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13343540 No.13343540 [Reply] [Original]

Is this right?

>> No.13343553

what a retarded meme

>> No.13343557

What is "ethical consumption"? If you're talking about the consumption of natural resources, then no.

>> No.13343615

I'm an idiot, but I think it means that to go along with capitalism is to enable and implicitly condone the horrible shit that capitalist society does. Like, by buying a smartphone assembled by overworked and underpaid laborers, you are contributing to their oppression. I think they take it so far as to say that buying lemonade from a kid's lemonade stand is bad because, I guess, you're socializing the kid into an exploitative system, and/or those lemons were likely picked by exploited laborers, or something...

>> No.13343662

You can have capitalism where workers are paid well, without outsourcing and exploiting third-worlders and without using malicious practices like planned obsolescence

>> No.13343691

And how does one achieve that?

>> No.13343705

I’m not big on capitalism but these commie memes are embarrassing, they’re so staid. It sounds like it’s meant to have the twisted gravitas of some edgy groundbreaking statements, it just comes off like someone put a Christian quote on sonic. Seriously it’s like a reddit Catholic meme.

>> No.13343735

Then why don't communist do the ethical thing and stop consuming?

I mean, at least the alt-right weren't literal shills for the capitalists and their foreign labour import programs and argued for some kind of temperance.
But the commies simply can't stop themselves from consuming.

>> No.13343752

It's just another meme from some meme factory.
Ignore it and it will go away.

>> No.13343755


>> No.13343766

The first step is rounding up all communists and putting them into death camps.

>> No.13343771

So basically. Cherrypicking for things to make you feel bad about.

>> No.13343780

I stumbled on this meme years ago. Anytime I feel guilty for using a plastic straw or that my t shirt was made by an underpaid worker in poor working conditions; I flash back to this meme. Gives me a good laugh. I personally agree with this meme. Not smart enough to think of a good counter argument.

>> No.13343784
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>> No.13343823

>Not smart enough to think of a good counter argument.
But there really is no argument to respond to.
Everyone being "equal" is not possible, thus the complaint that in capitalism people are exploited is retarded, in any given system there HAVE to be less and more fortunate people, classifying the less fortunate as the exploited and the more fortunate as the exploitee, is just a change of definitions.

>> No.13343845

It's not only right, it's DAMN right.

>> No.13343934
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>> No.13343973

It's an accelerationist meme.

>> No.13344022
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O.K. let's stop the consumption and those poor workers will have no jobs and no upward mobility and will never enter into the middle class and will have to go back to working 24/7 in rice fields or prostitution
just so white communist womyn in 1st world countries can feel better about themselves when they purchase their locally made organic starbox coffee paper cup which costs 500% more

Literally a lose-lose situation. Leave it to the communists to fuck up something totally voluntary and progressive (in the true sense)

Reminder than CHINA was an agrarian backwater before they modernized and now they all literally have iPhones and their companies are the largest most competitive businesses on the world stage


>> No.13344028
File: 18 KB, 260x260, 51ZThzrax2L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Emperor of All Maladies: "Communism".
The Great Leveler: "Communism".

>> No.13344031

The earth should at most have 1 million people on it living an agrarian lifestyle

Capitalism is an extreme aberration based on unsustainable appropriation of finite and rapidly dwindling resources

Capitalism will end eventually, question is will it take us with it?

>> No.13344107

You probably mean 1 billion. We have different worldviews regarding what the world should look like. An agrarian life is not a good life by any means.

>> No.13344109


>> No.13344139
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I believe it means that since the capitalist keeps the surplus value that the worker produces (profit), it is by its nature exploitativ. Therefore consumption can never be non-exploitative ("ethical"), but some one who understands Marxism better than I do is welcome to step in and provide a better explanation.

>> No.13344172

Without the capitalist the worker can produce nothing and there will be no profit and no surplus value.

>> No.13344199

Making the means of production owned by the people wouldn’t change anything, we’d all just be the shareholders pushing the bottom line.


>> No.13344224

No. Living within, or alongside, a deficient economical system, does not preclude one from proactively leading a Noble lifestyle, regardless of the span and degree of its influence.

>> No.13344309

Commies 9 times out of 10 are pathological consumers (at least the young ones), which is why they agitate for gibs. I have respect for the thinkers even if I disagree with them, but the rank and file commie is insufferable.

Caveat: I'm talking about r*ddit/tw*tter ''''''commies''''''

>> No.13344316


>> No.13344318

So basically when I eat a mcchicken I am oppressing mcdonalds workers? Mcchicken masterrace is essentially what you are saying?

>> No.13344319
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>> No.13344323


>> No.13344352

What do I have to do to smell your feet?

>> No.13344387
File: 646 KB, 717x1029, 33229999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smell some decent mozzarella

Oh good!
Someone tell him I said "Oh good!" please

>> No.13344425

I think most people are taking it to mean ethics generally, rather than ethical consumption in particular. One can be "ethical" and still consume unethically, it's a distinct complaint. I'd argue the quote is more explicitly targeting the idea of "capitalism with a human face" than making a claim as to what behaviour does or doesn't qualify as unethical.

>> No.13344481

Stop using sonic to push your agendas

>> No.13344546

>The left can’t m—-
>Stop meming!! Stopit!

>> No.13344559
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>> No.13344581
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Workers are worthless scum, they're not supposed to live decently or be treated with dignity. Never in the history of mankind were workers anything else than human cattle. Shut the fuck up and shovle that sand, faggot.

>> No.13344588
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>> No.13344592

The bourgeoisie were peasants

>> No.13344596

If the left is using sonic that’s more proof they can’t meme. You shouldn’t be surprised that you liars don’t have ability of humor.

>> No.13344602

Fuck the bourgeoisie, my family belongs to the richest 1% of the country and we all vote for the Greens. Fuck poor people and their need for diesel. If they have to commute to the factory, they can use a bike or buy a Tesla.

>> No.13344623

Lmao what makes you think anyone cares about you

>> No.13344701

>"there is no argument to respond to"
>immediately responds to argument

>> No.13344734

I said 1 million, and I meant it

>> No.13345104

>now they all literally have iPhones
who cares

>> No.13345111

i want to consume those big anime titties

>> No.13345238

There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism

>> No.13345466
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>Is this right?
Yes, but I don't care about how ethical my purchases are. "Ethical" consumption is a reddit-tier meme promoted by the limp-wristed people.

>> No.13345603

How about the fact it’s unsustainable and we’re headed for extinction? Don’t care about that either?

>> No.13345617

we're not headed for extinction, we're headed for well-deserved societal collapse and a chance to restart. almost all good /lit/, music, and philosophy was written before electricity

>> No.13345632

In a global famine.
You deserve it

>> No.13345639

I only think communism is reasonable in small countries. Beyond that that have fun competing with literally any other government that aren’t also communist.

>> No.13345643

??? i highly doubt anything short of a big meteor or *that* many nukes will wipe out everyone

>> No.13345654

>>How about the fact it’s unsustainable and we’re headed for extinction? Don’t care about that either?
Ethical or not, capitalism is unsustainable. Ethical consumerists are buying indulgences in an attempt to save themselves from the environmental and social catastrophe that is well underway despite their spending habits.

>> No.13345673

How do you sustain the growing population caused by pharmaceutical companies?