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/lit/ - Literature

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1333765 No.1333765 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening my fellow /lit/erates. I have an inquiry. I am an atheist, yet I want to read The Brothers Kazamorov. For all you atheists out there, do you think Fyodors staunch outdated superstitous thinking will ruin it for me?

>> No.1333783

Probably. He also hated Jews

>> No.1333788

Nah, ignore it. You shouldn't be caring about "big ideas" in literature anyway.

>> No.1333795

by all means read it. the grand inquisitor argument is incredibly interesting from an atheist pov, also there are bad christians who get called out. Crime and Punishment I think has a more moralistic Christian ending- maybe b/c Karamazov was supposed to be the prequel to the "real" story he wanted to tell

>> No.1333799

if you can't allow religious dialogue in a work of fiction because you're atheist then maybe your convictions aren't very strong

>> No.1333800
File: 6 KB, 199x200, al-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chimpanzee that!! MONKEYYY NEWSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya Fuu

>> No.1333802

You're a douche, OP.

>> No.1333815

I read it as an adolescent hardcore Christian. I recall I wasn't too impressed.

>> No.1333821
File: 68 KB, 500x330, 1202301406_9c614a4968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, your right. I'll read it, I need to let go of my convictions. By the way get that Ricky Gervais shit out of here =)

>> No.1333826
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>> No.1333837
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>> No.1333844
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>> No.1333845

someone's mad over the cultural backbone of western civilization

>> No.1333846
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>> No.1333849


Not so subtle; I hope this was posted in jest?

>> No.1333852
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>> No.1333859
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>> No.1333861
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>> No.1333868
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>> No.1333869
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You say that like it's a good thing.

>> No.1333871

Is this supposed to make Atheists look bad, or everyone look bad? Because the use of cartoons kind of blurs this connotation. I mean, you could easily find actual live pictures of the first two.

>> No.1333872

I was considering stephen hawking since basically anyone could recognize him but he looks too much like a retard anyway

>> No.1333874


lol too bad Einstein believe in a god, just not the christian variety

>> No.1333877

INcorrect, whenever talking about God he was always using Him as a metaphor for nature

>> No.1333878

>Stephen Hawkings looks like a retard


>> No.1333884
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 800px-Stephen_Hawking_in_Cambridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just you try to tell me this freaky ugly guy doesn't look mentally handicapped

>> No.1333886

this picture is such troll,
the dark ages wasn't the fault of christianity
lrn2 history

>> No.1333890



>> No.1333894


Nature can't be a god? Who are you to question the divine?

>> No.1333896
File: 37 KB, 485x662, clever bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying stephen hawkings doesn't look like a mental retard in a wheelchair

>> No.1333901

>implying that anyone who looks 'bad' must be retarded, and not anyone who looks like they have downs or something of the like
>implying using Hawking in the earlier picture would have made ANYONE doubt the message

You are one vain motherfucker. I bet you think most smart people lookg good.

>> No.1333907

well if they're so smart then why can't they figure out how to be pretty? idiots

>> No.1333908

Agnostic atheist you dumb ass.

>> No.1333917
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>> No.1333920


Who says a god has to have everyone's best interests at heart?

Terrible argument is terrible. It amounts to "WAAAAAHHHHH THERE'S INJUSTICE IN THE WORLD WAAAAAAHHHH."

>> No.1333926
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It seems they can into hotness.

>> No.1333962

To steal this thread back from the hijacking trolls:

One should read books based on literary and artistic merit, not on the message the charlatans try to teach. (If we are to judge a novel for its lessons, then the Brothers Karamazov is almost despicable, though not, as someone mentioned earlier, as atrocious as Crime and Punishment.)

With that in mind, the Brothers Karamazov is only marginally worth reading. Its aesthetic value is high school-tier, and its value as a piece of literary history/Russian thought is Wikipedia-tier.

>> No.1333966

It destroys the Christian god.

>> No.1333969
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>> No.1333977


To be fair, the Christian god does a pretty good job of destroying himself.