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13351810 No.13351810 [Reply] [Original]

I think this is the right board. You will often see incels and black pilled believers use the word cope. The word cope is interesting, to me at least. It seems to be a catch-all 'refutation' for any kind of argument against the black pill.

Can someone tell me how the word cope works on an ideological level?Why do incels and black pillers assume they have a capital on truth? Using the word 'cope' already implies your position is the truth.

>> No.13351817

Gl these ppl are trying to convince you to cut off ur dick and not read, they don't have anything interesting to say

>> No.13351899

incels/'black pillers' are the biggest copers out. they'll do anything to avoid coming to terms with their autism. no, all their problems are down to not being the ideal chad and only the top 1% of men are getting laid. no, you're just a socially retarded sperg reject. deal with it.

>> No.13351928

I've often found incels being the one calling others incels while promoting retard cults of sex

>> No.13351939

"Cope" is just another funny meme word, used in a very similar way to "cringe" or calling somebody a faggot here. It's not meant to be a profound ideological statement. It's a joke, a shitpost, a way to say you don't think much of somebody's post.

>> No.13351950

I thought the 'have sex' meme was to fuck with incels?

>> No.13352040
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>> No.13352082
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>How does the word 'cope' work?

>> No.13352366
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>> No.13352381
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>> No.13352621

100% this

>> No.13352646

The truth is that all existence is eternal coping. Indeed, it is a failure to cope that spells disaster.

>> No.13352970

formerly chuck's

>> No.13352987

If you can't get laid, it's cope thinking it's because of your personality. Truth is, you're ugly as fuck and only plastic surgery will make you appealing to women.

>> No.13353601


>> No.13353626

Have sex

>> No.13353634

have sex

>> No.13353643
File: 1.69 MB, 1643x1230, megan boyle fairy feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did mog come from? it seems invented as to exert a Darwinian selection against lesser people.

>> No.13353720

using the word mog unironically is yikes.

>> No.13353726
File: 69 KB, 590x734, James-Rees-Mogg-wife-Helena-Consvervative-MP-991773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from Jacob Rees-Mogg

>> No.13353736


>> No.13353825

When people say ‘cope’, do they mean ‘a cope’ or ‘to cope’?

>> No.13353852


>> No.13353858

4chan(nel) has always been full of shitposts, but they've gotten stagnant. Wojak, Pepe, based, have sex, cringe, cope, no one cares that these memes have become stale, they just post them because that's what's expected to fit in here now.

>> No.13353862

cringe but redpilled

>> No.13353868

So it’s a verb then, got you

>> No.13353873

For some people, there is a bias to assume all truth is grim and depressing. When someone tries to frame things in a more positive manner, they claim 'cope', because to their mind, the only reason to reject their beliefs is finding them to unsavory.

>> No.13353884

It's a pretty shitty diss in that it completely relies on the insult being true. If the person isn't an incel it just gets an "uh... Okay?". The much better insult is the thing you know for a fact they don't do.

"Read books."

>> No.13353958

it's a word you use when someone says something you dont agree with

>> No.13353975

Mog comes from Amog, which is an acronym for Alpha Male Of the Group. It's a lookism term for dominating with just your presence due to having favorable traits. It no longer has the strict definition of the initial acronym, so you have have things like busty girls tit-mogging chestlets.

The only people who unironically use this term are lookism or /r9k/ fags who very frequently shit up /fit/. Otherwise it's all just banter.

>> No.13354089

2014 was the beginning of the end

>> No.13354097


>> No.13354115

its when someone tries to fallacy their way to feel better about what they know is lacking in the first place, doubling on it instead of chekin yer shit b4 ya wreck yer shit

>> No.13354123

I thought these were just memes

>> No.13354147
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>> No.13354152


>> No.13354219


>> No.13354389

You could have rendered brevity by naming the demagoguery.

>> No.13354393

>The only people who
I would add /k/.

>> No.13354431

Incels have stopped doubting their own insecurities, and see the rest of the world through them. Anyone with any success is either lying or deluding themselves. They say cope because they need you to loathe yourself as much as they hate themselves. Most of them don’t try, so instead they cope with their lot. If you’re not stagnating, you’re an incel’s enemy.

>> No.13354518

deal effectively with something difficult

>> No.13354565

Weird to see Kotomine posted here, I just started rewatching Fate/Zero.

>> No.13354587
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Discussion ends here

>> No.13354618

formerly chucks

>> No.13354620


>> No.13354658
File: 428 KB, 950x1200, 1560888035950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "cope" is a rationalization or emotional declarative used to ease the feeling of cognitive dissonance for the individual "coping".

Just because people use false accusations of "cope" in argument doesn't mean the underlying meaning is inaccessible or invalid.

>> No.13354710

>just because ... doesn't mean ...
What doesn't mean the underlying meaning is inaccessible or invalid?

>> No.13354763

>that* doesn't mean
Settle down.