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13338545 No.13338545 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to bring back the revolutionary conserativism? A political system that reject materialism and liberalism to embrace something brand new. What would be your take on this for 21th century?

>> No.13338551

Considering that this "something new" was National Socialism, probably not.
Fucking Europeans

>> No.13338560

Islam is better

A lot of revolutionary conservatives rejected natsoc, see Edgar Julius Jung

>> No.13338561

the author of the pictured book rejected nazism. please don't bring in your liberal baggage in this thread, thanks.

>> No.13338562

you mean deliberately antiquated

>> No.13338566

Yes and a lot of good that did everybody.
Whether or not the author rejected Nazism, 'revolutionary conservatism' implies nothing other than conservatives violently seizing control over the state and enforcing a conservative political platform across society. This is what the Nazis did. It is what the revolutionary conservatives advocated. Either that or the term is meaningless
Both of you--kill yourselves

>> No.13338590

revolutionary conservative is not about violently seizing the state and enforcing a conservative political platform.
1) the assumption that the revolution itself has to be violent is dependent on the host nation's willingness to give up its system. the failure of a peaceful transfer of power is the fault of ones who are currently in power.
2. nazism were hardly conservatives. they had a brand new society based on brand new revisionary history.
it's not a meaningless term, you're just a liberal. oh and, kys btw :)

>> No.13338599

>revolutionary conservative is not about violently seizing the state and enforcing a conservative political platform.
Then it's a misnomer.
>1) the assumption that the revolution itself has to be violent is dependent on the host nation's willingness to give up its system.
It's idiotic to think that any government would just peacefully hand over power to a bunch of armed thugs trying to take over the country.
>2. nazism were hardly conservatives.
Kys faggot

>> No.13338633

tell me, what were the nazis conserving?

>> No.13338637

The Nazis were not conservative by the standards of their time except relative to Bolaheviks. They were ultra secularists, this is why Sven Heiden grew disenchanted

>> No.13338656

You're either disingenuous or retarded

>> No.13338663

>rejected christianity
>rejected capitalism
>rejected traditional germanic meekness
you're the retarded one here.

>> No.13338671

Any political movement which requires destroying everything in order to achieve its goals is not worth your time.

>> No.13338689

>It's only Conservatism if it's my special brand of paleocon/neocon religious/economic fundamentalism
Yeah, retard, you really need to find the nearest peat bog and sink to the bottom

>> No.13338694

Yes, the Conservative Revolution is actually the third position and dialectical synthesis that is now necessary. It was just artificially excluded after 1945, by force. Fortunately, force in the temporal and political realm can't stop or roll back the force of the conceptual and spiritual level of humanity, so the revolution is still latent and waiting to be taken up again.

The key is to recognise that it's not a series of doctrines or platforms but a genuine sublation of the antinomies of existing thought. It doesn't provide a way out of those antinomies by adding yet another set of propositions to them, but recognises that the inner form of all existing propositions is insufficient, and that this is the deeper problem, which can only be overcome by moving to a higher level of thought altogether, from which completely new forms of thought become possible. We've been straining to achieve this higher level since 1900. Luckily it also includes a reclamation of many repressed parts of the human being (heroism, the will, community), without sacrificing any of the gains of modernity (compassion, respect for the individual, and so on).

The main problem is that both liberalism and left-wing thought like Marxism presuppose the same core values, which are actually rooted in unconscious assumptions about the essence of humanity and the world in general. Both liberals and leftists take it for granted, without even realising it, that human beings are totally deterministic atoms in a closed system, completely products of their environment. They take completely for granted that human flourishing is only in terms of subjective feeling, pleasure, without any regard for a hierarchy of spiritual values like bildung, valour, honour, wisdom. They take for granted that wisdom is just a poetic idea, and cognition is really synonymous with technical "cleverness." They effectively conceive of humans as algorithms embedded within larger algorithms. It's no wonder then that their idea of social praxis is manipulating the meta-algorithms to produce "happier" little mini-algorithms (people).

The Conservative Revolution is just an attempt to uncover the naive parts of the human soul covered over by cynical and world-weary modernity, fuse them with what we've learned since becoming so cynical, and move on to bigger and better things. Neither a return to medieval heroism, whose obverse was barbarism, nor an accommodation with modernity, whose meaninglessness is literally driving people schizophrenic and gradually breaking down all forms (social roles, families, genders, nations, cultures, everything), is sufficient. We need both. That's why it's Conservative but Revolutionary.

>> No.13338698

Nazis aren't conservative you fucking retard. Conservative is a very vague and contradictory.

>> No.13338707

Literaly the Nazis were moderates at most, conservatism in Europe at that time was defined by support for monarchy and opposition to secularism

>whoa, they were racist!

Everyone was then, the U.S. military was still segregated, Winston Churchill supported genocide, Stalin use Jewish tropes to attack Trotskyists

>> No.13338720

>Literaly the Nazis were moderates at most
Kill yourself
>Everyone was then, the U.S. military was still segregated, Winston Churchill supported genocide, Stalin use Jewish tropes to attack Trotskyists
And the Nazis extermined 6 million Jews on the basis of their race alone.

>> No.13338727

>believing this shit

>> No.13338731
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>> No.13338738

>not violent

>> No.13338753

Extermination of people based on race was part of the policy of liberal colonialists and the USSR and liberalized Turkey

>> No.13338771

lenin would say that there are algorithms for beauty.
i personally side with materialism, as that political ideology that is truly beyond materialism is inherently inconceivable and essentially useless. how do you overcome the ontology of materialism in order to embrace conservative revolution?

>> No.13338778

>Extermination of people based on race was part of the policy of liberal colonialists and the USSR and liberalized Turkey
What's your point supposed to be? That conservative governments have never committed genocide? Do you really expect to be taken seriously or are you just trying to gaslight people?
>Denying the Holocaust

>> No.13338780

the point is that everyone did genocide. now, can we stop talking about nazis, as that we have established that nazis were shitty people, yet they did have an interesting and new political ideology.

>> No.13338844

You're right. Nazis are socialist.

>> No.13338870

you know who's the real nazi? you!

>> No.13338880

WWII ended in 1945

>> No.13338891

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.13338920
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>> No.13339929

>The Conservative Revolution is just an attempt to uncover the naive parts of the human soul covered over by cynical and world-weary modernity
I actually agree with that.

>> No.13339978


>> No.13341052


>> No.13341406

Base. Redpill me on this book

>> No.13341422
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Third posîtion. Fuck the right, fuck the left.

>> No.13341433

>This is what the Nazis did.
Yes, and it was pretty based.