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File: 92 KB, 800x600, hitler_youth_burning_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13329044 No.13329044 [Reply] [Original]

if there was one near you, would you attend? would you throw books in the fire? if so which one(s)? what would you wear?

>> No.13329056

The Bible.

>> No.13329129

The Bible.

>> No.13329141

I would definitely attend. Any true aesthete could only feel thrill at the thought of burning all the garbage currently in cycle. I would also burn any books I own that I found disappointing in order to make space on my bookshelf.

>> No.13329142

The Bible

>> No.13329147
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>> No.13329150

Mien Kampf. Protocols of Zion. Turner Diaries. Ayn Rand the bibble

Buzz off nazziboi

>> No.13329153
File: 376 KB, 1544x1978, 78788AB2-BF59-4878-9288-57275AFC04E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last Christian defense. A folder of dorks in hats

>> No.13329154
File: 647 KB, 2027x2461, IMG_0094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, pic related, and nothing.

>> No.13329226

what if it was a book burning organized by progressives who wanted to burn biology books? Or feminists burning the entire western canon because the authors are all male and white?

>> No.13329235

know-it-all atheists would probably be thrown in the fire themselves.

>> No.13329242
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It's an appropriate response to the absurd, often laughable posts atheists manage to make

>ho ho, I'm gonna put the Bible in the fiction section
>hee hee, let's burn the Bible
>no wait, you can't use fedora pictures!

>> No.13329257

i wish atheists were as edgy in the company of healthy young muslims as they are around tolerant meek christians.

>> No.13329258
File: 124 KB, 1072x715, 6F4D6522-F53D-4C7A-BF77-AE8FC0B4199E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not for it. It’s a shit thread.

>He thinks the Bible isn’t largely fictional
>He thinks this isn’t absurdity
>in the year 12019

>> No.13329266

Cutie, is this Ingrid Bergman? You have a surprisingly good taste for a lesbo

>> No.13329269

Everything by Brecht, Shaw, Joyce, and Sartre.

>> No.13329271 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 600x638, 1504985430692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose that we ought to burn atheist writings as well (essentially science fiction hogwash written by pseudoscience-intoxicated, two-bit hacks). Right alongside queer and feminist literature. That should revitalize our culture

>> No.13329299
File: 106 KB, 1000x523, doc gonzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you attend?
To get in fistfights with the cretins trying to start one, sure.

>> No.13329306
File: 93 KB, 750x499, 1559503003043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fucking toss anyone who burns books into the conflagration of their own making. Sorry bucko!

>> No.13329337

Incredibly based photo

>> No.13329348

the inclusion of taleb triggered me somewhat. PHOENICANS RISE UP!

>> No.13329354

Just about anything really. I really enjoy mob violence and suppression. The books that promote egalitarianism and kindness and slave morality, I would burn first.


>> No.13329437

so this is your brain on centrism... very smooth

>> No.13329443

I wouldn't mind burning some of my broken books. It feels wrong to chuck a book in the garbage, even if it is no longer readable.

>> No.13329461
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1548736501657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De Beauvoir, Sartre, Derrida, Deluze, Foucault and every other french pseud philosopher from the 20th century.

>> No.13329468

t. butthurt economist

>> No.13329470
File: 174 KB, 680x360, 1555701986684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bait is P O W E R F U L, use with caution.

>> No.13329476

Book burning would have zero symbolic impact in an age where every book ever written is available for free online

>> No.13329479

this tbqh, shit is who cares tier in the age of the internet

>> No.13329541

My uncle tried to burn the internet to rid the world of filth. He ended up tangled in some electrical wires and electrocuted himself.

>> No.13329543
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>> No.13329545
File: 21 KB, 474x266, 5C7F1F3A-40D7-4135-81F0-503A31840F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwits identified

>> No.13329548
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Love this. God bless

>> No.13329557

>bell curve
>art of war
>the prince
>brave new world
None of these are midwit. Everything else is gay nigger alt lite bullshit but those 4 are kino

>> No.13329573

Reminder that natsocs burnt degenerate "sex science" and commie books, nothing of value was lost

>> No.13329579

That would be a 'he' dear friendo. Don't let delusional trannies confuse you. :)

>> No.13329587

They are all entry level literature. Sure a couple of them are good but they’re what midwits read to feel smart

>> No.13329590

I attended the XX day Subgenius bookburning in 1999. It was clothing optional. So far as what to burn, I feel that burning pornography is a good thing to do.

>> No.13329596
File: 26 KB, 300x321, trollll-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, he's trollin', do not feed...

>> No.13329603
File: 14 KB, 182x268, 2019-05-12-11-26-06-98037889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dobbs be praised!

>> No.13330428

>Alan Watts
I swear to god you people have no idea how much Alan Watts delivered a good and accessible introduction to the concepts of Eastern philosophy
People who like Alan Watts get the most enjoyment out of him when they know nothing, then they think he's an idiot when they know a little, and when they learn more they realise just how good he was again.

>> No.13330531

>current year

>> No.13330855

I would like us to place year zero, not on Jesus’ 11th birthday or whatever, but on the construction of Gobekli Tepe, which is about 5000 years before the Adam and Eve myth

>> No.13332122

Burning books is unnecessary. There are much better ways of shutting down whatever may be inconvenient.

>> No.13332139

reckon it's more symbolic than anything, especially in today's day and age

>> No.13332141

Why is godel escher bach in this? Most mathematicians, who are not midwits by any measure, seem to agree that it's a good book to get the layman interested in these kinds of things.

>> No.13332146

My diary

>> No.13332154

>t. black muslim

>> No.13332155

The Quran

>> No.13332157

Actual crap books. Paulo Coelo's entire work, Harry Potter Books-all other YA shit actually- I would wear usual clothing and maybe a gas mask for smoke protection

>> No.13332160

>No L o c k e
Other than that, very based and applebees pilled

>> No.13332161

I'd just be dragging books not actively on fire out of the pile. Free books you dumb motherfuckers.

>> No.13332186
File: 212 KB, 816x501, capetown university burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people get the knickers in a twist about book burnings? By their very nature there are thousands of copies of any modern book, excess books are pulped by publishers constantly, books are not precious objects. Burning a book is no more symbolic than burning a flag, or stomping on a printed picture of a politician.
Students at Capetown University burned over 70 unique paintings, including anti-apartheid paintings, and it was barely covered in the media. This seems far more egregious to me.

>> No.13332222

because there used to be NOT that many books, and immeasurable amounts of knowledge was maliciously destroyed during the third reich. Anything not adhering to strict rules and "qualities" was lost.

It's actually fucking hilarious that so many right-wingers are using their platform to advocate for free speech, when historically, they're the first ones to start aggressively censoring shit.

>> No.13332230

>"qualities" was burned*

>> No.13332233

>excess books are pulped by publishers constantly
they actually invite the author along to watch it happening

>> No.13332247

The works of L Ron Hubbard (especially Battlefield Earth). Ayn Rand(especially Battlefield Train) and Dan Brown (especially Battlefield Vatican).

>> No.13332263

1. burning books publicly has much different connotations.
2. that's kind of an asshole thing to do. "Lol, look at all these books you didn't sell. They're not worth the logistics costs, so we're gonna burn them. Wanna watch?"

>> No.13332270

Atlas Shrugged, then I'd go buy another copy because I haven't finished it yet

>> No.13332272

Rowling and Meyer

>> No.13332291

so left-wingers aren't known to, historically, censor free speech?

I think what's lost on you is that classical liberalism is the calling card of the new right-wing.

>> No.13332293

including Marcus triggered me so I guess job well done

>> No.13332358

>so left-wingers aren't known to, historically, censor free speech?
I mean, I'm sure they have.

I don't know what you're trying to say, because it sounds like you're saying nazis are liberal, which is a perfectly insane thing to say.

But either way you just don't get more obvious censorship advocacy than the third reich burning books. Like, EVERYONE knows the nazis did that. That's what even the dumbest people know about nazis. They burned jews and books! If there's a picture of books being burned, it's nazis doing it.

So saying, I'm a nazi and I'm pro-free speech is just kind of... big stupid.

>> No.13332616

>It's actually fucking hilarious that so many right-wingers are using their platform to advocate for free speech, when historically, they're the first ones to start aggressively censoring shit.
This is just standard Saul Alinsky rules for radicals shit, force your opponents to live up to their professed laws and standards, then when in power do the opposite. Neither the left nor the right have any serious belief in free speech, only demand it when they are the underdogs. Culturally the right are the underdogs, therefore demand free speech from the media/internet giants.

>> No.13332859
File: 61 KB, 624x351, jewscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe there was a reason for it...

>> No.13332874

Are you implying nazi's weren't trying to develop superweapons? Also, none of the people who worked on the bomb, wanted it to be used. Shit, even the General Secretary of Defense or whatever the fuck he was called didn't want to drop the bombs. President did though.
You're not making an argument.

>> No.13332877

>Are you implying nazi's weren't trying to develop superweapons?
Not Jewish monstrosities

>Also, none of the people who worked on the bomb, wanted it to be used.
Uh huh

>> No.13332891

I'm not getting into this

>> No.13333262

I would hurl my copies of Hypersphere and The Legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra into the blaze.

>> No.13333274


>> No.13333276

My diary desu

>> No.13333537

yes pretty much every book that has been first printed since the 90s regarding social sciences and philosophy.

>> No.13334027

Fahrenheit 451