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File: 8 KB, 230x219, Tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13343116 No.13343116 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't realize "intellectualism" is just an evolutionary cope.

>> No.13343175
File: 1012 KB, 3264x1836, White_butterfly_pea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and darwinpilled.

>> No.13343190

so is everything else

>> No.13343192

Periodic reminder that Darwinism is metaphysics, not science.

>> No.13343210

It's all about sex. Even all this philosophy crap is a pathetic attempt to get some pretentious chick to fuck you. Life is inherently sex-driven. Everything you do is related to increasing your sex appeal with women to spread your genes.

>> No.13343212

> Have sex

>> No.13343219

That's a shallow viewpoint, as well as subjective.

>> No.13343220

Orchids are a curious case of co-evolution. Life's first fleshlight for wasps...

>> No.13343224

america was a mistake, holy fucking shit

>> No.13343225
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1560286697555s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Karl Popper can Suck My Dick

>> No.13343237

"Have sex"- incels 2019

>> No.13343238

who here /Darwinian Absolutism/

>> No.13343244
File: 412 KB, 1200x1600, stanhopea orchid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a pea which is a legume, and definitely not an orchid.

>> No.13343256
File: 82 KB, 700x974, Darwin book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally wrong. you don't get evolution.
if darwinism is metaphysics, then there is no science.

>> No.13343257

Yes. all of your problems can be solved if you just had sex.

>> No.13343269

>if you just had sex
*if you had sex with a suitable mate leading to chidlren who themselves were likely to survive and have their own children

Also it will not fix any of your problems at all. Evolution doesn't care if you're miserable as fuck and life is torture so long as it functions to impel you to reproduce. 'Happiness' might vaguely correlate with reproductive success but it doesn't have to for the logic to work.

>> No.13343276

The American cries out as it strikes you

>> No.13343386
File: 50 KB, 594x370, EvolutionaryStrategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meaning of life is reproduction. The answer has been staring at us in the face all along, yet we still philosophize.

Try being single and see what happens. You'll become bitter, depressed and angry. Once you get a girlfriend or wife (sure) you will acquire a new set of problems but none will render you dysfunctional. Being single damages the human psyche to the point of turning an otherwise normal person into a maladjusted nihilistic non-member of society.

>> No.13343414

You dont need to date anyone, some guys have a shotgun evolutionary strategy based on just impregnating multiple women and not sticking around. Also there are countless miserable married men

>> No.13343421

There is nothing that inheretly makes it the meaning of life just because the things that reproduced tended to last. That hardly touches on philosophy at all

>> No.13343445
File: 12 KB, 299x168, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder to all the have sex posters out there that these two virgins have contributed more to society than 99.99% of all sex havers

>> No.13343469
File: 136 KB, 710x474, 06_02_2014_manul_Pallass-cat_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a survival machine. What do you think happens when you realize you will never reproduce or ever get validated in that sense?

You get depressed. Just like if you don't get enough sun you will get sad, depressed and sickly. If you NEVER get any sun you will get rickets (crippled).

>> No.13343476
File: 121 KB, 310x363, Hachiman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't I just masturbate? How can my body tell?

>> No.13343480
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that darwinism is compatible with inceldom

>> No.13343492

you forgot Kant and Kierkegaard

>> No.13343507

What if I don't plan to have children so they don't have to suffer through all of this LGBT, climate change, and corrupt government BS which will only get worse in their generation. Am I still trying to spread my genes then?

>> No.13343523

They wouldn't exist without sex havers.

>> No.13343526

you don't need to have sex to reproduce.

>> No.13343537

Woah this guy just completely fucking destroyed all of philosophy! OwO Okay, but why reproduce? What's the bigger picture? You might say 'To evolve and become a stronger species!' Okay but why? What for?

>> No.13343578

>It's all about sex. Even all this philosophy crap is a pathetic attempt to get some pretentious chick to fuck you. Life is inherently sex-driven. Everything you do is related to increasing your sex appeal with women to spread your genes.

yet people will live alone their whole lives and never make an effort to get a women...
yet people will get a women and have no inclination to have children...
yet many are and were purposely, voluntarily celibate throughout history...
lol at /lit/

periodic reminder that all thought is metaphysics.

>The meaning of life is reproduction.
but many people do not want to have children.
lol at /lit/

>You are a survival machine
yet people will sacrifice themselves for their purpose...
yet people will sacrifice themselves for the purposes of others...
yet people will commit suicide...
lol at /lit/

>> No.13343585 [DELETED] 


>> No.13343602

jesus FUCK this thread is filled with retards

shut the fuck up nigger, i am a reflexive survival machine, which is the difference that makes a world of difference


>> No.13343642

the virgin evolution deniers vs the Chad Darwinian absolutists

>> No.13343659

there's no higher purpose... you're just a survival machine... if you don't procreate your genes will cease to exist. You will end up being just another evolutionary cul de sac.

The "meaning of life" here doesn't refer to any grand philosophical terms. No such thing exists. The meaning of life simply refers to what makes a us feel whole (complete). The source of our inner drive and inner agony.

>> No.13343665

There is no 'what makes us feel whole', there is just what causes people to reproduce. There is absolutely zero requirement that there be a way of living that makes you feel whole. Moreover it could vary wildly from person to person, and some people could just naturally 'feel whole' because doing so works well as a reproductive strategy.

>> No.13343670

In other words your argument is that we, and the entire universe exists just because

>> No.13343857

Is it enough to love? Is it enough to breathe? Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

>> No.13343897

>he doesn't realize that invoking darwin and evolution anywhere outside of the field in which it is applicable is brainlet cope

>> No.13343906

>the field in which it is applicable
that would be 'the entirety of biological life including humans'

>> No.13343923

Biology then. Fuck off with your social darwinism then

>> No.13343940

>social darwinism
nigger no such thing was spoken of. Analyzing human behavior with the use of evolutionary theory is not social darwinism