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/lit/ - Literature

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13351511 No.13351511 [Reply] [Original]

If you read philosophy, you are an unoriginal brainlet. Come up with your own ideas, don't LARP with someone else's thoughts. You are alone.

>> No.13351512

Understanding others thoughts helps one refine their own, duh

>> No.13351517
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Oh well. You tried.

>> No.13351531

wow nice critique bro get it pubished you'll be like a millionaire

>> No.13351537
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>i can think thoughts that are not my own
is this true /lit/?

>> No.13351538

Philosophy is one of those things that is kind of dangerous.

If you read some particularly bad or hateful philosophy, it can negatively impact your life, forever :3

Marx brands his 'social scientists' with a revolutionary agenda.

Nietzsche brands his 'ubermensch' with a chaotic and morally bereft mindset.

Both have elements of truth, but that is the trick isn't it? To wrap up extreme negatives with positives. These kind of thinkers, the Presocratics, can be essentially bad.

This qt above me defines herself by philosophy. I am wary to do so, but I will say this: it is important to think about. Just please, realize the foundation of thought comes through objective morality (the likes of which as determined by most major religions, Platonic philosophy, etc.). These ideas are not even bad, and they are actually the thing from which morally nihilistic materialism springs from. :3

>> No.13351550

Humanity would never progress if every person started from scratch when they wanted to do something. Building off the work of others is simply the smart thing to do and that is applicable towards philosophy as well.

>> No.13351556

Someone post the Guenon quote shitting on brainlets like OP

>> No.13351559


>> No.13351572

How has no one been able to refute the OP yet?

>> No.13351576

Yes. Several times.

>> No.13351633

nothing is original get used to it. if you want to have a true understanding of the world then you have to look at it from many angles.

>> No.13351745

Come up with your own language fag

>> No.13351764

>don't read
>stop thinking just become a slave to passion
Y'all are out in force today

>> No.13351984

>Therefore I give no sources, because it is indifferent to me whether what I have thought has already been thought before me by another.

>> No.13353943

It would take too much time to come up with everything on my own.

Sauce on the qt pls

>> No.13354017

Why does this apply only to philosophy and not literature in general?

>> No.13354024

Or the God damned English language

>> No.13354055

why not science and math too?

>> No.13354101

Thanks Schopenhauer.

>> No.13354145

I developed rudimentary philosophy and read on it to expand and build on my axioms
you also have a philosophy, it's just primitive and untested

>> No.13354201

>Not going on a private server with all things unlocked and access to top level equipment so that you can enjoy the fun endgame content rather than grinding through the boring/menial stuff, giving up, and never getting to enjoy the endgame content.
Best analogy I can think of at the moment OP. If you do what you suggest, most likely your own ideas are unoriginal brainlet tier. Kind of difficult to do 4000 years worth of thinking quickly.

>> No.13354402

>Dude, knowledge is like, so dangerous and terrifying
You're a massive sensationalist faggot. From now on only post to harass butterfly as an ironic mask for your thirst, it's the only thing you're good at.

Originality doesn't matter and you're gay if you invest any interest in it. No matter how strictly you attempt to follow someone else's philosophy (as if anyone but LARPers does this anyway) you're guaranteed to diverge onto your own path at some point anyway, intentionally or not.

>> No.13354418

>reinventing the wheel

>> No.13354682


>> No.13354771

geez are christians really reduced to begging and pleading these days to make people follow their slave morals?

>> No.13354819

>Could try to play the game yourself, learning along the way and googling specific things if you're stuck

>Instead watch every video guide about the game on youtube, including ones from previous patches that don't include all the current features

>> No.13354921

Sam Harris is that you?

>> No.13355195

If you had read any philosophy you'd know this view is old as rocks. Read some more philosophy and you might come up with something that wasn't thought up 2000 years ago.

>> No.13355356

That's a boy isn't it

>> No.13355412

Bump for answer.

>> No.13355464

If you use the English language, you are an unoriginal brainlet. Come up with your own ideas, don't LARP with someone else's thoughts. You are alone.

>> No.13355507

I happen to have invented the English language independently

>> No.13355524

Okay Osho

>> No.13355617


>> No.13355914

I love every time somebody gets pissed at the :3

>> No.13356562

I misread it. Its was refuted though

>> No.13356912

All of these people saying "why reinvent the wheel" or "why don't you come up with your own language" or anything to that effect are wrong. There is something fundamentally different about the pursuit to develop a personal philosophy. The language analogy is especially bad because attempting to create your own language and refusing to learn english would be far too inconvenient and destructive a pursuit; you essentially would not be able to exist in society. Philosophy is internal whereas language and other fields of study are about interacting with the world. Another example would be if you wanted to become a mathematician: you would have to study the work of those who came before because that is a prerequisite for your career; you are applying your studies in society. However unless you intend to become a teacher of philosophy or something like that, philosophy will be more personal, and knowledge of what came before less of a prerequisite.

>> No.13357267

lol i know right epic trol for the win

>> No.13357377

>Philosophy is internal
This belief is the source of all your misunderstandings. Philosophy is a dialectic. It is a cooperative search for truth and knowledge that stretches back 2,500 years to Socrates. You are the modern day Euthyphro, a last man of unparalleled arrogance content with his ignorance thinking he has uncovered the truths of the world, blissfully unaware that they are naught but shadows that will disappear as soon as the light of the world illuminates them.

>> No.13357386

The Sun is actually gay
pretty sure its unique

>> No.13357584

I agree with you OP in many ways, and I do philosophize a lot on my free time, and have come up with many concepts of my own doing, and some proto-systems, so to speak, but I wish I would spend much more time philosophizing and less reading what others have written. However, you must admit that reading some philosophers is fun too! :D

>> No.13357596

The same thing can potentially apply to maths, it's really fun to try to discover maths on your own, but not so much study maths or learn maths

>> No.13357601

This basically. It is important to understand what makes the Philosophy of others in order to strengthen your and help properly develop your own.

>> No.13358365

>Philosophy is internal
This is false, which you would realise if you thought of each and every time your personal beliefs were changed by an interaction with someone, or some other event.

>> No.13358622

there is no 'you' or 'someone else' you absolute brainlet

>> No.13358661

This is surely what all the great philosophers did. Socrates and Plato didn't need Zeno and Parmenides, Aristotle started completely anew. Augustinus didn't need retranslated Arabic accounts of Aristotle. Hume and Locke invented their own system and Kant never heard of it. Fichte, Schelling Hegel die not only not know Kant but they did not even know each other. Hegel was most oblivious. He just devised everything himself without even recurring once to Spinoza and Kant. Schopenhauer in turn didn't care for Hegel. Whereas Nietzsche never heard of Schopenhauer. Freud, Heidegger, Sartre surely never read any of the above and Deleuze and Derrida were equally completely ignorant to the aforementioned. Zizek also only follows his own intuition.

>> No.13358792

I once tried to jerry-rig the transcendental unity of apperception to save Locke's disastrous account of sensitive knowledge. Afterwards, when I first read Kant, it really did feel like cataract surgery. It's not about LARPing with someone else's thoughts, it's about taking a stance and better understanding your own.