When I imagine things it feels like it's in a second field of vision, outside the bounds of my normal field of vision.

>> No.13363666

I normally do it with paper and pencil, so I can just use the model they draw out, but I imagine it'd be difficult without that.

>> No.13363676

I know which one you came from I think

>> No.13363685

it really is sort of like a "third eye", where rather than your left eye being closed so your right eye sees or vice versa, both your eyes are uninvolved but the mind still "sees"

>> No.13364178

>but I imagine

>> No.13364245

I have had the same thing as a child. It was usually a pair of scissors cutting my tongue. Do you know anything else about this?
Do you "see" it, like the afterimage of staring at at a light bulb, or do you just conceptualize it?

>> No.13364247

I can visualize stuff but not for long and it always looks like shitty 3dcg.

>> No.13364315

I have OCD and I have similar methods for unwanted thoughts and images.

For example, if I see a "cannot unsee" shock image that requires eyebleach, I imagine a sphere around the image, and I imagine it contracting to a point, taking the image with it.

Then I imagine it being taken far, far away, across vast reaches of space, and thrown into the black hole at the center of the milky way galaxy, locking it away until the heat death of the universe.

Unfortunately, this means I can never visit the center of the galaxy, as all my unwanted thoughts are there.

>> No.13364324

I have more trouble imagining animated things than hyper realistic things.

>> No.13364332

The same way i see a daydream

>> No.13364584

non fiction is more epic

>> No.13364772

I prefer historical accounts or stories relatively based on real events (technically every historical account pre 19th century are basically stylized "realistic" fiction anyhow) humans are infinitely more interesting and horrifying than what some lazy jerkoff with a MBA who doesnt want to work can think of

>> No.13364816
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You know there's this old saying that goes "if you don't use it you lose it"

If you don't work out or do exercise your muscles will shrink and be small and puny.

Likewise, if you play Vidya and watch anime or otherwise consume massive amounts of visual media your minds eye is getting zero exercise. Fear not anons. Read books try to draw something. Do this everyday and overtime your minds eye will become great again.

>> No.13364841


>> No.13364843

So here's the thing, and something that this test doesn't register, I imagine a start that oozed out gravy-thick blood and dripped it onto itself and kept swirling it around but I could compare that to actually seeing something and call that a 1-5. Essentially, despite my relatively clear image, the potency of such is far removed from what I would actually visually experience that "seeing" something becomes a paltry comparison. I don't fall into 1-6, but I think that conservative gradation is indicative of self confidence and a question of objectively comparing it to reality. E.g. I could pick 5 because that's how intense the red I saw was when compared to actually seeing a deep carmine or ruby. Basically, there isn't a clear definition of internal sensation because well, we don't actually know if it's the same for everyone, and we can't have a common vocabulary for it because of the uncertainty of the aforementioned

>> No.13364878

This sounds worse than losing an arm

>> No.13364907

>This must be why some people can't enjoy fiction.
I'm a flat zero on that scale and I enjoy fiction.

>> No.13364934

I can visualize anything and do so with a high degree of detail. I can visualize my moms face and tell you where her wrinkles are and where they point to. I can't forget faces. I rarely listen to music because I just let it play in my head. I can imagine myself at any point I've been and mentally walk places. It's absolutely over Aphantasiacels.

>> No.13364957

What if I can't imagine a red star when I close my eyes but can see it clearly when I stare at a blank wall?

>> No.13365123

Depends if I'm high on ketamine or not. Easily a 5 or a 6 at times.

>> No.13365147

Sounds like legit OCD senpai, you should probably do some reading into it if it still causes you distress as an adult

OCD that causes intrusive thoughts like this is way more common than the Howard Hughes germaphobic repeated-actions/rituals type

>> No.13365175

>tfw missing my right occipital and parietal lobes
>working memory is borked (I already don't remember getting up this morning) and I can add, substract, multiply numbers into the thousands like a normal adult, but it literally feels like I'm straining a muscle to try and do simple division
>sometimes get wild auditory hallucinations at night that sound like Robert Fripp is composing a guitar symphony in my head but I have no musical ability, other times it's random radio noise with foreign voices fading in and out
>basic anxiety/depression of the usual modern existential sort but otherwise considered normal from a psychiatric perspective

I always have vivid dreams where I can read, hear, feel pain, and all the things you're supposed to be not able to do in a dream. Often nightmares, occasionally sleep paralysis. Feels like I'm being burnt alive.

When I'm awake, I can imagine things more or less okay from what others describe, but it's not actually in front of my eyes like dreaming feels like, and I can only imagine still images. I also struggle to recall memories as images etc. rather than just the 'fact' of a memory.

>> No.13365188

>there are people who can't play back songs they've heard in their head

>> No.13365309

Most can I assume. But not this minds eye crap.

>> No.13365348


>> No.13365426

Do you physically paint it?
That is slow as fuck, step it up my nigga
That's cool but unhealthy my man, maybe start a diary? Cheaper than therapy.

>> No.13365441

I'm being honest. I am also not sure if it's healthy to rationalize every dissenting opinion you come across as a false craft from someone who wants an emotional reaction to you.

>> No.13365451

Anon, if you don't realise why it's bait then you haven't been on this board long enough.

>> No.13365457

Hemingway and the majority of fiction authors just aren't interesting writers. I'm the one who you guys are accusing of creating the "bait."

>> No.13365469

The prevailing circlejerk on /lit/ is that Hemmingway isn't good (usually with the exception of The Old Man and the Sea). He definitely wouldn't be the example you'd choose for "authors /lit/ thinks wrote classics" (Pynchon, Joyce, or Melville would be much better).

>> No.13365524


>> No.13365527

Apply your brain for a second and see why saying "I don't like that guy you worship, hemmingway" would be bait given /lit/ circlejerks against hemmingway.

>> No.13365631
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I can't easily visualize things in my head but I really enjoy reading fiction.

What does this mean?

>> No.13366097

I don't get it. What's going on in your mind when an author describes the scene? Like a girl in a white dress running barefoot in a grassy meadow on a summer's evening - do you just not visualise the girl and the meadow in your mind at all?

>> No.13366105

Not him, but I'm thinking about how erect I am at the girl's bare feet.

>> No.13366161

Not really, I might get an rough still image of it but that's about it, I can't visualize it in motion and/or with a lot of detail.

>> No.13366190

Try to picture a Greek/Roman statue. now warp it in different ways, stretching and shrinking different parts of it and making it rotate. if you couldn’t, you aren’t 140+ IQ. sorry.

>> No.13366200

Well something like aphantasia is probably a spectrum. Some people can't see even an image in their head. You might be on that spectrum though, because a lot of people can visualise scenes and moving objects in their head moderately to vividly.

>> No.13366246

I dont believe that people don't have complete control over their minds eye. That makes no sense. You've seen things your entire life and you try to tell me that you're unable to imagine things? Nonsense, this is some weird psyop where people are pretending to be unable to do something incredible basic so that normal people can think of themselves as being species when all you're doing is something that everyone can do.
Like this >>13366190 literally everyone can do this and it doesn't take effort nor does it take an IQ of 140+. This is dumb

>> No.13366288

>I might get an rough still image of it
Then you're fine and normal.

>> No.13366403
File: 7 KB, 300x300, thomas-pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing /pol/.
go back

>> No.13366405

Footfags disgust me

>> No.13366410

This post, too, gives me an erection.

>> No.13366417

Does it not occur to you to wonder where that /pol/ack got his picture?

>> No.13366430
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>> No.13366594

Keyword VOLUNTARY control. We still have visual cortexes and mental imagery nigger, it's not like we're blind.

>> No.13366945

is this a joke? it's pathetically easy

>> No.13366963
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>he doesn't turn what he reads into pure KINO

>> No.13367033

I might be an NPC. When I read I never get this "movie effect", I also get really bored by character descriptions since I don't visualize anything. HOWEVER, when I think back and remember stuff I've read it's all just visual memories of scenes in that "movie effect" style. What does this mean?

>> No.13367786
File: 19 KB, 428x424, CB0258A0-566F-4842-971E-C4C7EEA249EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
