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File: 443 KB, 1037x570, 1549551607687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13352400 No.13352400 [Reply] [Original]

poetrytube >>> booktube


>> No.13352405

wow she looks disgusting. i see more fuckable dudes every day.

>> No.13352407

inb4 this girl gets harassed by the /pol/tards here who get triggered when they see a girl with a piercing or coloured hair

>> No.13352416

fag retard

>> No.13352417
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>> No.13352425


>> No.13352427

god it must be hard to be a white western middle class pretty woman in the 21st century

>> No.13352432

FUCK I just messaged her FUCK FUCK FUCK WHY DID I DO THAT I mentioned this fucking place too AHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO STUPID

>> No.13352434


>> No.13352451

for god's sake, post screencaps

>> No.13352472

>search poetry on yt
>sort by newest date
>it's all indian garbage

honestly, there should be a way to filter the country of origin on that site

>> No.13352484


This is some kind of blackface. Why is indignation the only tune these people know how to sing. This girl is upper middle class. Life is on easy mode. There is nothing to be indignant about.

>boys trying to keep me down
Lol shut the fuck up

>> No.13352495

Try adding
>NOT Indian
To the end of your search. That’s how Google works, I assume it’s the same with YouTube

>> No.13352496

She'd still be ugly even without the babby's first rebellious phase accessories.

>> No.13352505

Her eyes are too large and far apart, chin too small, and her teeth are sideways.

She lives in a bubble and she’s a child, but she’s cute

>> No.13352510
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>Life is on easy mode.
this, you're not allowed to complain unless you're and male incel. these roasties will never know what it's like being an ugly NEET

>> No.13352511

The overall form of her face is just very rat-like. It's not an aggressive form of ugliness but it's still unpleasant.

>> No.13352517

have sex

>> No.13352521

I have, she's still ugly. If anything, getting laid makes a man more aware of how ugly women tend to be.

>> No.13352612

why do I like these sluts so much bros

>> No.13352625

You're thinking with your cock.

>> No.13352637

Why would someone be attracted to and aroused by them but only want to have sex with men as a more feminine male version near androgynous of himself?

>> No.13352690

>My Ex Girlfriend's Mother Was a Homophobe - STORYTIME
wtf shes gay? no way

>> No.13352704

So many words, so little substance.

>> No.13352709

just like your life lol

>> No.13352744

> Hello, slut, nice to meet you, I'm retard.

>> No.13352955
File: 172 KB, 564x600, 1530677753623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi retard

>> No.13353142

Can I get into poetrytube if I'm a white male, or is it exclusively the domain of woke white girls and brown women complaining?

>> No.13353152

See >>13352425
The only man in the thread and no one cares. It's not really "poetrytube" so much as retarded woke waifu tube.

>> No.13353370

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead. - Charles Bukowski


>> No.13353383

just become female bro

>> No.13353390

t. g/acc gang

>> No.13353425

>slam poet

Paused and removed. I hope this thread dies quickly.

>> No.13353434


Do you have the English/Australian swanky posh accent?

If not, become Bukowski.

>> No.13353448

I tried this, it suggested me more Indian stuff

>> No.13353511

Bukowski would've been eaten alive by woke slam poetry faggots for muh misogyny nowadays.

>> No.13353546

>being a white male
Oh, a woman expressing herself creatively scares you?

>> No.13353564

fake and lackssubtletypilled butterfly is never this aggressive

>> No.13353571 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 657x527, ap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have no soul, they cannot "express themselves" only "express".

>> No.13353639

>Bukowski would've been eaten alive by woke slam poetry faggots for muh misogyny nowadays.


Ask yourself: "Do I really believe the following: Bukowski would've been eaten alive by woke slam poetry faggots for muh misogyny nowadays."

>> No.13353656

What a stupid and vacuous post.

>> No.13353658

If you honestly think he'd be embraced by the modern analogue of the crowd that brought his success about had he emerged in recent years you're lying to yourself.

>> No.13353662

yootoobers are cancer.

>> No.13353665

why he is still relevant then lol

>> No.13353671


You may be believing the lie.

College girls would still want to meet Bukowski in his hotel room after he reads his poetry in 2019.

>> No.13353675

Because he's been grandfathered in, retard.

>> No.13353713

Again, that's only because he's been a household name for decades, I'm talking about what'd happen to a man with a similar schtick coming up as a new name today. It wouldn't end well.

>> No.13353767

Alone With Everybody

the flesh covers the bone

and they put a mind

in there and

sometimes a soul,

and the women break

vases against the walls

and the men drink too


and nobody finds the


but keep


crawling in and out

of beds.

flesh covers

the bone and the

flesh searches

for more than


there's no chance

at all:

we are all trapped

by a singular


nobody ever finds

the one.

>> No.13353785

I made it to 0:25. Yuck

>> No.13353815

Made it 15 seconds in before closing out of extreme nausea

>> No.13353824


Would you watch a cis white male read these poems in a sincere way?

>> No.13353855

fuck no, poetry is cringe

>> No.13353875

i'd find it even more cringe that a so called "man" would reduce himself to such a level.

>> No.13353880

Post face

>> No.13353902


>> No.13353907

post feet

>> No.13353957

Open bob

>> No.13353991

I don't understand why girls get nose rings, they look repugnant and remind me of Bulls.

>> No.13353999

that's a big jaw

>> No.13354004
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An ode to Kiwi Farms

>> No.13354018

Similar remarks hold, too, of course, for the nose ring, which touches, lightly, the very sensitive area of a girl's upper lip. The nose ring, too, of course, makes clear to the girl that she is a domestic animal.

>> No.13354040

>bug eyes
>cross eyed
>dyed hair
>mouth breather
>looks underweight
>nose ring
>weird head shape

>> No.13354054

>sells a 66 page book for $10
>features some of Jillian's viral classics such as "Rated R", "A Hoe Never Catches Feelings", "Not a Love Poem", and "Hurricane Serotonin."
>self described whore

>> No.13354076

she's a lesbian and therefore pure

>> No.13354082

just because you choose to be gay doesn't mean you get a pass on acting like a degenerate

>> No.13354095
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>> No.13354102

lmao she looks like that nigga from ice age

>> No.13354108
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>> No.13354121

what is it with these fucking roasties and their posh accents and disgustingly dainty apartments

>> No.13354166
File: 1.45 MB, 4032x3024, 8D7A688A-FABA-4EC5-8A30-DA84699B51E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m saying the black people she is ripping her style off had it worse than her and, in light of that, it seems pretty stupid.

Maya Angelou being a ghetto whore getting beat by her pimp. This girl. Both singing ~still I rise.


>> No.13354184

the biggest red flag in girls is they view emotional attachment as a bad thing I don't care if a girls slagged about because it'd be hypocritical but if a girl views emotions as a bad thing then she's to be avoided

>> No.13354191

Incels seething.

>> No.13354202


>> No.13354203

But you can't have both slutting and love. That's the point, and even moreso for women. Men may be able to do it for short stints, but it cannot ever work for women.

>> No.13354208


If this was my daughter, I’d slap her. Mostly because that is embarrassing. She is a little, naive, over dramatic child with a whiny voice.

>> No.13354212

>m-muh incels!
If anything I feel sorry for her if that's all she can get out of being a vapid slag. That's like playing a game on easy mode and still getting a C+ at the end of the mission.

>> No.13354234

in my early 20s I used to have a fair few one night stands before I realized that it's bad so if I judge a woman for doing the same I'm nothing more than a hypocrite that doesn't follow the rules I set for everyone else - also I feel like most incels who want a pure virgin gf would also sleep with any attractive girl that offered

>> No.13354244


>I can’t see a rated R movie, but highschool is so much worse!

She looks pretty here though

>> No.13354247

And you're a stupid nigger that can't form a sentence

>> No.13354255

The eternal roastmongler.

>> No.13354256

>She looks pretty here though
no she doesn't she's just wearing more makeup

>> No.13354259

Thanks for making me realize I have sanpaku eyes.

>> No.13354263

You’re not a woman, don’t judge yourself yourself like one
Lock and key theory is a biological reality.

>in my early 20’s
You’re 16

>> No.13354272

I'm 26 what gave you the impression I'm underage? also I hold everyone to the same standard because I'm not from r9k

>> No.13354281

Being from r/mywifesson isn't any better, homie.

>> No.13354286

Goddamn this was horrible. Is there anything more pathetic than a young suburban white girl talking about her life as if she has anything worthwhile to say about anything?

>> No.13354292

I wouldn't raise someone elses child stop strawmanning me and explain why I should hold people to standards I don't meet

>> No.13354315

You say that now but you seem like the sort of sap who'll be prepping the bull in no time in a few years and gallons of s((()))ylent later.

>> No.13354320

so just more strawmans then lad? also I would never date someone who's racemixed so try again

>> No.13354333

Wait till you're thirty eight or so, I guarantee you a chump like you will do it without so much as batting an eye.

>> No.13354337

how long are you going to make things up and ignore my point why should I hold other people to higher standards then I do myself?

>> No.13354346

Women and men are not equal, they have differing spirits and cannot be judged the same.

>> No.13354351

how do you know this? or does it boil down to
>just trust me bro
>if you want proof go find it yourself

>> No.13354367

I guarantee you my predictions about your future will come true if you don't change your ways. You shouldn't treat anyone the way you treat yourself, that's a surefire way to get cucked and fucked out of everything in the long run.

>> No.13354372

lmao have you ever talked to a woman?

>> No.13354373

she's kind of cute

>> No.13354380

>just trust me I'm right

>> No.13354395

qtube > everyone else


>> No.13354442

It's just common sense. If you act like a doormat you shouldn't be surprised when you're stepped on.

>> No.13354486

so by deciding I should hold myself to the same standard as others I'm a doormat

>> No.13354502

Yes, because what you see as being fair is actually giving most people twice as much deference as they'll ever give you. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows, everyone's a potential enemy and giving them room to screw you over is foolish.

>> No.13354644

fairness has got nothing to do with it, it's hypocritical to decide everyone else should have a different set of standards

>> No.13354656

No, it's tactically sound.

>> No.13354664

>everyone has to not do this
>but not me I'm different

>> No.13354680

If anything you're being disrespectful to your potential enemies by assuming they give two shits about honor or ideological consistency except when it suits them.

>> No.13354684

poetry is dead.

>> No.13354724

if I have any enemies I can cut them out of my life pretty easily and surely you get that girls I'm dating aren't my enemy right? either way I'm done with this conversation it's going nowhere you're just telling me to not hold myself to the same standards as anyone else and can't give any actual reason why it's just >trust me I'm right and talking about spirits you have nothing to back up your reasoning and this is boring have a nice night lad

>> No.13354736

You know, it's perfectly valid to achieve consistency through control of your own behaviors right? You don't have to be a weak, unjudging blob of nothing.

Disregard thots

>> No.13354774

If a girl you're dating expects to fuck and chuck like a man then she is your enemy.

>> No.13354795

have sex

>> No.13354802

It's arrogant of you to assume they don't mean you harm or aren't taking advantage of you just because you're fucking them.

>> No.13354808

make me retard

>> No.13354866

Das ist des Jägers Ehrenschild,
Daß er beschützt und hegt sein Wild,
Waidmännisch jagt, wie sich’s gehört,
Den Schöpfer im Geschöpfe ehrt!

Das Kriegsgeschoß der Haß regiert, -
Die Lieb’ zum Wild den Stutzen führt:
Drum denk’ bei Deinem täglich Brot
Ob auch Dein Wild nicht leidet Noth?

Behüt’s vor Mensch und Thier zumal!
Verkürze ihm die Todesqual!
Sei außen rauh, doch innen mild, -
Dann bleibet blank Dein Ehrenschild!

>> No.13354872

It’s cute.

>> No.13354882

Anon arguing that men and women should be held to different standards, are you a virgin? You can hold women to whatever standards you want but you'll have to make compromises elsewhere for her to tolerate your hypocrisy.

Other anon, if virginity matters to you why not make that kind of compromise?

t. 22 year old male volcel

>> No.13354908

I'm not a virgin but you misunderstood what I was saying. It's not only women that should be held to different standards than oneself, but that everyone else around one should be because the idea of fair play is a sucker's game in general. It doesn't even necessarily have anything to do with virginity or sex specifically so much as expectations and perception in a broader sense.

>> No.13354952

so you think you should expect more from others than you do yourself?

>> No.13354986

No, you've got it backwards. You should expect them to expect more from you than you would from them. Work under the assumption that they'll try to milk you for all you're worth and throw you away like a used condom at the first opportunity until they prove they're not conniving. Basically, be prepared for others to be out to take advantage of you and don't take their shit.

>> No.13354998

the point was you shouldn't expect more from others than you expect from yourself i.e don't hold others to higher standards than you do yourself did you not read the thread?

>> No.13355058

Comfy reading chair

>> No.13355144

Based boy on twitter

>> No.13355165

cringe tbqh

>> No.13355178

She will produce good chadlings

>> No.13355181


>> No.13355342

"Twitter also told me that, according to Cardi B, a hoe never gets cold. And that's funny, because cold is all I've become."

Harold Bloom better hurry and add her to the Western Canon.

>> No.13355580




>> No.13355761

>hold everyone to the same standard

We aren’t the same though.
We aren’t animals either, but unironically I think you should watch some of this.

Other than potentially innate factors, in our society there is a cat and mouse situation with men and women. Any woman can go to a bar and get laid by opening her legs. For a man, it’s more of a feat. Getting laid puts you in a position to choose, whereas a woman is already in a position to choose and having a lot of sex really takes that away. No guy wants to be with a slut. No one values a slut because she doesn’t value herself.

Whereas a woman will like you less if you don’t have clear options. She won’t value you as much and a man that can’t have sex freely, doesn’t value himself as much. It’s just a fact.

>for her to tolerate your hypocrisy
You’d be surprised what women will tolerate if they like you, and you have options.

I usually read laying down, but thanks

>> No.13355802

About booktube: our boi John David Ebert is in trouble, his girlfriend just died and he is in poverty - so please support his patron and buy his books, he needs us more than ever.

>> No.13355935

Fuck off John

>> No.13356076


At least post his actual poetry mane

>> No.13356362

Meh, at least this thot isn't a complete eyesore. That jawline makes me jealous though

>> No.13356437

cant this fucking thread die already?
I cant stand looking at this digusting nose piercing and obnoxious hair colour
also I curse everyone who is subscribed to her with the worst inceldom imagined

>> No.13356445

Have you seen his recent videos, his life is currently a mess and he needs help

>> No.13357490

Fucking gross, dude.

>> No.13358163

There are people who have the same rights and privileges as us who consider this to be deep.

>> No.13358170


>> No.13358196

lol she sounds like she has some relationship problems. You can argue about the nature of sluttiness which is fair but to attribute to sluttiness all the shit about some guy calling her things makes it so you add personal problems to a broad concept. Also the part about being landlord of a temple seems strange, like you don't really let people live in the temple do you? It's a place of worship and all that.

>> No.13358212

Hey, at least this one seems genuine. And i like her voice, and the vibes are pozi