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File: 265 KB, 512x512, com.appfactory.holybiblekjv_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13333761 No.13333761 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13333772
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>> No.13333813

and why do you like it?

>> No.13334022


As much as I love how poetic the KJV is regarding jizzing your pants, i find it difficult to read for long stretches. Plus the Oxford Study Bible is the most academic leaning one I have found. All the KJV study Bibles I looked into were geared towards fundys

>> No.13334406


>> No.13334433

I have never read the bible before. Would you recommend this translation?

>> No.13334443
File: 127 KB, 400x550, Srpska_Biblija.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Serbian Orthodox Bible. It's what I grew up with and I use it a lot in my literary studies.

>> No.13334456

Depends what you're after OP.
KJV is the backbone of the English language, it shaped how we speak today.
NASB is a very literal translation and is quite accurate although the grammatical structure can make it hard to read
NIV is a very easy to read modern translation but is more loose with its translation but still accurate
NRSV is the academic gold standard

>> No.13334483

The only Bible I need is Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon

>> No.13334484
File: 11 KB, 253x392, New_American_Standard_Bible_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've passed through quite a few translations; grew up with NIV, familiarized myself with KJV when I got serious about my faith, adopted NRSV while at uni, got caught up in the ESV fever that has developed the past few years – but recently I've settled on the NASB, it feels like it fulfills everything I appreciated about all the aforementioned translations while avoiding most or all of the flaws related to each one.

>> No.13334488

I like KJV for personal devotion and memorization, RSV2CE for study, and the Orthodox Study Bible for its Septuagint translation.

>> No.13334493

KJV because it was deliberated upon and delivered via divine meditation to man.

>> No.13334668

esv. the best word for word tl from the best manuscripts.

>> No.13334895

>very easy to read modern translation
If thats what you want read the ESV study Bible, dont bother with the NIV

>more loose with its translation
A bit of an understatement there.

>> No.13334912

NIV is still considered fairly accurate by most biblical scholars. The people who have a problem with it tend not to be scholars.

>> No.13334959
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Yes, make sure to read the NRSV; it is essential that any Bible focuses on gender inclusive language, changing words like 'mankind' and 'brother' even when it obfuscates the meaning of the passage and makes language sound awkward.

>> No.13334980
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>entire extended family uses scofield bibles

>> No.13334999

Knox. Best of the Vulgate translations.
Unvarnished New Testament - fantastic literal translation.
RSV, not a fan of 2CE as the RSV footnotes already have all the alternative readings in them and the language is still tasteful.
NABRE actually has great textual footnotes, get a study edition.
Heard the New English Bible is quite good, Oxford came out with a study edition ages ago.

You really need a study edition or textual notes to understand passages, seriously. Especially in Paul. You don't realize how much of the translation bias youre getting unless you look at textual notes... for example, the porneia "exception" in Matthew's Sermon on the Mount is almost always translated as "fornication" or sexual immorality in modern translations. The Greek in context is best translated as "unlawful" and properly referrs to things like incestuous marriages, not "adultery". the mistranslation in fact alters the entire passage in most versions and has serious implications for who Jesus is as well. The same is with the translation of John 1. A proper translation is the Word is "moving towards" God, not "with" God. the nature of the Trinity is fact more deeply revealed when "tradition" in translation is stripped away in favor of accuracy. This is why I like the translations I picked, in that they all have, except the RSV, deeply innovative interpretations that illuminate the text amazingly well. Read Knox's translation of Ephesians and tell me you're not deeply impressed, or the NAB footnotes in the Gospels. Basically, tldr, sola scriptura is self refuting

>> No.13335007
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>"Logos" translated as "Word"

>> No.13335010
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you related to Bryan Denlinger?

>> No.13335030

how would you translate it huh

>> No.13335032

That sounds more like an appeal to authority than endorsement.

>> No.13335034

You don't know shit about Koine Greek

>> No.13335037

I wouldn't.

It's an untranslatable concept, and any attempt to replace it with another word automatically obscures its meaning.

>> No.13335046

how do we know what it means then

>> No.13335066

The same way we know what "vodka" or "dachshund" means, you buffoon.

You adopt the word into your language.

>> No.13335148

YAAAS queen slay the patriarchy!

>> No.13336204


>> No.13336365

NIV or ESV, pretty much the best English translations.

>> No.13336378

And yet it contains errors.

>> No.13337455


>> No.13337893

non native english speaker but I read the kjv front to back. I doubt I'll ever read the entire bible in english ever again though

>> No.13338062

Citation goddamn needed

>> No.13338063

>NIV is still considered fairly accurate by most biblical scholars.
>t. Jehovah's Witness

>> No.13338066
File: 69 KB, 1570x1016, bibles chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13338088

this chart is quite possible the worst ive ever seen

>> No.13338120

>not using Da Jesus Book

>> No.13338140
File: 71 KB, 1570x1016, Revised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a mistake in your image. I fixed it for you.

>> No.13338294

The RSV and ESV are more reliable and there's also a Catholic edition if the ESV.

>> No.13338314

Gee, now you mind showing us which main translation in any language doesn't translate it as "word"? I'll wait.

>> No.13338343

For reading the Psalms and really getting into the poetic nature of scripture, it has to be the KJV. Majestic language.

For understanding the texts clearer I use the Christian Standard Bible. Most literal AND dynamic translation on offer right now.

>> No.13338376

>Most literal AND dynamic translation on offer right now.
Sounds like an oxymoron.
It's not utterly inaccurate but the NIV which also isn't the best is more accurate and consistent.

>> No.13338398

Stop the NIV shilling you Arian heretic JW

>> No.13338430

I pick out the parts I want (almost exclusively for use in a story) and then I go through each translation and cherry pick each line from the whole lineup. If I'm unhappy with all of them, I combine a couple or just rewrite it myself.

>> No.13338436

>Unvarnished New Testament - fantastic literal translation
No it's actually more of another clarified rewriting.

>Knox. Best of the Vulgate translations
The heretical Wycliffe Bible is more faithful to the Vulgate wording than the Douay-Rheims since unlike it, it wasn't based on preceding Protestant translations from Hebrew and Greek sources and later revised to resemble the King James Version more. Everyone with an interest in the Vulgate should check it out.

>> No.13338442

The Message Bible.

>> No.13338444

Thoughts on Douay-Rheims?

>> No.13338453

Which one is better, KJV or NKJV? Why?


>> No.13338460
File: 46 KB, 616x593, gbi-graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my own experience I'd highly recommend it as the best for everyday reading.

>> No.13338465

You seem to have missed the part where I said it wasn't the best.

>> No.13338471

>released 2017

>> No.13338472

It has the language but not the flow that the KJV has.

>> No.13338478

I tried the KJV and it felt so dry and it was very hard to understand.

>> No.13338480


Knox is definitely most poetic I'll posit though, especially the Psalms

>> No.13338487

It might be convenient but I don't find it as accurate as others from comparing a few verses. I think the RSV2CE and ESV are fluid enough and remain largely accurate.

>> No.13338498

I'm scanning through the CSB right now and it seems pretty good.

>> No.13338504

I know what you mean, but the CSB doesn't appear to have been infested with political agenda unlike some other translations. And of course, I'd never recommend only one translation to own. I'd recommend a couple of translations to hand.

>> No.13338510

If you get a KJV study Bible you pick up the way the KJV language works quite quickly.

>> No.13338514

That just seems tedious
CSB seems fine. My go to verse for checking if there's a political agenda is Leviticus 18:22

>> No.13338515

adopt an untranslatable, unknowable concept? and this is supposed to provide understanding of it? really makes me think

>> No.13338522

I was initially skeptical purely because it had been published recently, but it's the main one I read now alongside the KJV.

They're pretty open about how they translated the texts too on the CSB site.


>> No.13338541

>Leviticus 18:22
both have massive errors

>> No.13338546
File: 46 KB, 616x982, newtestament00murd_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Murdock's Translation of the Peshitta NT since it can offer a respite from the Catholic and Protestant bickering with translations. It's got that archaic style language but for some reason appears a bit more fluid. Also since it's based on an Aramaic language source, the Aramaisms in the NT have to be translated rather than transliterated as they are when translating from the conventional Greek source.

I've said before that perhaps this used in combination with Brenton's Septuagint translation could be the patrician Orthodox translation option.


>> No.13338547

> Not reading your biblical verse in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek


>> No.13338555
File: 140 KB, 1422x1089, Screenshot_20190621-190154_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty interesting. I'll definitely give the CSB a shot

>> No.13338557

forgot Syriac

>> No.13338558

The American King James is better and free.

>> No.13338568

What are the best biblical commentaries?

>> No.13338569

There's little point to it unless it afforded an improvement to others, which it doesn't based on what I could tell. You should really check with an interlinear and look up the definitions of individual words to see how the accuracy of translations compare to each other.

>> No.13338571

it's Reformed and Calvinistically biased anyway. totally garbage

>> No.13338576

Syriac is useful for reconstructing the underlying meanings behind Jesus' sayings. But no books was actually authored in it. Latin is also indispensable. Looking into Coptic and Ethiopic readings could also prove useful.

>> No.13338578
File: 105 KB, 400x265, 1455133774127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using biblehub and biblegateway to check line by line for maximum accuracy
boy, this is going to take a while

>> No.13338585

Which translations are you comparing?

>> No.13338586

Yeah I can imagine, though I don't focus on the denominational provenance but just their quality and accuracy when comparing them.

I think the RSVCE, ESV, ASV, and Darby Bible are among the best of translations.

>> No.13338594

Just perform some partial quality control for efficiency.

>> No.13338639


>> No.13338658

Yes we know Alter is popular around here.

>> No.13338724
File: 87 KB, 544x630, 9780943575322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matthew Henry and Matthew Poole for the whole Bible.

J.C. Ryle if you want one just for the Gospels.

>> No.13338808



>> No.13338837

For someone seriously considering pursuing this they should download a software like The SWORD Project and install various modules.

>> No.13339025

Hey that's neat, I didn't know about that. Thanks for that link.

>> No.13339068

It's not an unknowable concept brainlet start back over with the Greeks

>> No.13339106

untranslatable =/= unknowable, moron. There are plenty of commonly used words/phrases borrowed directly from foreign languages with no exact equivalent in English, like déjà vu, Zeitgeist, ad hominem, et cetera, that are nonetheless understood.

>> No.13339223

Is that better than E-Sword?

>> No.13339229

At that point just learn Hebrew and Greek

>> No.13339338

Don't really know desu but it looks similar. There are a number of apps based on the sword project though.

>> No.13339363

Reina Valera 1909

>> No.13339441


what's the concept then bud, explain logos succinctly, easy right?

>> No.13339442


all of those have clear English translations what are you on about

>> No.13339448

>he doesn't read Geez


>> No.13339558

Wth do all you shitposters here have a reading handicap?

>> No.13339966
File: 669 KB, 1913x2560, 91V5TX7MPpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which Bible translations do you use
KJV Norton Critical Edition

>> No.13341343

Sheeit, what does the critical content cover?

>> No.13341440

Biblia de Navarra. I don't trust protestant bibles.

>> No.13341811
File: 37 KB, 540x521, 1547230134020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using Reina Valera 1602

>> No.13342012

>I prefer to read rewritten and embellished renderings just because they have a Catholic™ stamp over them

>> No.13342578



>> No.13342595
File: 194 KB, 700x368, rh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, I'd rather stay to the original Mesopotamian sources

>> No.13342620
File: 58 KB, 614x815, BIBLIA DEL OSO_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Arms opening theme plays


>> No.13343787

Opinions on Douay Rheims?

>> No.13343810

>Nacar-colunga exists
>These people read pleb translations

>> No.13344082

Compare them to the original tongues. These hundreds year old translations managed more accuracy than 20th century ones. Probably one reason why they're so popular. Unlike English bibles there doesn't appear to be any Douay-Rheims or RSV equivalent except for the Biblia de Scío which also isn't better.

>> No.13344137

Also the R-V didn't obscure mystical references like other translations did such as the mages in Matthew 2 and the Python spirit in Acts 16:16. The only qualm that Catholics would have which I've found so far is in Luke 1:28 going with the typical Protestant habit of calling Mary "highly favored".

>> No.13344152

old Swedish version from like the early 1900s. the cover is black with gold text, as in op:s pic. found it in the house i purchased a few years ago, with a note on the first page saying it was gifted to some woman who used to live here from the local parish. i don't know who this person is - or most likely was - but i replaced my old one with this one, so now we are bible buddies.

>> No.13344531

It's similar to the Tyndale and King James Bible but revised to agree with the Vulgate. The ASV used more recent sources and was the basis for the RSV.