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File: 26 KB, 450x300, writing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1334092 No.1334092 [Reply] [Original]

Typing on the computer is cool and all, but anyone else enjoy writing their stories on papers? Nothing like the flow of ideas being imprinted onto a paper by the ink of a pen or the graphite from a pencil mirite?

>> No.1334100

I love the idea of handwriting stories, but I spend so much time second guessing my phrasing and rewriting that every time I try it, I've got a full page of eraser marks and scratch-outs, but only like a paragraph of prose.

>> No.1334099

I do, but my bad handwriting always makes me feel like a loser.

>> No.1334106



>> No.1334128

Yep, I take ages to write on paper, though I much prefer it. Little brings me more joy than writing in my journal with a fountain pen.

>> No.1334132
File: 35 KB, 335x371, Hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Little brings me more joy than writing in my journal with a fountain pen.

Hipster detected!

>> No.1334135

judgmental fucking faggot detected

>> No.1334138
File: 139 KB, 375x500, hipster2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo dawg. Pic related; it's you.

>> No.1334189

>Little brings me more joy than writing in my journal with a fountain pen.

Oh yeah, I'm into Neutral Milk Hotel too! That album about Anne Frank that I'm pretending not to know the title of off hand is so mellow, but not without being deep!

Whoops, I skipped several steps of conversation there.

>> No.1334211

I'm with you op. There's something about writing on a computer that stresses me out. I do it for essays, but all my planning is done by hand.

All my personal writing is done by hand.

>> No.1334219

I'm more productive on paper as far as skill goes because I obviously type very fast in comparison. My handwritten stuff is very good because I can think before I finish writing the sentence whereas on the computer I'm thinking and typing at the same time.

Hm, I guess you could say that my entire style changes depending on the tools.

>> No.1334233

kanye glasses and super cute boi. 4chan sucks at insults.

>> No.1334237

I find writing on paper gets everything flowing easier. I can write more and quicker without having to stop and think about what to write next.

>> No.1334250

The best part about paper is that it doesn't disappear when your hard drive crashes.

>> No.1334254

Geez, maybe I'm not very happy in life and only feel comfortable in the journal. Is it that hard to believe that a person on /lit truly enjoys writing?

>> No.1334273

My hand cramps up after writing too much. So no, I don't particularly like it.

>> No.1334282
File: 11 KB, 250x202, efg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1334283

typewriter master race report in

>> No.1334284


It wasn't the 'writing' but the 'with a fountain pen' thing that made me say that. When a few of my friends say that kind of thing, it's never about their writing but this peculiar image of themselves as a writer, sitting in a coffeeshop, writing in their little notebooks, with others who are doing the same. All the forms of being a writer without any of the content, without any of the self-expression and self-revelations that are the substance of life and writing. It makes me sick, honestly, and I needed an outlet to express this disgust.

But I apologize for projecting that onto you, lol.

>> No.1334286

>not trollface.jpg

i got trolled hard

>> No.1334292


The same is true with music. That's why, if you absolutely must use electronic instead of vinyl, you should go lossless.

Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

>> No.1334307
File: 93 KB, 677x335, 1270163965597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rotational velocidensity

>> No.1334318

I have dragon, so I just talk and it types itself. Cheating hut hey, it really is easier, not to mention quicker,

>> No.1334323


I like that, too bad I use a lot of punctuation.

>> No.1334331


lol, did you remember to buy Monster brand audio cables and a good dvd rewinder too.

>> No.1334334

haha okay, I understand. The handwriting comment prompted mentioning a fountain pen. My handwriting sucks royally without it. You guys should try one if your writing bothers you.

>> No.1334445

My brother uses a fountain pen for note-taking in grad school (not for lit though), and he says it forces you to make your handwriting neater. Which is nice, because being left-handed, my hand-writing is usually shit.

I like to write down story ideas and such, because writing is a much more fluid medium, and much less intimidating than a blank word file, for me. Margin scribbles and such fill any note-page for me.

>> No.1334452

I love the sound of my keyboard.

It goes clickety-clack, click-clackety with every word that I write. It's so soothing in such an elemental way, like falling water or a crackling fire.

>> No.1334479

It's pretty much the only way I can write. I go into editing spasms on the computer and eventually stop making any sort of progress. It takes more effort to edit on paper, so I end up writing much faster, and sometimes even complete things. I later transcribe my work to a word processor and edit it there.

>> No.1334497

I write my poetry in pen, always.

>> No.1334515

Wrote on paper on my teens, don't know what the hell I was thinking. I'm a pretty chaotic writer, so I'm always going back and forward to different parts. If writing is painting a wall, starting on the ceiling and going downward, then I'm a kid with coloring book.

>> No.1334529

My handwriting is so bad that sometimes I can't even read it afterwards.

I like typing, though. The sound and the feel of the keys is very familiar and comforting. I even use specific keyboards, just to get the right feel.