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File: 317 KB, 952x717, 1561315830628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13353819 No.13353819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I cant even get past 2 pages anymore without coming back to the internet
pic related perfectly desribes my brain right now, how do I fix this?

I dont even play any video games anymore because now they seem somehow boring and unstimulating

>> No.13353827

delete this!

>> No.13354441
File: 30 KB, 600x630, 3epvf2i4jt201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then I guess this is it

>> No.13354446
File: 225 KB, 600x600, 1558485370293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god. it's literally me!

>> No.13354449

No anon!

>> No.13354957
File: 160 KB, 500x508, working-for-ones-living-cannot-be-the-meaning-of-life-54293032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally me. What the fuck do I do? Can I heal my brain?

>> No.13354971
File: 108 KB, 800x640, 1529426195194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I heal my brain?

If you're young you can, because your brain is still pliable. Limit your computer usage, and take a couple hours a day to just grab a book, go to a quiet place, and read.

>> No.13355006

>thirst for knowedge remains dead, killed by data smog
How the fuck do i reverse this.

>> No.13355013
File: 891 KB, 575x973, AE073DFD-DE52-4A73-9EFE-A0DD9EB9A7F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancel the internet

>> No.13355031

Chill out you dweebs. The internet may grip you with its cold metal fists right now but it’s not permanent. Go for a bike ride or walk around the block and look at the trees and nature while you reflect upon your principles. Just start thinking for yourself a little bit more every day and eventually being on the internet will seem less appealing. All the internet is good for is for spoon feeding you mindless media or the stupid opinions of strangers.

>> No.13355034

well yes, but I guess the medium is the message. (yes i read mcluhan's essay guess i'm cool now) The way this site is constructed automatically spawned the way people communicate here. On a forum where each user has their own identity, and where there's peer presssure to post quality over quantity, this problem does not exist. I also feel this site attracts people who already suffer from impulse control/attentional issues. It's an informational paradise for us thought flicking information junkies. The amount of time you have to spend constructing an argument, or interacting with the presented material is entirely up to the users themselves. It is even encouraged to engage in shallow opinion spouting and ad-hominem green texting fests.
I've come to realize my mind is now doing the same in real life situations. I form judgements in less than 5 seconds, and even feel a deep urge to defend my thoughtless opinions just for the sake of being right.
I have to say I was like this before I discovered this site, but it's become a lot worse over the years, and I might've lost most of my friends due to it. I always thought the normie meme didn't affect me, but subconsciously it has affected me in more ways than i'm currently aware of, I think.

>> No.13355045

Just turn off the computer

>> No.13355095

I knew I'm not the only one
the constant brain fog and the fried attention span is really devastating
How come we can read all those shitposts for hours

>> No.13355123

>just bee urself

>> No.13355160

Well I actually do struggle with it myself too, but the basic point is to force yourself to places where internet isn't available. I've found that simply turning off the computer helps a lot, because turning it on again is an active effort compared to just opening a new 4chan tab which happens without even thinking about it.

As with all lifestyle changes you have to start with baby steps and don't be discouraged by occasional relapses. I've been trying to read daily for over a year now and I've progressed a lot in terms of attention span etc. If it consoles you people outside of imageboards have these problems as well.

>> No.13355163

well yes, you're posting on a forum that was made by a literal 15 year old in the early '2000s, with little to no changes made to it since.

>> No.13355167

Shitposting is based and Zen, just find a way to get paid for doing it

>> No.13355175

Imageboards are really at their best at the least familiar, when you need to catch up on everything, when you're completely out of tune with wherever its descended to next. Open your mind to all the exercises of your faculties contained within doing anything besides web browsing. You could waste your time in any other dimension and probably be improved.
Personally, whenever I see a trip I usually close the window and do something else, write something, read a chapter or an even bigger chunk, enough to be proud of upon reflection, or else complete some set of tasks, physical exercise, anything you want to try and fail at, its yours the moment you want to stand up and do it. This websites lure can spellbind you into thinking there's urgent need of being here. In most all periods, most likely not, especially if you've been here within the past couple weeks or months anyways.
I also think anons should consider that it might be better to come back to your favored boards with some sort of creation, something you have made, something to show. Its one thing to duplicate and be a diligent subsistent meme farmer, but exercising your creative faculties, however poorly, awkwardly, painfully, strangely, please do take them for a spin. Try to break them, even. But engage yourself in you, in your development, in your cultivation, whatever that is, because once you're attention is stuck here, you'll have stopped on whatever your course was. Maybe you need to lurk and meander here. Maybe you need to troll /gif/ threads so effectively your posts are always removed but you're never ever banished because someone on the inside is amused.
We should consider that the whirligig barking, spinning, whirring, purring screens have very much served to ruin us, much as coal did the lungs of miners or Chinese smog did the new Asian cities. They're hazardous dangers of our time and we were much the guinea pigs. All that's been set in motion awaits our next move.

>> No.13355216
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>> No.13355227
File: 463 KB, 500x775, B776BFFB-F2E5-4040-8B42-EB5A13F4FEEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehe. Is this an illustration in that Bronze Age Mindset book?

>> No.13355232

anyone ever pay attention to those banner images at the top? they regularly contain some self-aware message conjured up by 4chan posters. Take those to heart and gain some self-awareness. The only way we can improve the discourse here is by improving our own impulse control and the effort we put into our arguments and threads. This is gonna dissolve as quickly as it appears, and I should probably go search a better forum, and the only reason I care enough to post this is because I want to feel better about my persona being attracted to such shallow conversation. Then again, reddit makes me feel even worse, I don't know anymore. The complexity of social networks is doing my head in.

>> No.13355315

>consequence-free comunication
It's called freedom of speech by experts

>> No.13355323

Everyone is so melodramatic here. If youthink threads like this one are more exciting than 2 pages of a book then you need to just stop fucking reading passively and pay attention for once. You get out what you put in.

>> No.13355336

It takes 15 minutes (which feels like 1 hour) for me to read 4 pages. How could I fix this?

>> No.13355337

you don't get it at all do you?

>> No.13355339

People's art must speak for themselves. Social media has become so obnoxious and vacuous, the complete antithesis of the "information superhighway," being instead operant conditioning virtuality that seeks to stimulate and steer you by your most base and inset drives, your programmed draw towards nude women, towards attention, towards affirmation and meaning, these are all spun against you in a lengthy and ongoing tradition of studying and stultifying the end user or otherwise messing with them just to mess with them, as Facebook has been shown to do and doubtless all other tech giants do as well, only with slightly different clients and technical exploitations. Almost certainly, the day to day lives of normie rabble on the instagrams and facebooks is spent, for instance in the case of men, whether they're male, female and/or fluid, are divided up into prolonged periods of scrolling and liking and following their personalized algorithm-delivered e-thottery. Maybe they tend towards chocolate glutes, maybe they like inked pale girls. Whatever, they're docked with the sirens and never escaping. Like walking through Bopal or Bubonic plague or Ebola-ravaged villages and cities, most of those around you are but craters, servile bipeds without any dimension beyond what has been programmed into them. If you can pull yourself away from the tehcnological enchantments, you will find an empowering energy, like you have just unbolted your caboose from modernity and letting it continue on its haunted weirdness. You don't need anything here at all. The world is dying. The apocalypse has already happened. You live in the wastes. Everything now is triage and reconstruction. Whatever is not loved will not make it. The rest is to be burned, penitent, and plowed back into the new wilds. Open your mind to what you must do next, anon. The world needs you.

>> No.13355349

Book? I can't even pay attention to a quality post.

>> No.13355366

What's even worse, is that just after I wake up, I'm not yet stuck in. I can view the posts for what they are, and can get the jist of the whole thing in about 5 minutes. Then I think "what the hell did I spend 5 hours on yesterday?" then I make a couple replies myself and soon enough I'm stuck in that tunnelvision again arguing over the most retarded shit with random people I'm never gonna meet. Feels great man.

>> No.13355396

you're committing a passive suicide by posting here. it is what it is. you hate yourself but circumstances don't allow you to end your life so you come here to waste a fuckload of time because your life has so little value to you. it's an indirect form of self-harm.

>> No.13355406

I don't think the problem is that you can only read 4 pages in 15 minutes, speed comes with 'practice' if you want to call it that though i think that's a weird attitude. The problem is that it feels like an hour, so you're not enjoying it. I used to feel like this, but once i started looking into the words meanings a bit more, analysing narrative voice etc. it became a lot more interesting. I think there's just as much excitement in 2 pages of a book as there is in 'overstimulating' media, it's just people struggle to find it initially. Once you start it's just as easy to enjoy a book as a shitpost. Some people want to blame the internet for their failures rather than themselves.

>> No.13355415

Apparently so.

>> No.13355416

Anyway to unfuck myself?

>> No.13355427

blame the brain for being fucking retarded, it's almost impossible to fix yourself if you have autism or assburgers, someone who is antisocial can not be fixed