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/lit/ - Literature

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13354358 No.13354358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God tier: English, Philosophy, Music, Comparitive Literature, History, Art
Wageslave/Uncultured Petite-Bourgeois Swine tier: All STEM, Finance, everything else

>> No.13354363
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>> No.13354364
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God tier: Autodidact
Wageslave/uncultured tier: All university courses

>> No.13354365


>> No.13354369


Humanities students can't even master the use of a personal computer to fill in a template image.
I'm shook.

>> No.13354371

God Tier: the bible
Top Tier: the dhammapada
Mid Tier: the upanishads
Low Tier: the quran
Shit Tier: the bible

>> No.13354382

God Tier: fiodor dostoievsi God Tier: bocaccio
Top Tier: joseph conrad Top Tier: fiodor dostoievski
Mid Tier: william shakespeare Mid Tier: aldous huxey
Low Tier: dante alighieri Low Tier: Gargantua pantagruel
Shit Tier: liev tolstoi Shit tier: iliad

>> No.13354390

This, maths is beautiful, intellectual and employable

>> No.13354405

God tier: plato God tier: jesus christ God tier: james joyce
Top tier: thomas mann Top tier: aristotle Top tier: buddha
Mid Tier: mohamed Mid Tier: nabokov Mid Tier: heraclitus
Low Tier: empedocles Low Tier: moses Low Tier: fiodor dostoievski
Shit Tier: miguel de cervantes Shit Tier: protagoras Shit Tier: joseph
gilles Deeuzel: guatari

>> No.13354419

god tier: whiteheadism/space taoism
top tier: taoism, judaism
mid tier: hinduism, buddhism, shintoism, atheism, spinozism
low tier: islam, rastafari, paganism, deism
shit tier: christcuckery

>> No.13354421

flip conrad and alighieri and you're correct

>> No.13354427

God Tier: 7 God Tier: 13 God Tier: 5 God Tier: 6
Top Tier: 9 Top Tier: 55 Top Tier: 8 Top Tier: 10
Mid Tier: 99 Mid Tier: 1 Mid Tier: 2 Mid Tier: 3
Low Tier: the idea/form of number Low Tier: 4 Low Tier: 12 Low Tier: 77
Shit tier: 66 Shit tier: 0 Shit tier: 33 Shit tier: 98789

>> No.13354435

Elder God tier: perec, calvino, david foster wallace, stephen king, pablo picasso, bansky

>> No.13354440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13354445

damn you went full reddit :(

>> No.13354452

Eternal Logos tier: epistles of the wandering jew

>> No.13354475

God Tier: Philosophy, Philology, Mathematics, (Actual) Anthropology, Architecture, Sojourning
>tfw can't place Psychoanalysis
Top Tier: Opera/Theater, Symphonies, Galleries, Museums, Vacation
Mid Tier: Most of STEM and positivist philosophy, Finance/Business ("The Prince & Art of War") especially with no real acumen, and also the highest class of Plebeian.
Low Tier: King, Clancy, Rowling, etc. Children's books (YA included), shanties, nursery rhymes, often a mix of overindulgence of nostalgia with genuine immaturity. Good for kids, bad for adults.
Shit Tier: This is like satan's mouths in the inferno, a certain set of persona non grata that go beyond the normal boundaries of taste. Naming them would be profane, as you might well understand, but the closest examples in the Low category are Kaur (who is a troll) and Cline (who is not).

>> No.13354484

Oh, Law and Athletics can be anywhere from Mid to God tier as well. It depends on who you're speaking to and what they know.

>> No.13354485

God tier: Me
Shit Tier: The rest

>> No.13354504

STEMfags can't even word a sentence correctly.

>> No.13354514

This. Math.

>> No.13354520
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>God Tier:
Math, philosophy
>Top Tier:
Psychology, biology, economics, sociology, history
>Mid Tier:
Physics, chemistry, law, statistics
>Low Tier:
Literature, philology, arts
>Shit Tier:
Incelneers, gender studies

>> No.13354521
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God tier: pisssing, lactating
Top tier: cumming
Mid tier: crying
Low tier: shitting
Shit tier: vomiting

>> No.13354575
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>> No.13354576

God Tier: Math, Philosophy, Physics
Top Tier: Bio/Chem/Medicine, Arts, Economics
Mid Tier: History, Sociology, Psych, Eng, Finance
Low Tier: Law, Business
Shit Tier: Propaganda studies

>> No.13354617

God tier: berry picking, berry plucking
Top tier: picking up trash in the hot sun
Mid tier: drinking water
Low tier: j.s. mill, kipling
Shit tier: dr. John, folk music in general

>> No.13354717

God tier: shit tier
Top tier: low tier
Mid tier: god tier
Low tier: top tier
Shit tier: mid tier

Prove me wrong.

>> No.13354756

>gender studies
universities in which country have such shit?

>> No.13354777

Civil Engineering is god tier

>> No.13354967

God Tier: Math
Top Tier: Philosophy
Mid Tier: History, Physics
Low Tier: Law
Shit Tier: Economics

>> No.13355578

btw, how many autodidacts in here?

>> No.13355643
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God Tier: love
Top Tier: reason
Mid Tier: practicality
Low Tier: rules
Shit Tier: norms

>> No.13355782

Lol based

>> No.13356095


>> No.13356225

god tier: philosophy
mid tier: math, sciences
shit tier: engineering, business/marketing, computer "science"

>> No.13356551

that's numberwang

>> No.13356565

What's wrong with the literal application of maths and physics?

>> No.13356573

Damn. Unironically based.

>> No.13356582

They don't do 'majors' and 'minors' at universities here but there is a subject 'Mathematics and philosophy', maybe I should take that.

>> No.13356587


>> No.13356611

God tier: psychoanalytic training
Top tier: comparative literature
Mid tier: continental philosophy
low tier: STEM
shit tier: went to university just because

>> No.13356615

God tier: Top tier
Top tier: Mid tier
Mid tier: Shit tier
Low tier: Low tier
Shit tier: God tier

>> No.13356634

Surely you are a samefag? There cannot possibly be more than one person on this board who doesn't realize that psychoanalysis is a joke that was debunked almost a century ago?

>> No.13356657

Unironically not the same person, and anyone who genuinely reads psychoanalytic literature and analyzes their own psyche becomes great at whatever they determine is best for them.

>> No.13356721
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>> No.13357068

>puts philosophy in god tier
>puts Math in bottom tier
This is why so many people shit on humanity fags, so many of them are completely clueless, even in their fields of supposed expertise.

>> No.13357073
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>> No.13357097
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>be me
>working at the IT department
>a year left until I get my degree
>still earn twice as much than philosophy and english plebs

>> No.13357106

>caring about monetary wealth
good thing you work in IT because you're a midwit with nothing of value to offer the world

>> No.13357107
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>> No.13357113

Non-American here. What's a "wagie"?

>> No.13357115

from left to right: average looking scottish woman, literal ogre, hottie, foetal alcohol syndrome
I will never fail to be amazed by how powerful the halo effect of fame is.
>inb4 'pointy elbows'

>> No.13357123

God tier: Art, Literature, Philosophy
Top tier: SM parts in STEM
Mid tier: TE parts in STEM
Low tier: office jobs
Shit tier: McDonald's tier jobs

>> No.13357125

Same as wage slave

>> No.13357133

99% of litfags have no money AND have nothing of value to offer the world though.

>> No.13357141

Why would I care about what I have to offer "the world", mr philosophy man?

>> No.13357155

Right, “you” “are” only “looking” “out for” “what” “the world” can “offer” “you” because “you” are a “faggot” “normie” bitch - have a “great” day

>> No.13357167


>> No.13357179

I'm one.

>> No.13357198

God tier: things I really like/am good at
Shit tier: things I don't really like/ am not good at

>> No.13357925

It's a fun meme for interpreting media and Jewish neurosis, but not much else

>> No.13357981

God Tier: Postmodern spiritualism
Top Tier: Hermeticism, Gnosticism
Mid Tier: Judaism
Low Tier: Christianity, Islam, Atheism
Shit Tier: Neopaganism, Agnosticism

>> No.13358040

you can do both, studying phillosophy in college is a meme: youre not paying for the education, you can teach yourself anything, youre paying for the degree and a philosophy degree is worthless

>> No.13358128

though generally speaking, it goes either from (intelligent to imaginative, or imaginative to intelligent) or (verbal intelligence to visuo-spatial intelligence or visuo-spatial intelligence to verbal intelligence) or also (crystallized intelligence to fluid intelligence or fluid intelligence to crystallized intelligence) or (schizo-like subjects to autism-like subjects or autism-like subjects to schizo-like subjects), etc. etc. etc. the pattern is always like that. Such that at one end of the spectrum, subjectivity is privileged and part of the discourse, and at the other end of the spectrum, subjectivity is efaced and is considered a good practice to check for biases and other ways in which subjectivity interferes with reasoning. However, in both cases subjectivity is essential, but it's more common to see people being involved or immersed in HASS more so than STEM since it has a deeper relation with actual life.

>> No.13358222

>Postmodern spiritualism

>> No.13358380

God, why I am not surprised

>> No.13358381


>> No.13358778

the entire academia is filled with petty bourgeois retards, you retard

>> No.13358820


>> No.13360463
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