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/lit/ - Literature

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13341748 No.13341748 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better contemporary novel

>> No.13341767

I wrote “nigger” on the bathroom wall once

>> No.13341766

she looks like she fucks white guys

>> No.13341794
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>> No.13341817

Imo this one seems cutesy and comfy enough that I actually want to read it

>> No.13341823

My gf listened to the audiobooks of these for a while; it’s the most standard derivative teeny bopper high school crap, so if that’s your thing by all means

>> No.13341865

What counts as contemporary?

>> No.13341894

girls don't know how to differentiate between love and lust, colour me surprised

>> No.13341916

everything good has already been written

>> No.13341927 [DELETED] 

Imagine holding this opinion >>13341916
Nigger trash aside

>> No.13341932
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>born too late to be a napoleonic hussar
>born too early to be a space pilot
>born just in time to have all the worthwhile books that will ever be written easily available online

>> No.13342084
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>> No.13342099

Hell, I don't think I could name a better novel, contemporary or classic.

>> No.13342187

>essential roastiecore

>> No.13342193

i don't read contemporary. i read one of hollerback's and it was a mistake. even this shit couldn't be as bad.

are there any contemporary novels that are worth reading?

>> No.13342210

What is the point of all this? Why do black authors want more people to read them but they only seem to tend to write about racism, which most people don't like to think about? If you don't like to think about something, you won't pick up a book. It doesn't matter if the premise is just or whatever.

>> No.13342228

>white person writes a book
>it could be about anything
>"poc" writes a book
>it can only be about whining about their "poc"ness
>this is "progressive" and "anti-racist"
publishing industry is a drooling inbred mongrel pissing itself on the floor of a trailer park. agents should all seppuku

>> No.13342242

>MC has a White boyfriend who listens to rap and "makes beats" all day
>they all call him a racist because he asks why Black people like Cocoa Butter so much or some shit

>> No.13342245

what use do I have of some sexually frustrated black girl's whinings

>> No.13342256

>MC has a White boyfriend

every time

>> No.13342289

Wat is mc?

>> No.13342296

Main Character

>> No.13342301

mic controller

>> No.13342315

I understand why anyone would want to write about their experience, whatever it is. What I don't believe in is this cottage industry that has cropped up around being told what and how to think about social problems.

This is epitomized in the behavior of truly crazy leftist college students, who patronize minorities to an incredible extent.

I read a news story about how students at a particular liberal arts college (Oberlin) who ruined a local business because a couple black students were misbehaving in a cafe and asked to leave.

This kind of behavior is in itself racist and is what fuels conversion to the alt-right. Also their militant haranguing of white males contributes as well.

By making everything about racism they have made everything racist.

>> No.13342323

I just read the plot of this alleged novel, jesus christ it's the most basic story ever

>> No.13342330

I thought it was a new slang for black girls who like whites

>> No.13342333

All black girls like whites

>> No.13342335

BTW a judge made the college pay the owners of the bakery a cool 11 mil. So I guess there is a good resolution to the story and all those college students had to eat shit by making their demons into millionaires.

>> No.13342336

>fuels conversation
>alt right
They're all in interracial sex slavery don't hold your breath

>> No.13342338

I wish we weren't socially retarded tho, 350 years of individualism and the eradication of aristocracies have made us pretty socially dull

>> No.13342364

Michael Crichton

>> No.13342370

He's a good author, y haven't these bitches put Crichton in the lit trilogy

>> No.13342378

That and James clavell

>> No.13342414

>heavy conversation
U faggots went and jerked off? g/acc homos

>> No.13342469

>implying /lit/ reads contemporary fiction

>> No.13342506

>/lit/ challenged to post a better contemporary novel
>turns into racist wankfest
>34 replies later nobody posted a better novel
like pottery

>> No.13342507

>implying you should even read contemporary fiction

>> No.13342516

Apathy by Paul nielan, fucking hilarious. Fight club or doomed or damned by the guy or Michael Crichton, James clavell is great too>>13342506

>> No.13342521

you can tell it's a negro book just by the title

>> No.13342536

>racist wankfest
Wewlad. If you think this is racist then you'll have a heart attack browsing /pol/

>> No.13342543

>racist wankfest
This isn't /r/eddit, my guy.

>> No.13342565


>> No.13342610

Oberlin was much worse. The bakery owner tried to stop two black shoplifters. They fled the store. He gave chase. The shoplifters proceeded to beat him up on a public sidewalk. For the next 6 months Oberlin students, organized by the schools Dean imo Diversity, picketed the store and tried to have its owner literally driven out if town.

I'm so glad they got soaked for 11 million.

>> No.13342623

Invisible Cities

>> No.13342899
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Exit West
Lincoln in the Bardo
The Underground Railroad
The Goldfinch
Winter's Bone
Killing Commendatore
A Visit from the Goon Squad (novel?)

Just getting started, but c'mon, OP was bait, and it caught flames. Don't act surprised.

>> No.13342935

>Hamid's prose
It all reads like blog posts.

>> No.13342995

I'm going to read this anon, you better not being lying.

>> No.13343028

It's YA shit. So read something with actual merit

>> No.13343038

What you don't seem to realize is that whites also only write about the white experience, but the white experience is by its nature vast and nearly all-encompassing due to our superior souls

>> No.13343076

Don't spend your time on it. Most of it is just literary blackface

>> No.13343079


>> No.13343107

>literary blackface
What does that mean?

>> No.13343124
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>> No.13343163

>our superior souls
You mean due to not getting fucked with

>> No.13343197

See, beating the shit out of someone who robs your store shouldn't be seen for what it's not. We'll know we've truly overcome racism when a store owner beats the shit out of a black thief and nobody sees anything especially outrageous about it.

>> No.13343294

yes, it's a shame the negroes keep attacking each other

>> No.13343329

Cutesy teenish romance without a lick of sex is my shit, wish more decent writers would invest it in.

>> No.13343411

No, the robbers beat the shit out of the owner.

>> No.13343422

>>born too late to be a napoleonic hussar
>>born too early to be a space pilot
you would be the same weak pathetic nerd you are in the past or future. being a space pilot is also something you could already do today but you aren't doing it because you are unmotivated.

>> No.13343433

lmao cope.

>> No.13343484

>space pilot is also something you could already do today
You mean go to a space station and sit there for a year? That's least exciting then flying through the galaxy

>> No.13343493

she looks like she fucks white guys

>> No.13343501

Why do women get to take retarded photos of themselves

>> No.13343547

Because women are retarded