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/lit/ - Literature

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13333086 No.13333086 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that by not reading the Bible you're depriving yourself of a vast wealth of knowledge and literary references (which every relevant book has in regards to the Bible) and therefore you will NEVER have a truly fulfilling experience regardless of what you read.

>> No.13333093


I just look up summaries online. You can understand the references and you don't have to slog through shit like genealogies and dietary requirements.

>> No.13333094

>muh references

>> No.13333098

>atheist cope

>> No.13333111

Has nothing to do with my alleged atheism but reading a book so you can understand references in other books is retarded. Besides, biblical references are almost always put in the end notes if you really cared or didn't catch it yourself.

>> No.13333317

That's why I'm reading it

>> No.13333352

>reading a book so you can understand references in other books is retarded
Yeah man understanding things is for faggots lol

>> No.13333367


>> No.13333667

it's so goddamn boring and I hate the style. Verily I say unto you, fuck off christcuck

>> No.13333689

>dozens of books written by nearly as many authors over hundreds of years in a variety of literary presentations
>"the style"
I'm genuinely impressed you manage to breathe and type at the same time being as retarded as you are.

>> No.13333702
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>> No.13333714

reading the Bible is a massive cope. no one in pre-modern or even modern cultures "read" the Bible; they were brought up in a Christian society, were brought to church, and had stories and passages transmitted to them by their family and community. pretending like reading the Bible cover to cover in a void makes you a part of the literary tradition built upon it is infinitely faggier and more pseud than just accepting those times are gone; you're collecting literary references like they're funko pops.

>> No.13333774

not really
even dawkins says that people should read the bible for its literary influence

>> No.13333790


>> No.13333792

just read the bible you lazy faggots

>> No.13333809

Ecclesiastes is the only worthwhile book in the Bible

>> No.13333833

>you're collecting literary references like they're funko pops

>> No.13333903

I read the bible at 12, cover to cover, twice, and I have gotten precisely no use out of it.

>> No.13334679

also of the knowledge of salvation

>> No.13334721

My priest already told me all the popular stories