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13329088 No.13329088 [Reply] [Original]

>compunction is slave morality

what are some other platitudes from the spout of degenerate heathens

>> No.13329191
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>Science is god
>Scientists are the priests of god
>only scientists can deliver god's truth to the people
>all decisions must be based on these truths
>faith in other gods is primitive, faith in science-god is freedom
>never question the scientist-priests, to do so is anti-science (heresy)

>> No.13330190

some guy with that dp added me on FB recently

his profile was pure gibberish

what the fuck is "simulated schizophrenia"?

>> No.13330195

What's that ? A degenerate christian heathen talking about degenerate heathens ?

>> No.13330237

Replace God with Truth

>> No.13330258

>I believe in science
>science of what

Atheist shits his pants

>> No.13330278


>accuses others of platitudes
>uses platitudes to insult those who do not share your view

Yep, just another pretentious hypocritical Christian.

>> No.13330311

>>accuses others of platitudes
>>uses platitudes
Eh, doesn't seem like that to me. 'Master morality' seems to be a life without the ability to have regrets.