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13349159 No.13349159 [Reply] [Original]

>Holden Caulfield made out with several girls

Wtf suddenly not relatable anymore

>> No.13349173

>Holden Caulfield is a siscon who doesn't like roasties, fakers, and pseuds
Actually pretty based tbqhwy.

>> No.13349203


I heard something happened with his sister, Phoebe

>> No.13349262

When I was his age a cute girl had a crush on me and used to hold on to me/hug me and always ask to dance. getting really excited when I held her. She was my first kiss though she initiated it. I always got the impression it was all to feed of my social status (I hit puberty first and mogged all the manlet boys) sure enough she immediately lost interest in high school even when I gave her attention. Little did I know at the time this was the nature of all woman. The "love" is a shallow caricature and insulted my own feelings.

>> No.13349276

The virgin Holden Caufield vs The Chad Ignatius J. Reilly

>> No.13349299
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Holden was a doomer but not an incel

>> No.13349325 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 1296x548, 1561327401841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

>> No.13349342

he got cucked tho

>> No.13349584

Why is it so impossible to find a book with a virgin protagonist who doesn't eventually get the girl? I don't mind if they have friends, a job, it's just that I'm put off when they're implied to have had sex.

>> No.13349774

holden is like a 6 foot 3, athletic, hot chad.

did you think he was some wimpy beta?

>> No.13350839

Holden literally stated that he was a virgin.

>> No.13350891
File: 75 KB, 198x198, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf suddenly not relatable anymore
Why, because you only made out with boys?

>> No.13350900
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>> No.13350918
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>> No.13351032


>> No.13351041

>tfw you're 23 and still haven't given the time to a cute gril

>> No.13351643
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>> No.13351650

Is kissing really that big a deal? I kissed a girl on the lips even when I was a virgin and thought nothing of it.

>> No.13351669
File: 164 KB, 797x1200, mwah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissing is really, really nice.

>> No.13351677

I've never seen it as anything more than foreplay.

>> No.13351718

Maybe. But sex without foreplay is kind of boring, don't you think? I guess a kiss just on it's own can be nice, too.

>> No.13352108

Holy Fucking shit what?

>> No.13353021
File: 928 KB, 1439x1630, Screenshot_20190619-192347_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kissing is way better than sex, because is not misogynist

>> No.13353025


>> No.13353076

Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.13353244


This thread gets posted intermittently on this board, not even a meme, is this a code for something?

>> No.13353363

Sorrows of Young Werther
Notes from the Underground
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Book of Disquiet
White Nights
Pleasant Hell
Phantom of the Opera
Hungover Square
Doctor Glass
The Collector

My Twisted World
Sex and Character

Petrarch's Canzoniere
Canti by Leopardi
Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock
Collected Poems of WB Yeats
Collected Poems of Phillip Larkin

Harlequinade (Pierrot)
Cyrano De Bergerac
Uncle Vanya

Taxi Driver
Lars and the real Girl
Blade Runner 2049
The Double
Swiss Army Man
The Last American Virgin

Schubert's Wintereise and Die Schone Mullerin
Fur Elise/ Moonlight Sonata
Symphony Fantistique
The Queen is Dead
Weezer: Blue Album
Five Leaves Left
Works of Daniel Johnston
Blank Monk Time
Violent Femmes
In the Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonley
Works of Roy Orbison

Jimmy Corrigan

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.13353402

Whoever drew that should have noted that Holden wears his hat backwards in the book.

>> No.13353408

Yeah and the one that he liked cucked him and fucked his Chad roommate. Seems relatable to me.

>> No.13353413

Add painting, sculpture, opera, performance art, photography, poetry, architecture, gastronomy

>> No.13353423

>Notes from the Underground
He fucks a prostitute.