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/lit/ - Literature

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13348971 No.13348971 [Reply] [Original]

Kid friendly /lit/?
What books would you read your kid as they go to bed, or to read together to bond over?
Any list? hell, even books that you read as kid that still resonate with you today?

>> No.13348987


>> No.13348993


>> No.13349026
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Loved this one as a small child, along many others. My mother still keeps my childhood books in a box somewhere. I can't wait to read to my own future children.

>> No.13349048
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My grandma had a ton of these from like the 50s, my favorite was There once was a puffin

>> No.13349124

Kids don't want to hear stories. They want to play-wrestle and cuddle.

>> No.13349147
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The moment I saw the title I was expecting this to be a fake book, then the author got a good chuckle out of me, but it's real. Thanks I'll check it out.

>> No.13349187
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My mom used to read me stuff that was a little advanced for a small child, and I sure as hell wouldn't have been able to read them alone, but I still really liked the stories and consider those influential moments in my taste and imagination. This started when I was...three I think.

to name a few: The Hobbit, the Chronicles of Narnia, and (the less adult) parts of Clive Barker novels and Dune.

>> No.13349251
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Happy you will. He was probably the purest soul on this planet. May he rest in peace.

>> No.13349270
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Age range?
Frog and Toad
The single best early childhood science books ever: "Kinder Entdecken" which is, I think, translated from japanese, and say what you want, but they broke down light refraction that a 5 year old can understand it

Tamora Pierce
Gerald Morris
Diana Wynne Jones
Xanth books
Swiss family robinson
religious stories
Dragonriders of Pern

>> No.13349275

who the fuck hasn't heard of miffy

>> No.13349279

>books that you read as kid that still resonate with you today?
watership down
i still have the copy i had when i was 10
the last chapter still makes me cry

>> No.13349321
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>> No.13349600

Winnie-the-Pooh is one of the most amazing children's books in my eyes. It's perfect for children, and really beautiful and funny for adults.

>> No.13349605

Aesop's Fables

>> No.13349628

aesop's fables, a sanitized version of the odyssey.

>> No.13349857

I've been reading my kid various chapters from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. He's really enjoyed hearing about young scholars hooking up with fox maidens, the man with the rat wife, the shady Daoist priest and his magical pear tree, etc.