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13344476 No.13344476 [Reply] [Original]

When does reading start being fun?

>> No.13344502


>> No.13344508

when you read the Birth of Tragedy while slightly drunk

>> No.13344522

After u read some nf for a bit and come upon fiction it's so easy u just enjoy the story

>> No.13344597

study grammar and logic, rhetoric too but it’s not as important

>> No.13344600

want to help you
I love that pic

>> No.13344633

You don't read because it's fun. But reading can be fun sometimes.

>> No.13344647

Fun is for retards and suckers.

>> No.13344652

Reading is basically for for low IQ people to stroke their own ego and to appear wise while sitting alone in their dirty one bedroom apartment. Really intelligent people watch movies and listen to music and use reading simply as a tool to get a degree and get a job.

>> No.13344657

but i am a retard and a sucker

>> No.13344668
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Right now, my man.


>> No.13344685

Intelligent person: student studying mathematics in College, reads textbooks to increase his skills as a mathematician to be able to solve real life problems. He is using reading as a tool. Very smart.

Dumb person: college drop out who works part-time as barista wastes days reading ''complicated'' novels by authors like James Joyce and Pynchon, deep down inside he knows he is wasting his time and could have had more fun reading something less serious like ASOIAF or maybe even some self-help books.

>> No.13344691

when you get references no one else does

>> No.13344731

So basically just stroking your own ego trying to appear wise? You might as well just go out and fuck women and make money to feed your ego. At least it's more fun.

>> No.13344800

>trying to appear wise
I didn’t say you have to brag about it. But let’s say you listen to a symphony that’s based on Faust or whatever, then you will have a better understanding than someone who just goes to it without having read Faust.

>> No.13344870
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The dumb person is literally me.

>> No.13344888

>real life problems
who gives a shit about ‘real life’ honestly

>> No.13345168

This. We are all transhumanists here.

>> No.13345174

brainlets need fun gtfo

>> No.13345613

>he doesn't read for fun

>> No.13345618

Intelligent people do every cultural activity, including reading books. Fucking Americans lmao

>> No.13345624
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Leave this board now.

>> No.13345626

I love this pic too

>> No.13345628

When you find the right book, baby steps OP

>> No.13345646

What genre movies do you like? Read that genre of books. I love horror movies, started getting into reading books by reading Pet Sematary by Stephen King, loved it and just kept reading horror novels, liked some, didn't like others. Just keep looking. Also, pickup random books from different genres. I read Catcher in the Rye, liked it.

>> No.13345883

Haha, Le Upvoat good sir

>> No.13347366


>> No.13347652

I like Tarkovsky films.

>> No.13348881


>> No.13348897


>> No.13348929

back to r*ddit

>> No.13349265


>> No.13349271

Just read Jonathan Swift

>> No.13349359

then read Solaris

>> No.13350110

I'm in this post and I don't like it

>> No.13351671

Instead of reading the words in your head, just feeling them. Try to read the emotion instead of the word.

>> No.13351675
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1554362045395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college drop out who works part-time as barista wastes days reading ''complicated'' novels by authors like James Joyce and Pynchon, deep down inside he knows he is wasting his time and could have had more fun reading something less serious like ASOIAF or maybe even some self-help books

>> No.13351676

To clarify, try it here; Just FEEL it, no reading.
>Red, blue, green, yellow, happy, sad, lovely, big, small
Practice and it get's easier.

>> No.13351835

When you start reading things that spark joy within. Don't read things just because you think it will make you smarter, or bc it will impress others. That will only make you hate reading

>> No.13351839

>Reading is basically for for low IQ people to stroke their own ego
>Believes getting a degree and job is the most paramount achievement in life
lmao, brainlets will never achieve true success. Have fun being a modern day slave

>> No.13351943

desu people who complain about ego stroking have no ego to stroke. small dicks thinking big dicks are too large.

>> No.13352422

It’s always fun for me personally. If you don’t like it maybe you need to do it a bit more to get practice? I can’t really answer it and don’t understand people who don’t like reading. My only explanarion would be that when I read the images from the words form in my head and I’m simultaniously forming a picture in my head while also taking in new words to change the picture, it’s pretty much like a movie going on. If you don’t like it then it might be because you get to caught up in the words themselevss and can’t make it into that movie in your head. However I’m sure with practice you could. Having someone read to you is also an excellent option to start practicing

>> No.13353194

That’s not very light of you, anon

>> No.13353297
File: 51 KB, 590x428, happycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read some 'fun' light fiction first and then go into the book that you want to read with the same mindset (if it's also fiction)

>> No.13353309

You have to follow your gut and find what you are truly interested in. Screw reading "the classics" because you think you have to. Find your own niche and reading will be stimulating like nothing else.

>> No.13353311

For you, probably never.