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File: 70 KB, 850x400, b6424f08a4eead3b37343a3e093a85c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13336295 No.13336295 [Reply] [Original]

How can we bring back beauty?

>> No.13336648


>> No.13336655

You grew up.

>> No.13336658

He sounds like a faggot

>> No.13336758

nope, you're a faggot

>> No.13336888

You cant. Capitalism killed it.

>> No.13337010
File: 211 KB, 800x600, commieblocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah cuz communism care so much about beauty

>> No.13337085
File: 595 KB, 1285x615, andrei-rublev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's America's Shostakovich?

>> No.13337146

>implying that the russian genius exists due communism

>> No.13337155

at least communism didn't kill it
where's the russian genius now?

>> No.13337206

tarkovsky had to scape from russia you faggot

where are the genius, hidden in north korea or Cuba?

while sostakovich was in Russia Gustav Holst was in the capitalist UK, composing the Planets' suite. at that time there were geniuses all around the capitalist world, in countries that were capitalists since the very beginning of the industrial revolution.

>> No.13337813

Capitalism and poetry actually have a lot in common. (and I don't just say that as a p/acc)

>> No.13337853

Shostakovich was not really that great of a composer.
Do remember that both Stravinsky and Schoenberg ended up calling America home.

>> No.13337857

>Shostakovich was not really that great of a composer.
Imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.13337868

This nigger gay

>> No.13337872

The real answer is materialism. Beauty is directly related with transcendence and as long as religion is ironically demonized beautiful works of art will be even rarer by the day.

>> No.13338342


>> No.13338380

Back to pol incels. I had a gut feeling OP was an alt-right pol-tard and that the whole "bring back beauty" thing was some sort of white supremacist dog whistle. This incel confirmed my suspicions >>13337010

I know you guys are losers and your socially awkward, and ugly or whatever; that you're probably covered in acne and sitting in front of a monitor with your waifu pillow and shit, but you really should get off the internet and try socializing. Maybe then you wouldn't be a virgin.

Bruh, even meme Shostakovich is based, to say nothing of what left for us Shostakovich connoisseurs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmCnQDUSO4I

>> No.13338408
File: 84 KB, 640x426, lux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brutalism is 1000x more preferable than this trite neoliberal bullshit

>> No.13338411

what do you hope to gain by posting here?

>> No.13338416

Do you mean philosophical materialism? If so, you're wrong.

>> No.13338422

removing the binary notions of human life from culture and supplanting it with miraculousness. Simone Weil speaks on this in how beauty is a miraculous occurrence, always, and thus we need to praise life as being that

>> No.13338437

So these are considered "luxury" in some flyover state or heavily suburabanized coastal region? It looks like shit. Like one of those low end new developments where they clear out like an entire kilometer of land, remove all the trees, and then don't replant or do any landscaping work or anything.

>> No.13338448

if anything materialism makes room for beauty since its corresponding historicism criticizes the reductive powers of industrial development. Hegel makes a point to say how nature has basically been taken from us by these powers and thus our inherent perceptions of beauty

>> No.13338454

exactly that. American architecture contains this notion that people want to feel like they are permanently at a hotel. a totally cucked sense of luxury pervades

>> No.13338461
File: 189 KB, 1200x775, death in venice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some sort of white supremacist dog whistle
wtf i can't found any coherent relation. anon, you leftists are sick

>This incel confirmed my suspicions
comunism didn't care a fuck about beauty. they used art as a political tool you dumbfuck. you have come to shit in this thread with cero arguments

>I know you guys are losers and your socially awkward, and ugly or whatever; that you're probably covered in acne and sitting in front of a monitor with your waifu pillow and shit, but you really should get off the internet and try socializing. Maybe then you wouldn't be a virgin.
that's not an argument. I want beauty to comeback because i honestly believe that appreciating beauty is a sure way for self-improvement. As Goethe said: >Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words.

muh supremacism

>> No.13339319

You can, but only if you want it back, anon.

>> No.13339341

Andrew HIll

>> No.13339342

lefties are idiots who don't know what they believe (or rather, what they really believe is not left but an anti-white rhetoric hilariously similar to the anti-jew rhetoric they can find no reason to believe), so they wait for the right to believe something so they can not believe it. for example now that their enemies are starting to like socialism, they now all love capitalism.

>> No.13339668

its never been beautiful retard

>> No.13339698

Aaron Copland

>> No.13339699

You xant

>> No.13339736

Make something beautiful

>> No.13339749

Great thread, OP. I think to "bring back" beauty you must serve it because beauty is your truth, so to speak.

>> No.13339861

Write something beautiful, fold it into some choice /po/ artwork and bestow it to a lady of your choosing by placing it in her hair as discretely and faintly as possible, the goal being for her not to notice the paper sculpture's landing upon her until you are some distance from her and can also better observe her reactions from finding the strange finch or swan or dachshund, her taciturn investigation, inspecting its details, creases, eventually penmanship or printed type appears and she begins to unfold your treasure, no doubt spotting the bolded or heavily scrawled 'roastie' and 'beef' in your prolix passages and feeling for a moment endeared that some sweet fella sought to woo her with maybe a meat metaphor or a gastronomic limerick and went to the trouble of placing the stationary-hewn avian or canine creations upon her while she was lost in one of her typical female reveries, alternately dreaming of the sexual brigandage awaiting a lot lizard or else reporting in Brandeis University's Quarterly Sexual Ideation Surveys a strong reliance on home invasion or abduction scenarios, your lady most likely falling into this longitudinal category where nearly 83% of surveyed women indicated needing the jarring escapism of a Congolese rural "police" check point or else an inexplicably furious sports team sent to rebalance their libido-kiltered athleticism by splitting your lady in two, meanwhile she's waiting for her phone to update or her Goodreads feed to refresh and with her so predictably distracted you've an ideal opening to place your paper animal or plant wherever on her person you think best accomplishes your desired reveal, keeping in mind that, sure, there will be other girls more compelling than this lady in particular but for now she will do and why not run through this all as an exercise, sliding the ninja star or crab into perhaps the cuff of her stylishly tattered and singed denim pants or maybe even cache the creature onto the briefly accessible synthetic leather soles of your lady's slides, timing your ingress in sync with the brief moment when one of her feet parts from her shoes from her self-stimulatory footsie games long enough for you to make your move and make some lucky lady's day a little more interesting.

>> No.13340183


can't compare. lol amerimutts get mad when pointing out their obvious lack of talent

>> No.13340191
File: 186 KB, 1000x731, paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its never been beautiful retard
yes it used to be

>> No.13340542

lol the nigga in OP's pic never got over the fact some words rhyme lmao

>> No.13340716

rappers rhyme words and that doesn't make them poets

>> No.13340739

it does, you're just racist

>> No.13340751
File: 62 KB, 1186x141, Screenshot_20190622-190023_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet

>> No.13340769
File: 1.79 MB, 961x961, machinegunkelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesn't.

>> No.13340800

That's a rapper

Yes, it does :)

>> No.13340849

sorry but this isn't poetry

>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>I'm 200% nigga
>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>Why do police hate niggas?
>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>They hate us cause our dicks is bigga
>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>Why you call yourself a nigga?
>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>Cause im a mother fucking nigga!
>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>Why you drink so much beer?
>Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, >Nigga
>I dont drink beer, I drink malt liquor

>> No.13340852
File: 222 KB, 1280x581, The_Creation_of_Adam_Michelangelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Establish and foster a relationship with beauty. Once you have woven it into the fabric of your life expand that relationship. This will be challenging because it's not that easy to figure you what even is beautiful. Once you have that relationship, all things of this world will make room for you to spread this beauty forward. Creation, rhytm and geometry are that hallmark of divine system that will show others direction towards kingdom of God. Beauty is everything

>> No.13340869

I am guessing you were that creepy one at school. Please have sex
Ps people don't get laid because of origami and calligraph.
Sticking things in strangers hair might not be the best way to get laid

>> No.13340883

can you screech any harder

>> No.13340887

thanks, anon. This is a beautiful response

>> No.13340908

People were already complaining at that time that things had gone to shit thanks to bourgeois mediocrity and decadence. But muh suits, neoclassical architecture, and academic painting

>> No.13340910

>has not read Crise de vers

>> No.13340912

this is ugly and boring

>> No.13340918

Is this postmodernism? Looks disgusting.

>> No.13340924

i know. The beauty of that age was decadence from some more beautiful and aristocratic previous times. But compared with us they were like greek gods.

>> No.13340926

This is only a parody, r-right /lit/?

>> No.13340939
File: 31 KB, 602x401, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and this is joyful and original

>> No.13341137

is virgin-shaming praxis?

>> No.13341146

>where's the russian genius now?
Decades of communism decimated the culture, and it has yet to recover. You see capitalist genius all the time in the West

>> No.13341175

>You see capitalist genius all the time in the West
you mean all the jeff bezos type "geniuses" that rape the common worker of their dignity?

>> No.13341178

You can't kill beauty, it's inherent in everything. You are just small minded and can't see it. You have to see things from a different point of view.

There is beauty in ugliness, there is beauty in death, in decay etc

>> No.13341184

when people talk about "beauty" what they really mean is surface layer physical beauty
that has essentially disappeared from most aspects of modern life due to streamlining and lack of ornamentation

>> No.13341187


The jew screams in pain as (s)he strikes you.

>> No.13341203

Women love secret notes and learning they have driven a man mad with desire. Basic stuff, my dude.

>> No.13341220
File: 47 KB, 415x752, 1560407924019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13341294

>wtf i can't found any coherent relation. anon, you leftists are sick


>> No.13341318

and an excerpt from a Vox article

So what am I talking about when I talk about the “aesthetic” appeal of right-wing movements? German culture critic Walter Benjamin, in his in 1936 essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” writes that right-wing movements, which reach their zenith in fascism, represent “the introduction of aesthetics into political life.” While Benjamin is writing about fascism specifically here, his argument encompasses reactionary and right-wing movements more broadly.

While left-wing movements, he writes, work by advocating for “affecting the property structure” of capitalism, right-wing movements offer the masses a chance to “express themselves” while keeping the social order largely intact.

The ideal of traditionalist right-wing movements — which include, but are not limited to, fascist movements — is a kind of transformation of a person’s individual life into a mythic story. The narrative of return, the primordial “going back” that defines, say, “make America Great Again” (or “make Catholicism weird again”), is fundamentally an aesthetic one: galvanizing the human desire to live a meaningful story. The imagined past is a place of structure, of significance.

We find this taken to extremes in, for example, explicitly fascist movements, which very much operate on this principle. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, in his 1932 manifesto on fascism, makes his movement sound almost like a religion — a way for ordinary people to conceive of themselves as belonging to a world of mythic heroes. “Fascism,” he writes, “respects the God of ascetics, saints, and heroes, and it also respects God as conceived by the ingenuous and primitive heart of the people, the God to whom their prayers are raised.” Aestheticism, in this context, is the process by which individual political grievances are elevated to the level of myth.

>> No.13341531

Fascism is a result of romanticism and Wagnerianism. Coincidentally this is why fascists make the best poets and filmmakers: they have a more intuitive understanding of what constitutes beauty than the people who think that form is less important than content

>> No.13341539

>Shostakovich was not really that great of a composer.
This is your brain on burgers.

>> No.13341554

Ok so leftism for what i see has declared the war to beauty. is good for knowing.

>> No.13341606

>tarkovsky had to scape from russia you faggot
Yeah that's the point retard.

>> No.13341664

obviously; communism hates beauty as long as it doesn't represent their deformed overview of what is life. Beauty has to be sacred, above politics and materialist issues, and communism hates the sacred.

>> No.13341673

>who's America's kitschy Soviet agitprop?

>> No.13341711

>and communism hates the sacred
Russians didn't stop to be Russians, even during USSR.

>> No.13341733
File: 239 KB, 1000x662, garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why nabokov was american and he still apreciatted beauty. Meanwhile, in the soviets if you were a painter you had to paint realist socialist garbage, fucking up the sublime idea of beauty and the russian genius in a political corset

>> No.13341755
File: 232 KB, 699x699, norman-rockwell-thanksgiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Norman Rockwell and Pollock

>> No.13341756


>> No.13341871

If that was true, it would have also died in Japan.

>> No.13341905

It did die in Japan. There has been no good novelist that was born after ww2.

>> No.13341911

It didn't, that was my point. They still care about aesthetics.

>> No.13341930

Your mother is a kitschy Soviet agitprop, not Shostakovich

>> No.13341936

no they do not everyone is a bugman wageslave there.

>> No.13341947

Anime and video games say otherwise.

>> No.13341967

>anime and video games
proving the point that it died in Japan.

>> No.13341974
File: 346 KB, 1920x1080, Coppelion - 01v2 (BD 10-bit 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)[8A579A0C].mkv_snapshot_00.08_[2015.03.30_17.02.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13342018

this is disgusting. america could be erased from earth and nobody would give a fuck

>> No.13342154


Why are you so threatened by beauty?

>> No.13342157

Why is the left so obsessed with everyone needing to have recreational sex all the time?

>> No.13342166

Fuck off dumb anime poster

>> No.13342186

No, you fuck off. Western culture has degenerated to the point where people now recoil from beauty because they think it's ugliness. Japan is not like that.

>> No.13342280

yeah is uglyness and degeneration. those childish brights, those colours, it's soulless art

>> No.13342291

You are projecting. It's the West that's soulless.

>> No.13342342
File: 233 KB, 800x1249, hirosige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the West that's soulless.
you're right, but japan isn't far

>> No.13342356

It's still far away from descending to our level.

>> No.13342379

Anime is westernized wtf.

>> No.13342385

No it isn't. It's completely different from Western animation and Westerners are always complaining about it.

>> No.13342432
File: 624 KB, 1080x2160, Rupi-Kaur-Feet-4206970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13342444

What is your point?

>> No.13342481

We can't. The vulgar sensibilities of the masses dictate predominant art now. You can still find beauty if you go looking for it, but it no longer defines the paradigm. So long as the arts primarily remain industries that profit from and encourage indiscriminant consumerism, this will be the case.

>> No.13342498

It's hard to think of anyone because of the way American censorship operates differently from the Soviet model.

>> No.13342508

Not him, but
>i'm eating solid shit! if you don't like solid shit, then you drink diarrhea!

>> No.13342531

World is 100% happier. World is not enough for CHINESE superiority. China to space. Fight holy wars, turn American and Latin blacks against the Chinese and make a big space war. Oh yeah

>> No.13342636
File: 717 KB, 2587x3257, Caspar_David_Friedrich's_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it wasn't a solid argument, but you can't deny that in the XIX century life and art used to be more beautiful than in our current time. I'm not advocating for that specific age being the most beautiful ever

>> No.13343319

>Coincidentally this is why fascists make the best poets and filmmakers
name ten (10)

>> No.13343336

Hey cutie

>> No.13343349
File: 226 KB, 730x1095, beautiful_valeria_by_yychanson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just not looking at the right places. there's more "conventionally" beautiful art being produced than ever.

>> No.13343357

So no point, then?

>> No.13345309

It is

>> No.13345335

Beauty never left. They don't put ugly people on TV, movies, as pop stars, etc. They don't photoshop people to look ugly. Everything is criticised if it looks ugly or off. You mean 'how can we bring back beauty in a way I can use as political currency'.

>> No.13345343

The grass isn't always greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it :)

>> No.13345372

But that is what is devaluing it. Nothing is that impactful anymore

>> No.13345394

Fascist are closeted utilitarians when it comes to aesthetics. The best they could was vampirizing the most sympathetic artists of their time.

>> No.13345430


Stanley Kubrick
Zack Snyder
James Cameron
Sam Peckinpah
John Milius


Ezra Pound
David Myatt

>> No.13345925

>everyone who criticizes capitalism is a stalinist
why are pro capitalists (you're not an actual capitalist unless you own some means of production, in reality you're just a chump supporting his own slavery) so braindead?

>> No.13345948


>> No.13345950

So just because I don't own a factory I'm not a capitalist. Shut up dude.

>> No.13345951

what a deluded weeaboo. HONORABU NIHON ABLOOBLOOBLO

>> No.13345956
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x664, suburbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13345970

embarassing post

>> No.13345976

yeah. Architecture is a mess. Getting fat is more common than ever. People wear horrible clothes. Art is not beautiful anymore. They are pushing for the fat acceptance.

>> No.13345982

And how can we water it . That's my question.

>> No.13345990


>> No.13346030
File: 234 KB, 600x848, RisingSun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a photograph of a 7/10 in nature
>hurr durr this is art
Anyone can take a picture of a fucking young girl sitting on a rock. If you want to post good modern art at least post something impressive.

>> No.13346032

beauty isn't created but discovered.

>> No.13346039

Gay and wrong.

>> No.13346040

nice mallgoth album cover, homo

>> No.13346045

A lot of album covers are legitimate art. Much moreso than "hurr I took a picture of my niece sitting in my backyard". Photography is on the fringe of whether it's art or not. Any old picture isn't art. If you've done nothing to adjust the scene or the composition then it's not art. For it to be art there has to be effort involved. Not just "hey that looks nice", *snap*.

>> No.13346138
File: 234 KB, 808x1024, garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

norman rockwell is art? Definitely not.

>> No.13346162

>composition is art
>effort is art

>> No.13346165

I'm here, baby. What you need?

>> No.13346168

The fact that 'anyone can do it' doesn't disqualify it from being art you autist

>> No.13346175

god homer was a poet


Ovid fascist? homer fascist? what do you smoke?

>> No.13346178

Easy. Start a war of words with Bin Laden's Son. Tell him we're on the same side. Embrace the Perennialist doctrines. Raise the eire of state officials. Become warrior poets. Train daily for a symbolic war by living artfully. Write to bring about the glory of the end times. Have fun with it.

>> No.13346185

Architecture is garbage in general. Working out is more common than ever. Fashion is extremely popular and, well, fashionable. 'Fat acceptance' exactly proves my point that mainstream beauty standards exclude being fat.

The beauty in art, again, is transposed to middle-class culture like TV and film, etc. That's because beauty is completely expendable when it comes to art. If you want beauty, watch boring trash. If you want art, challenge yourself. This guy had a better argument:


There's no point believing life was beautiful 200 years ago and that today life is not beautiful because there is such an emphasis on beauty.

>> No.13346274
File: 622 KB, 777x621, casa-de-las-sirenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare the proportions, the harmony of this house with the american trashy chalets or with the soviet commie blocks.

Compare the emphasis our ancestors put in how they dressed, to now.

Compare nicky minaj with Händel. Compare Brumel with the Kardashians.

The dandy phenomena was a reaction against a world that was losing its beauty, as they were Mallarmé, l'art pour l'art, Stefan George, the english aestheticism...

Is something you can't deny.

>> No.13346444

Leni Riefenstahl
D. W. Griffith
John Ford
Akira Kurosawa
Christopher Nolan

Ezra Pound
W.B. Yeats
T.S. Eliot
Rudyard Kipling
William Shakespeare