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13354368 No.13354368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13354375

>the lemming

I hope u understand this meme

>> No.13354379

The lemming is someone who just does NOFAP because they think it's bad

>> No.13354386

actual good post, butterfly :3

>> No.13354403


>> No.13354414


>> No.13354429

Too wordy but a decent meme image

>> No.13354470
File: 962 KB, 2400x1720, types of robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too wordy

this. you don't need a block of text to make fun of someone. just a small list of traits will do.

>> No.13354474

this will almost certainly fool somebody, too many words though

>> No.13354482

the only time i fap now is when i see a nofap post

>> No.13354490

I'm impotent!

>> No.13354492

The stoic is the only one I find truly annoying. They act like anything outside of work/eat/shit/reproduce is "childish" and get a disturbing amount of arousal on living with the same goals as a cockroach.

>> No.13354524

>why don't you chemically castrate yourself
Holy shit this. the logical conclusion of nofap is to become a eunuch, which makes even more sense when you consider the idea that historically the eunuch is perpetually surrounded by attractive naked women who don't feel threatened or objectified by his presence. That's obviously very appealing to the sort of person who doesn't get much attention from women. But of course you just know the nofappers are also probably the same types who think gender realignment surgery is for the mentally ill. Little do they realise their own cognitive dissonance!

>> No.13354527

Why are you such a hedonist anon?

>> No.13354533

was with you until you dropped tranny propaganda


>> No.13354555
File: 238 KB, 1142x1735, 1558006236020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop masturbating

>> No.13354558

I wasn't implying that realignment surgery was good, I was pointing out the irony in the fact that men who want to castrate their impulses (figuratively speaking) are all to eager to condemn the men who are doing the same thing except taking it to its logical (and graphically literal) conclusion. Trannies and nofappers suffer from the same mental illness, just at different degrees of severity

>> No.13354572


it's actually a really dumb argument, since the point is to have self mastery and control. you obviously don't get that without any of the tension. conflating control of desire with mutilating yourself and playing dress up is also funny

>> No.13354596

Masturbation and porn is Haram. Wrongdoers will find themselves will find themselves in hellfire after the day of judgement.

>> No.13354606

this was a good post, but pairing it with pictures of ugly people shows more intended manipulation than the nofap movement itself, which is mostly just misunderstanding.

>> No.13354607

>since the point is to have self mastery and control
only for a few individuals. the majority of the nofap community buys into a lot of retarded claims that it will improve your health, wellbeing, intelligence, state of mind, confidence, etc.. when you could presumably achieve the same results by lopping off your junk. Why else would the cumbrain meme be so popular? And also why would they be constantly plugging a lot of suspect claims about its benefits, when the only one that has any weight to it is that it encourages you to develop restraint?

>> No.13354611


>> No.13354638

We still have sex, not fapping doesn't make you a virgin

>> No.13354679


yes you clown, all of those things are true. improving your physiological health improves your mental well health. this isn't a difficult concept

you also fail to understand that people might follow a virtue without perfect understanding of how it works. the people that do nofap long enough might not know why it works, they just know that it does work. as for the whole castrating yourself thing, I don't think you understand that either...since you need your sex organs to function generate energy and health... there are athletes that practiced "nofap", or should I say continence long before it became a reddit meme. are you suggesting that Olympic boxers and wrestlers should just lop their dicks off to get the same effect? are you cumbrains really this retarded?

>> No.13354689

Have magic

>> No.13354696

>a virtue
>it does work

>> No.13354721

Even if NoFap is based on faulty science and expectations, self-control and inhibition are good by themselves, and I challenge anyone who disagrees to move to a Brazilian favela.

>> No.13354731
File: 31 KB, 625x625, 1561335498977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lust for a woman mostly comes
From thinking that her body is clean,
But there is nothing clean
In a woman's body in fact.
The mouth is a vessel of foul saliva
And scum between the teeth,
The nose a vessel of snot, slime, and mucus,
The eyes are vessels of tears and other excretions.
The abdomen and chest is a vessel
Of feces, urine, lungs, liver, and so forth.
Those who through obscuration do not see
A woman this way, lust for her body.
Just as some fools desire
An ornamented pot filled with what is unclean,
So ignorant, obscured
Worldly beings desire women.
If the world is greatly attached
Even to this ever-so-smelly body
Which should cause loss of attachment,
How can it be led to freedom from desire?
Just as pigs are greatly attached
To a site of excrement, urine, and vomit,
So some lustful ones desire
A site of excrement, urine, and vomit.
This city of a body with protruding holes
From which impurities emerge
Is called an object of pleasure
By beings who are stupid.
Once you yourself have seen the impurities
Of excrement, urine, and so forth,
How could you be attracted
To a body composed of those?
Why should you lust desirously for this
While recognizing it as an unclean form
Produced by a seed whose essence is impure,
A mixture of blood and semen?
One who lies on this impure mass
Covered by skin moistened
With those fluids, merely lies
On top of a woman's bladder.
If whether beautiful or ugly,
Whether old or young,
all female bodies are unclean,
From what attribute does your lust arise?
Just as it is not fit to desire
Filth although it has a good color,
Is very fresh, and has a nice shape,
So is it with a woman's body.
How could the nature of this putrid corpse,
A rotten mass covered outside by skin,
Not be seen when it looks
So very horrible?'
The skin is not foul,
It is like a garment.'
Like a hide over a mass of impurities
How could it be clean?
A pot though beautiful outside,
Is reviled when filled with impurities.
Why is the body, filled with impurities
And foul by nature, not reviled?
If you revile against impurities,
Why not against this body
Which befouls clean scents,
Garlands, food, and drink?
Just as one's own or others'
Impurities are reviled,
Why not revile against one's own
And others' unclean bodies?
Since your own body is
As unclean as a woman's,
Is it not suitable to part
From desire for self and other?
If you yourself wash this body
Dripping from the nine wounds
And still do not think it unclean,
What use is instruction for you?
Whoever composes poetry
With metaphors elevating this body—
O how shameless! O how stupid!
How embarrassing before wise beings!
Moreover, these sentient beings—
Obscured by the darkness of ignorance—
Quarrel more over what they desire,
Like dogs for the sake of some dirty thing."
- Ratnāvalī

>> No.13354735

Don't even bother explaining this to retards like Butterfly. Despite constantly citing Niezsche, she fails to recognise that he too practices semen retention and spoke favourably of Academic Celibacy.

>> No.13354760

based post

>> No.13354778

If you have blue balls, masturbate. Ideally thinking about the girl that gave you the blue balls. Then move on.

If you're just bored and/or depressed and start looking for porn without being horny, this is what you want to stop and eradicate from your life.

Try it.

>> No.13354798

>all of those things are true. improving your physiological health improves your mental well health
I never claimed they aren't related you simpleton, I said thinking nofap is going to bring about all these miraculous benefits is a pipe dream which is the 4chan equivalent of shampoo commercials or vitamin supplements shilled by instagrammers.

>since you need your sex organs to function generate energy and health
point me to a study that demonstrates this.

>are you suggesting that Olympic boxers and wrestlers should just lop their dicks off to get the same effect?
Arguably it would help benefit a number of sports due to the loss of weight and lower air resistance, but I'm being pedantic. Thing Is, I've been arguing that NEITHER nofap nor castration are beneficial, so if you're going to do the former you may as well commit and go to the end, because they're equally as useless.

>> No.13354818


>> No.13354898

>everything is about women
Cumbrain is such a meme because the majority of people strongly for and against center all of their arguments around sex. Plenty of ancient texts talk about semen retention but at the very least, it helps forester discipline and change your perspective on sex. Ejaculating is draining and can impact other areas of ones life which is a problem for someone who wants more of it than fucking women, so one should only have sex with one they have a genuine connection which is a much better experience anyway.

>> No.13354948

i've directly experienced the benefits of seminal retention on my cognition and creativity, not to mention self-image.

these threads are a laugh riot. keep rationalizing your unwillingness to disassociate from the physiology of your dick.

same type of faggots who need empirical studies to convince them to try cold showers, when the benefit for anyone with two neurons to rub together is clearly about developing the presence of mind to endure extreme discomfort. but i guess that's just anecdotal evidence lol.

>> No.13354955

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »
why does this faggot keep shitting up this board

>> No.13354956
File: 119 KB, 392x379, 1550785109936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the seething nofap incel

>> No.13354960
File: 20 KB, 480x272, 43c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left can't into funny memes

>> No.13354969

Because you keep giving him the attention he craves

>> No.13354970

oh no you found my weakness. how could you have known my one secret?! you btfo me with facts and logic

>> No.13355009

>i've directly experienced the benefits of seminal retention on my cognition and creativity
anecdotal evidence is suppposed to convince me? Knowing the hivemind that is 4chan, I wouldn't be surprised if the so-called "benefits" were nothing more than the placebo effect

>keep rationalizing your unwillingness to disassociate from the physiology of your dick
I rarely jerk off m8, quit projecting. The only reason nofap is going to help you is if you lacked self-control prior to committing to it. Your average person isn't as tightly wound and autistic as you, they don't need to train their self-control over not touching their dick because they already possess it. If you're the type of cumbrain who can't stop himself then sure, it'll definitely help, but stop assuming everyone is a porn-addled maniac like you

>> No.13355021
File: 563 KB, 1512x1944, 1374338656754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets afraid of walls of text

>> No.13355023

Shut up dyke, your obsession with sex seems like u get none

>> No.13355027

You should know that the majority of incels are excessive porn users because its the only form of stimulation the can get without any effort (besides going for a sex worker)
I dont know why you are constantly trying (daily -multiple threads) to discredit a group of people that simply want to test their willpower by defeating one of the most powerful natural urges
Also I don't know if you are either a girl or male but from my experience girls view men who watch porn with distaste
But I'm probably wasting my time with some useless attention whoring trip fag

>> No.13355030

I have a date with a Moroccan girl tomorrow

>> No.13355039

>quit projecting
>starts projecting

ok chief.

>> No.13355044

>the defensive pseud
>makes as homenim graphs to “refute” people’s opinions and validate their shit life choices

>> No.13355049

She's a 40 yo dyke

>> No.13355072

I'm not the one who needs a meme homeopathic remedy to teach me how not to touch my dick, lol. Some of us are actually well-adjusted and comfortable enough with our libido that we don't need to turn self-control into a programme

>> No.13355102

Reminder that ad hominem is no substitute for an argument and to sage and report off-topic troll threads.

>> No.13355248

reminder that your battlestation is no substitute for tasteful interior design

>> No.13355254

beep boop must pathologize everything i don't understand like a woman

>> No.13355272

I have a dick and a libido, therefore I'd say I have as competent a grasp as any on what nofap is. But if I don't understand, why don't you explain it to me? How will nofap benefit me if I can deny the urge to masturbate, but don't feel depleted or dumb when I do? Only cumbrains like yourself have to make a conscious effort to not jerk it

>> No.13355289

Long term semen retention is based as fuck, if you haven't tried it you cannot comment on it.

>> No.13355302

I don't particularly care to convince you. If you've never gone a long period without jacking off/feeding sexual thoughts, your sample size is one and therefore scientifically insignificant.

>> No.13355330
File: 15 KB, 236x318, beckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one guy doesn't jerk off for 6 months
>sample size is one
>one guy doesn't jerk off for 3 years
sample size is still one
Looks like nofap hasn't solved your cumbrain retardation after all.

>> No.13355389

the clear and obvious implication of that post is you have no reference point to compare whether or not nofap is effective because you've never actually done it

normal people try things and compare results, i'm not talking about your gay little faggot studies written by your masters

>> No.13355426

They do seem to be the smarter ones though