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File: 11 KB, 187x248, 187px-Carl_Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13345688 No.13345688 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly is Carl Schmitt supposed to be so smart? Why does he, a conservative thinker and nazi, get grudging respect and regular name-dropping from leftist thinkers and philosophers?

What, exactly, are his special insights? What books of his would you recommend?

>> No.13345694

curious about this too. it's not everyday leftists admit that a nazi's political philosophy was smart

>> No.13346659


He's basically the only fascist political philosopher to have gone about his work in an academic way. Hence the respect.

His central claim in The Concept of the Political is that all of politics can be explained by a friend-enemy distinction( such dualities are common in German political philosophy). The friend-enemy distinction posits that people form groups based on who they collectively define as an other/alien/enemy.

When an establishment breaks down many small groups emerge. Based on the friend enemy distinction these small groups merge to form larger groups. The smaller merging groups may have started out with different identities and goals but they come together based on a single issue in opposition to a common enemy. Therefore this single issue and common enemy comes to characterize the new larger group.

This is philosophically appealing in that it can create an internally coherent theory for explaining "the political." So it's good in that sense. There's lots of problem with the theory but that's another story.

>> No.13346749


Why doesn't Othmar Spann get such recognition. His ideas were more profound I think

>> No.13346759

Maybe read him and ask then you fucking faggot retard

>> No.13346776

No. Just no. Carl Schmitt wrote fascistically for the purpose of (paternalistic) assimilation. In doing so, he drew attention to a crucial difference between the European and the Asian/Asian American world. That difference is the extent to which Asian Americans will be assimilated. The Chinese, Chinese-Americans, and others of our African and Latino brothers and sisters are not so much, as Carl Schmitt made clear in his book No Nation. Rather than a nation of whites, they are a nation of Asians.

Schmitt's essay is a prime example of political correctness gone bonkers. It offers a perfect example of when one's feelings are trumped by data. What follows is pure math. Because of historical and racial circumstances, Asians and Pacific Islanders can't be assumed to be assimilated. The same is true of Mexicans and Central-American nations. What follows is an example of how to make sure our communities are not just absorbed under the umbrella of the country we hail from.