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/lit/ - Literature

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13342988 No.13342988 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like no one cares about the personal satisfaction and emotional development one gets from reading a good book. Their dopamine receptors are utterly fucked and they can’t deal with anything that isn’t flashy, bright, short video games/movies that require little to no work to understand. I tried to get my friend to start with The Stranger a few months ago but she never went past the first chapter. The rest of my friends don’t even want to try. Was there really a time when people collectively valued Heine and Goethe?

>> No.13343044

>she never went past the first chapter
Women are incapable of coming to terms with nihilism and ennui. It's your fault for giving a woman a book that only a man can understand.
Try some easily digestible poetry. If you can hook someone on the appreciation for language you can eventually dupe them into actually caring about literature.

>> No.13343067

I’m not saying this with the intent to bait, and I know it will come with unintended consequences, but I’m a female myself and I thought I had a decent grasp on said topics so I personally disagree with you. I will try something easier for her though, got any recommendations?

>> No.13343075

Try contemporary, r u a real girl or a tranny?
If real girl pride and prejudice, if tranny go burn

>> No.13343081

I've got to say John dies at the end is real good, try hanging out and reading then having convos on it until it's a habit

>> No.13343082

Not that guy, but you might try Flannery O'Connor's short stories. They don't use complex or confusing language, but they're also intriguing and have some good concepts in them.

>> No.13343105

This is true of the last three generations. There's nothing special about zoomers in particular, except that they are engulfed in the most media-rich environment to date.

Many people just lack the literary gene, or were not exposed to it in the right way at the right age to imprint a lifetime love for it. Let your faggot zoomer friends play snapchat and suck dick or do whatever they like to do, you can't change people.

>> No.13343149

>I'm a female myself
Post online pretending to be a man, then.

Any of the litany of available charts from the sticky will give you decent recommendations. I'd offer something myself but I honestly have no godly idea what young women like to read, and everything that I do know of I've personally despised. Just don't give them YA fiction, you're only hamstringing them by doing that. Maybe poetry. Women tend to like poetry more than fiction, so that's probably your best venue. I'm trying very hard not to be more of a prick when I ask this: Why are you interested in introducing your friends to literature?

If you have male friends, try Sergei Dovlatov, Don Delillo, Hemingway, and Showa-period Japanese fiction. They're pleasant to read, even if you (royal) don't care about trying to understand them. Pick up some intro to Philosophy textbooks from a secondhand store, make photocopies of the essays and try and strike up conversations based on those ideas, offer to give them a copy on the topic if they're interested. You'll seem intelligent and cultured for doing so, which is half of the reason people initially pick up reading as a hobby anyway. I'll be honest, your male friends are probably all trying to fuck you, and they'll try to do it a lot more actively if you follow through with this recommendation.

>> No.13343281
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I read pride and prejudice a while back and it wasn't really my thing but I can definitely appreciate it. I don't think my friend is interested in those kinds of stories either though.
Never heard of it, thanks
Are they any similar to Wise Blood?
Yeah, I specified zoomers because they are practically born with the internet and raised with it. I understand that I can't change people but it's awkward to consistently talk with someone when you have virtually no shared interests. Plus, I should have said that the friend I mentioned in OP is trying to be some bigshot game developer and wanted some "deep" literature to draw inspiration from.
In the post you just replied to I just said that I diagree with the notion that women can't understand complicated literature. So I am not asking for literature for a specific gender (sorry I was not very clear), but like in the OP post, I am asking literature for zoomers in particular. Poetry is a great idea though.
>Why are you interested in introducing your friends to literature?
I have little in common with them so it would be nice to have a shared interest, and I want them to go through the satisfaction that reading a good book can provide. The friend I mentioned in OP also asked for literature to draw inspiration from - you don't sound like a prick.
I like your other recommendations too but I have issues with convincing them to read any literature in the first place. I already strike up simplified conversations with ideas from philosophical books which is good fun.
I've known them for a long time and made it very obvious that I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone so I doubt that's the case.

>> No.13343538


>> No.13343544

Give her Wetlands or Eat, Pray, Love.

>> No.13343561

So ure a closet dyke? Read shogun by James clavell

>> No.13343573

Actually I totally recommend doomed and dammed by chuck pahlahniuk. It's a bit weird but well written, by same guy who wrote fight club. It's really damned good but I'd read it after John dies at the end

>> No.13343588

Eat pray love is really good

>> No.13343597

I've tried OP and I think I may have gotten some or my friends who already on the path to take it more seriously but as far as the others it's a fruitless effort.

>> No.13343640

>thread about zoomers

>> No.13343671

Women are in constant ennui from my experience.

>> No.13343672

american women are (on the whole) brain dead and semi-sapient, they count for nothing

real women, women who have been exposed to the difficulties of life, are as capable of absorbing art as they are producing it, the american is a retarded mongoloid faggot who generalizes instagram thots as the default condition of woman, a condition that plainly isn't true to anyone who has actually stepped a foot outside his state.

if you really are female OP, and you are attractive and not a half-masculinized golem who would be attracted to this gradient of thought fuckin' anyways, move to europe or somewhere and try to find a man who resonates with your wavelength, you won't find philosopher-kings stateside, I fucking promise yout hat

>> No.13343683
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>women give me sex, women good!
>bad man don't give me sex
>bad man points out unachievements of women who may give me sex
>bad man virgin

>> No.13343687

Very few women can tolerate long periods of silence or solitude, which is when feelings of ennui and reflections on nihilism most frequently rear their heads.
Men and women behave differently and have different interests, and by extension have different life experiences in general.
Your implication that the sex is the end-all-be-all for informing people's opinions doesn't change that.

>> No.13343694

OP, who is your friend? What things does she like? Is she into video games, or fashion, or mindlessly scrolling insta? Is she a romantic, a pessimist?

You have to tailor it to their interests, and not only that, find a book simple enough and engaging enough to catch them. The stranger is short, sure, and it has that lovely french aesthetic, but its absolute shit when it comes to getting anyone engaged in things. Wow a guy lived his life and then shot a guy for no reason, why would you give me this book?

>Tailored to their interest

And then on top of that its a gamble that they'll even care enough to open it. You've already fucked up and lost all faith with that person by giving them a book they consider boring. Try it with a different friend. Find something tailored to their interests and convince them to read it along with you. Make it an activity between the two of you, but only bring it up once they say they started reading it. People are stupid, no one on /lit/ reads as much as they say they do, we barely have time between shitposts.

>> No.13343699

your obsession with americans is verging on actual mental disorder

>> No.13343714

>generalizing all women is bad
>in the same breath says all americans are lesser people undeserving of consideration
Incredible post.

>> No.13343717

t. triggered american

you'll excuse me if a diagnosis on 4chan isn't making me quake in my boots

>> No.13343723

they are, i hope this genuinely helps

>> No.13344236

>waah waah don't stereotype me

>> No.13344443

have sex

glad i grew up too poorfag for cellphones and internet.

>> No.13344496

This. A good rule of thumb for introducing people to reading is the shorter the work the better.
If your friends aren't big readers, you're better off trying out an anthology or just printing out short stories to trade around.
You have to figure out what they're interested in and what sort of style resonates with them, and go from there.

>> No.13344520

Song of ice and fire is the great ritual of passage for this generation.

>> No.13345478

this is where you turn lesbian and cut off all your friends

Just ditch your friends, read and watch un homne qui dort by Perec and refuse to give into any spooks that Stirner talks about

>> No.13345540

This refers to post 2000 kids? So like 14-19?

>> No.13345553 [DELETED] 
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hello female

>> No.13345561

hahahahahhaa camus is a fucking hack

just acknowledge that most people will nevet engage Bildung in a meaningful way and that ignorance has been replaced by cultural-industrial commodifed "art" like television shows, (most) genre fiction and pop/rock/metal/indie music

>> No.13345575

yeah most people will never engage, i understand wanting your friends to share in the enjoyment of a book like you do but everyone is into their own different shit.

also no way i'm gonna be interested in what my autistic friend likes

>> No.13345604

Just tell them to start reading books that can relate to what movies they enjoy, like Horror/SciFi/Fantasy etc...

>> No.13345609

these books arent better than the films theyre based on

>> No.13345986

want to know how i know you're new?