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/lit/ - Literature

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13338989 No.13338989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few famous Jewish writers? Jews are overrepresented in a lot of STEM fields but I struggle to find many notable writers. There are some in the economic field but beyond that there is very little

>> No.13339010

they dont create, only gatekeep and profiteer

>> No.13339013

Some of them do create but it's only the ones who struggle with the inner emptiness of the Jewish spirit

The vast majority of them just use that emptiness to imitate other cultures while parasitizing them for profit

>> No.13339015

Jewish philosophy and creativity was concluded thousands of years ago.

>> No.13339021

>never heard Mahler.

>> No.13339026

Philip Roth was Jewish, right?

>> No.13339039

>Jews are overrepresented in a lot of STEM
Not really, they mostly go into law and finance. Jewish proclivity is rhetoric subversion, not mathematical or spacial IQ

>> No.13339042

>The vast majority of them just use that emptiness to imitate other cultures while parasitizing them for profit
good insight. Painfully true

>> No.13339043


You don't know they are Jewish because /pol/ told you that only names ending in "berg" and "stein" are jewish.

>> No.13339045

There are loads of them though. Proust, Kafka, Broch, Koestler, Bellow, Stein, etc.

>> No.13339050

Blatantly incorrect

>> No.13339051

Not impressed at all really. I mean they are decent but I wouldnt put any of them in a top 10 list (which you could easily do with Jews in many many other fields)

>> No.13339058

This post can be applied to the human race in general.

>> No.13339061

Why are goyim so seething?
You are posting in an imageboard created by a jewish person, probably on a computer with most parts designed by a jewish person, using network protocols created by a jewish person, to seethe about jewish people.
You still have a chance to stop blaming everything on them and ascend intellectually. Will you take it?

>> No.13339067
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>> No.13339069

they'd rather be edgy than enlightened.

>> No.13339070

>you never made nothin goy!

>> No.13339076

But like who cares what you think? Proust and Kafka are two giants of literature that fall under many “top 10 lists” lmao.

>> No.13339087

unironically degenerate music

>> No.13339093

nobody alive thinks kafka is a top 10 author

>> No.13339097

lol cope

>> No.13339102

There's tons in philosophy, many of whom pop up on this board quite a lot. Just from the top of my head you have Derrida, Adorno, Wittgenstein, Spinoza, Marx, Chomsky, etc..

>> No.13339114

wow all subversive anti white. Really makes you think

>> No.13339119

Every time a mighty empire or kingdom attempted to eradicate jews the sole effect was to create larger communities on the diaspora and to strengthen their resolve to keep their culture alive. I'm not sure how long it'll take you to understand this.

Also, from the top of my head:

Sigmind Freud, Franz Kafka, Marcel Proust, Phillip Roth, Ayn Rand, Isaac Asimov, Gertrude Stein.

>> No.13339121

>I'm not sure how long it'll take you to understand this.

One more try couldn't hurt.

>> No.13339123

Everyone in this thread has unironically never made anything of worth.

>> No.13339126


>This is your brain on /pol/
Could you cite the key flagship anti-white works of each of those authors please.

>> No.13339131

They grow up with overbearing parents feeling eternal outsiders disconnected from others. That environment can only nurture spite and jealousy and hatred, the opposite of genuine creativity that is an act of love and participation

>> No.13339147

Spinoza is only subversive if you’re a fucking moron

>> No.13339152

Ah yes, unlike the great Aryan beast who genocides people of other races as an act of love

>> No.13339154

The problem is it's human nature to be merciful. Nobody has actually tried to implement a final solution to get rid of them all at once. The holohoax was fake as shit. We need to make their jewish myths real and give it a shot

>> No.13339160


>> No.13339188

The author of the greatest work of 20th century fiction (Franny and Zooey) was Jewish.

>> No.13339200

all jews i know are sexually deviant neurotics with heavy body odor.

>> No.13339205


>> No.13339221
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The Greeks were Jewish

>> No.13339241

Esq or of mole man?

>> No.13339253
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>the ones who struggle with the inner emptiness of the Jewish spirit

>> No.13339259

bad troll is bad

>> No.13339267

The "aryan beast" has a love of life but is also a tumultuous creature with some difficulties controlling emotion. Sorry we can't be as repressed as semites.

>> No.13339276

Strangely, Truman Capote once alleged a Jewish literary mafia was overlooking Gentile writers like John Knowles in favor of Jewish authors.

>> No.13339281
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>> No.13339284


>> No.13339309

Primo Levi wrote some amazing sci-fi

Asimov wrote some amazing sci-fi

Moravia wrote some psychological shit

>> No.13339315

>house only have one editor

>> No.13339323

>houses don't have editors in chief
also check out the ceo's of those companies

>> No.13339324

Jesus christ. Why can't they just fucking go to Israel? They have a country.

>> No.13339419

Israel is conservative, they don't like American Jews usually.

>> No.13339449

oh shut the fuck up, you know you can't explain how his music is degenerate so fuck yourself

>> No.13339471

Jerry is so quintessentially Jewish it hurts to watch him speak. He's insufferable desu i hate his guts

>> No.13339561

Pretty poor stuff

>> No.13339566

No, he was mixed. Come to think of it, so was Proust.

>> No.13339567

he has a true conquerors personality. you have to respect the jews a bit.

>> No.13339619

Yes I agree 100%

He's very condescending to his hosts and audience

>> No.13339621


>> No.13339655
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WTF are you smoking? No famous Jewish writers? Kafka? Proust? Salinger? Spinoza? Canetti? Zweig? G. Stein? Heine? Ginsberg? J. Roth? P. Roth? Koestler? Mailer? Celan? Levi? Bashevis-Singer? Babel? Freud? Marx? Buber? Husserl? Arendt? Bergson? Benjamin? Adorno? Popper? Weil? Strauss? Levi-Strauss? The writers of the Bible?

>> No.13339682

I am an oldfag and have built all kinds of things from electronic scales for weighing fish through low orbit launch systems.

>> No.13339690

They're not REAL Jews

>> No.13339748

Jews, or at least what we know of as the Jew today, lacks the spirit needed to create works of true art. They can only destroy or mimic art which has already been created. When you look at all of the modernist art movements they are of course over represented by Jews.

In that same vain Jews lack the ability to express art in writing, while they are good at making movies (copies of reality) they cannot create image or emotion on/through other mediums. It takes a certain understanding of others to make great literature as well, as many Jews are narcissistic this certainly doesn't help.

>> No.13339761

don't forget the mack daddy of them all, Marcuse

>> No.13339771

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was an incredible movie and while it was directed by a Frenchman, it was written by a Jew. Whoever would just call that movie a "copy of reality" can shove it up their ass.

>> No.13339811

Name one great Jewish painter or sculptor.

>> No.13339823


>> No.13339826


>> No.13339844

Does it really matter? The point is a zionist cult is controlling the media and the banks and is causing war in the middle east.

>> No.13339846

shoo, antisemite

>> No.13339852

the point is that jews dont excel in mediums where even laypeople can distinguish good from bad. they can fake it in cinema, literature, and music, especially with how zealously they promote their own, but one look at a jewish painting and the ugliness is exposed

>> No.13339853


>> No.13340329


>> No.13340334

Shit taste.

>> No.13340627

I don't think laypeople (or for that matter, experts) can distinguish good from bad in painting or sculpture.

>> No.13340630

wow people here don't really read do they

>> No.13340639

Kafka is not a top 10 writer laughing my fucking ass off. Metamorphosis compared to Brothers Karamazov or Don Quixote? Just fuck out off here reddit pleb

>> No.13341602

never thought of it like that but ti's true

>> No.13341659

>t. jewish 'modern artist'

>> No.13341683

Academic publishing is a scam. Nobody reads most of it and universities hire professors based not on their ability to teach, but how good they are at passing of high volumes of "research" so the schools can collect federal funds. It is a billion dollar racket and the schools are run in such a way that would put the mafia to shame.

>> No.13341688

They could until jews started using modern art to launder money and subvert all classic art.

>> No.13341697

>they can fake it in cinema, literature, and music,
I can feel my IQ increasing as I take such sweeping generalizations into deep consideration.

>> No.13341723
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Lucian Freud is one of the greatest painters of the 20th century. Does he trigger poltard sensibilities because he's not that academicist hack Bougereau or whoever painted that ever-so-deep sad clown painting that popus in every art thread in this shithole?

>> No.13341739

>sad clown painting
I think people post this for other reasons
>one of the greatest painters of the 20th century
according to whom? either way that designation is bronze medal at the special olympics tier

>> No.13341747

To be fair, they're only about a century old. It will take longer to see how they hold up to guys like Shakespeare, Goethe, Tolstoy, etc.

>> No.13341784

(famous in italy)
umberto saba
italo svevo
roberto saviano
elsa morante

>> No.13341793


>> No.13341807

Late Romanticism in general is shite.

>> No.13341835

no one would believe a damn word they says

>> No.13342275

>they're only about a century old
I’d think that would be long enough to winnow out the chaff. Or can you think of any classics ignored (not lost) for over a century that then returned to critical favor? Genuinely curious.

>> No.13342292
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What? Isaac Asimov, Ayn Rand, Harold Bloom...

>> No.13342304


>> No.13342329

Really bro? These are the literary geniuses of jews?

>> No.13342358

Nice rebuttal

>> No.13342372


>> No.13342397 [SPOILER] 
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Too generalised. I am as redpilled on the JQ as anyone, but Í still judge each work seperately from it's creator. Mendelsohn's music is great, I love reading Isaac Asimov and Harold Bloom has some really interesting ideas. Judaism and Zionism are one thing, individual Jews are another. You cannot hold an individual responsible for the sins of a group. Otherwise you are as bad as the SJWs...

>> No.13342401

This. Charlie Kaufman is brilliant. Synecdoche. New York is also incredible.

>> No.13342511

dont need to rebut someone who didn't rebut my first statement

>> No.13342634

>You cannot hold an individual responsible for the sins of a group.
It makes for a nice platitude but it's irresponsible. If you're walking down a dark alley at night with pockets overflowing with cash and spot a group of black teenagers, you would be wise judge that group by the sins of individuals and turn around.

These sorts of generalizations are necessary in all aspects of our lives because resources are limited. We only have so much money to spend on law enforcement, for example. It wouldn't make economic sense to distribute that money equally among all communities. It is more profitable to spend more money on black and Hispanic areas, than white ones because as a group they're the ones who commit the most crime.

>> No.13342644

>you would be wise judge that group by the sins of individuals
Well that's not what I meant to say. You would be wise to just those individuals by the sins of that group.

>> No.13342721

Jewgreek is Greekjew

>> No.13342741

My oh my

>> No.13342781

Mendelsohn also converted to Christianity.

But I do agree with you. There are many great Jewish writers. I'm butthurt to see Kafka being shit on so hard in this thread.

>> No.13342788

most fbi post ive ever read

>> No.13342886

I'm one of those shitting on Kafka. I've read The Metamorphosis and while it was good and thought provocative, he can by no means by considered a great writer or a top 10 writer, there is far too little substance there to make such a judgement

>> No.13343058
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Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.13343136

>Liking the bombastic shite that is late Romanticism
Shit taste confirmed. Even Wagner isn't that great.

>> No.13343463


>> No.13343559

>You cannot hold an individual responsible for the sins of a group
*narrator voice* in a world where transaction costs exist

>> No.13343769
File: 28 KB, 276x415, AdolfHitlerfeedingfawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Jew totally lacks any interest in things of the spirit. If he has pretended in Germany to have a bent for literature and the arts, that’s only out of snobbery, or from a liking for speculation.”
- Adolf Hitler, Table Talk 63.

>> No.13343913

>using Hitler as a source unironically or not

>> No.13344055

This, but unironically.

>> No.13344113

A naughty fellow can't be right? You sound like a dumb fellow.

>> No.13344302

If you're going to make /pol/bait threads at least make them about a group that doesn't have fucking Proust and Kafka, blacks or Africans specifically or trannies would have been much better choices

>> No.13344331

t. pleb

>> No.13344349

>pleb for not liking jewish degeneracy

>> No.13344390

You know where you should go back, pleb

>> No.13344406

there's that word again.

>> No.13344423


>> No.13344480

Stop trying to claim someone who’s hslf French

>> No.13344501

Sheeeiiitt. I've always liked a couple of his symphonies. The only kike I wouldn't gas.

>> No.13344512

The whole point of the jew is that they are not individuals, but hive-mind agents for their dark lord.

>> No.13344514

This. Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt.

>> No.13344518


>> No.13344527
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Oy vey, jannies you sneed to delete this thread right now!

>> No.13344618

>ywn get paid to post on 4chan
fuck Jews really are smart

>> No.13344620

Proust was 100% French. He and his father were both born in France; his mother was from Alsace.
As much as I sympathize with your posts, it’s quite a bit of a stretch to call Proust Jewish. Though his mother certainly was, he himself was raised Catholic and during his life showed very little interest in organized religion. He was a goy boy more than anything else.

>> No.13344626

start reading german literature, retard. The best and most famus writers of europe are jews.... e.g. Karl Marx and Heinrich Heine or Kurt Tucholsky

>> No.13344635
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fuck off, joseph

>> No.13344640

Northern Europe is home to the tallest people on average, the Netherlands just north of Germany has the tallest average height.

>> No.13344643

makes getting heightcucked suck even more, doesn't it

>> No.13344653

I refuse to feel bad for africans

>> No.13344666

>Why are there so few famous Jewish writers?
Jew here that can answer. It's really simple, it's Jewish parents. Artistic endeavors are not as financially stable or certain as others and if you express interest in such your parents will disabuse you of such ideas very quickly, I invite you to imagine the means. My favorite Jewish writer is Kafka, and he had a day-job, while in the evenings Kafka wrote about his ludicrous yet persistent fear of his father.

>> No.13344686

the only jew that doesn't trigger me is paula abdul when she sings rush rush.