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13353861 No.13353861 [Reply] [Original]

Is the great acceleration the consequence of the industrial revolution? W-was he right all the time?

Not gonna lie, at first, I dissed out Ted for bashing the left. Some time ago I started to look at historical population data because of my job. To my surprise, what I found was the huge demographic expansion. It took humans nearly 100.000 years to reach 1 million population then another 100.000 to reach 1 billion and after the industrial revolution we have reached 7 billion in merely 200 years. I kept investigating on the subject and all charts (GDP, emissions, energy use, acidification of the oceans, etc.) literally every chart explodes past the early 1800s. Now I'm worried about the future of the mankind.

>> No.13353896

He knew that industrial and technological development hand in hand with an unregulated market would lead humanity to its destruction. The only thing left for him to decide in the forest, was whether to take an active part in trying to avoid it, in a technically useless gesture and that the only way for it to work was by taking lives. He came to the personal conclusion that spending the rest of his life in prison for murder was more ethical than doing nothing to denounce the best he could, the direction humanity was taking was equivalent to suicide.

>> No.13354033
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After the great acceleration comes the great correction. We are setting up for a world-wide revolution.

>> No.13354500


>> No.13354529

>Not gonna lie, at first, I dissed out Ted for bashing the left.
Imagine writing this sentence

>> No.13354536

Well, and I still don't agree with him on that. The reasons he gives and the pseud psychology implied in his analysis made me discard the rest of the manifesto.

>> No.13354588

>Is the great acceleration the consequence of the industrial revolution?
>W-was he right all the time?

>> No.13354592
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It's the unending becoming of gender escape.

>> No.13354677

Ditched his book as soon as i found out that he's autogynephilic. All this is just him coping with his sexuality.

>> No.13354686

Refute one of his "pseud" analyses of leftists

>> No.13354797
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That honestly only means we're growing at 3 times the normal speed (1000 fold every 100k years)

>> No.13354813

>Not gonna lie, at first, I dissed out Ted for bashing the left
So because he said one thing you disagreed with, you ignored everything else? I hope this is a lesson for you

>> No.13354833

>he's autogynephilic
Source or it's bullshit.

>> No.13354834

He should have chosen some better targets though.

He shouldn't have included the leftist whining in the manifesto, it detracts from his central, irrefutable points and just seems like pointless complaining on his part. What strikes me as unusual, to boot, is that in his other writings he seems to agree with most tenets of the left but seems to just dislike them personally for reasons that seem ill defined. I'm not sure why right wingers like him so much for this considering he doesn't have much of anything positive to say about the right and called conservatives stupid. His message was largely apolitical anyway so the political whining was even more pointless.

Otherwise he was 100% right though.

>> No.13354844

Easily googled, you can also read his psychiatric report. He admitted it himself.

>> No.13354849

>I'm not sure why right wingers like him so much
>half of his manifesto is a rant against the left

Yea, I also wonder why.

>> No.13354863

Except I addressed why it's dumb for them to like him, he called conservatives stupid, often (though often passively) agreed with leftist ideas and didn't support "right wing" political ideology because again, his basic philosophy is apolitical.

>> No.13354877

Is this like the MK ultra mind control meme where he actually just filled a questionnaire?

>> No.13354891

>While at the University of Michigan he sought psychiatric contact on one occasion at the start of his fifth year of study. As referenced above, he had been experiencing several weeks of intense and persistent sexual excitement involving fantasies of being a female. During that time period he became convinced that he should undergo sex change surgery. He recounts that he was aware that this would require a psychiatric referral, and he set up an appointment at the Health Center at the University to discuss this issue. He describes that while waiting in the waiting room, he became anxious and humiliated over the prospect of talking about this to the doctor. When he was actually seen, he did not discuss these concerns, but rather claimed he was feeling some depression and anxiety over the possibility that the deferment status would be dropped for students and teachers, and that he would face the possibility of being drafted into the military. He indicates that the psychiatrist viewed his anxiety and depression as not atypical. Mr. Kaczynski describes leaving the office and feeling rage, shame, and humiliation over this attempt to seek evaluation. He references this as significant turning point in his life.
A better summary in his psych report: https://paulcooijmans.com/psychology/unabombreport1.html

>> No.13355243

What are the odds of this being authentic vs this being angry CIA Niggers trying to get back at him?

>> No.13355252

See >>13354891
He talked about it himself.

>> No.13355365

This is really interesting. What are the chances that he's just bullshitting? I remember reading that he wanted to avoid the death pentalty.
If this is true however, then this totally chances how I view Ted.

>> No.13355387

I don't see why he would bullshit about something that would only be humiliating to him. And I read the opposite, he wanted to be executed so he wouldn't have to live in prison. He even disagreed with his lawyers (to the point of wanting to fire them) about the insanity defense they used with him and he still maintains he isn't insane (to be fair, he doesn't seem to be). His possibly being a tranny wouldn't do anything for the defense.

Reading about his life and the details of it actually make going back and reading the manifesto interesting. It doesn't take away from the central point, but certain details and patterns start to emerge and it makes sense why.

>> No.13355417

Yeah, for example him criticizing "oversocialization", yet seeming to to be unhappy with his inability to socialize.
From the wikipedia article on him I remember that he first wanted to avoid the death penalty, but later changed his mind about it.

>> No.13355434

Yes he similarly talks about the need for love a lot, which is something he never really got. An interesting random thing that kept popping up is that he frequently describes noise as one of the biggest issues technology/industrialization created and he also seems to have had a phobia of sound (someone, don't remember if it was his brother or a neighbor, even said he had a phobia of the sound of glass breaking). It kind of makes it seem like he might have had autism more than any other legit mental illness.

>> No.13355435

Why does everyone talk about him as if he were dead?

>> No.13355443

>He shouldn't have included the leftist whining in the manifesto,
No it is important. Leftists do taint things and like he says it is important to be anti-leftist in a movement.

>> No.13355459

A cautionary warning against why leftist distractions can't overwhelm the movement makes perfect sense, his devoting an entire chunk of his manifesto to complaining about details of leftism that have nothing to do with his main argument was unnecessary. He was just being emotional.

>> No.13355516

He argues that leftism and "oversocialization" is a creation of the industrial revolution. Therefore it does make sense to talk about it.

>> No.13355540

Hence why I agreed that talking about it made sense, but devoting so much of the manifesto to it was pointless. There were other results of the industrial revolution that he could have addressed more than harping on about leftism (granted, he has addressed them in subsequent writings). But his complaining about leftism was clearly more emotional than not for him and read as such, detracting from the overall writing of the manifesto.