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13328879 No.13328879 [Reply] [Original]

Sure he was racist and probably nuts, but he was an exceptional author.

Post favourite cosmic horror (Lovecraft or otherwise) titles

>> No.13328938

The nigger on the doorstep
The jews in the walls
The haunter and the chink
The faggot out of time

>> No.13328946
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The House on the Borderland is absolutely top notch cosmic horror.

>> No.13329743

Got into hpl a few weeks ago, would 100% recommend Shadow over Innsmouth

>> No.13329765
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>he was an exceptional author
Haha what? He pioneered a genre sure, but his prose is mediocre at best and constructed in a way to sell books. Why do so many people get caught up in his image and forget to read his literature in an objective manner? Strip everything and he’s a run of the mill pulp fiction writer.

>> No.13329778

How's that critical theory working out for you? Will we be regularly running into your name on even the most obscure of places in 100 years? Of course, only you really know the answer to that.

Strip everything and the Taj Mahal is just another patch of dirt.

>> No.13329799


The Tomb

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

>> No.13329802

Oh yeah, HP Lovecraft is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time....oh wait no he’s not outside of reddit users who think “it was too scary to describe” is in any way good writing, it is considered schlock. Even film adaptations of Lovecraftian and Lovecraftian inspired works recognize this problem and have to give faces to the creatures that are meant to be hidden....also you retarded fucking inbred, you don’t have to be an author to criticize literature.

Im gonna give you advice and I want you to follow through with it. Buy a gun and paint the walls of your house with the innards of your brain.

>> No.13329837
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>was racist
Can you blame him? I mean that was just the time. Can you blame Plato and Socrates for being antidemocratic?
People always deal in absolutes.

>> No.13329856

Shadow out of time was probably the most impactful for me.
I actually had dreams about cyclopean crypts under the earth creeping with horrors after reading it. Cool as hell.

Dreamquest to unknown Kadath is probably my favorite.

>> No.13329888

Dream-Quest to Unknown Kadath could've been the next Lord of Rings, if HPL worked more on it. Unfortunately, we end up with a draft, but holy shit if it isn't kino.

>> No.13329900

The Music of Eric Zahn

>> No.13330302

Lovecraft was too mediocre a writer to make full use of his own creativity, which was admittedly extraordinary.

>> No.13330307

>I mean that was just the time.
Not being racist is merely a symptom of Western decay. Every other corner of the world is racist, and will be. Heck, Europe is growing more racist by the day. But then again, it'll just be the current year after all.

>> No.13330364

>the west has more social progress than other places
Wow the west is decaying!

>> No.13330397

Mountains of Madness
Shadow over innsmouth
Believe its called the red something? I forget the title I might come back to the thread later
Call of Cthulhu, in that order

>> No.13330404

>Its another nationalists claim every other race is racist so I am justified episode

Its all so tiring

>> No.13330437

>criticizing his prose when its one of his strengths, have u ever read any of his works?

HP lovecraft is a great writer but his dialogue is fucking shit, he even knew this and used as little dialogue as possible.

His complete works are divided in two parts on audible, check it out.

>> No.13330442

> social progress
A rotting body is ongoing progression towards something else. If you don't define goals, all change is progress, assuming there is an outside force with its own goals.

>> No.13330445

Other nations are ethnocentric, and varying degrees of xenophobic.
South Africa, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Libya, China, Namibia, South Korea, Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India... All xenophobic.
Doesn't mean they shoot every foreigner they come across, it means they favor their own perceived tribal group over others or make life harder for those not part of their in-group.

>> No.13330447

Why even argue with someone so fucking stupid?

>> No.13330449

The goal is to live peacefully with one another as members of the human race instead of judging people on their intrinsic identity like gender or skin colour. I mean this is all cliche well known shit I'm saying but you asked.

>> No.13330451

>shadow out of time

heck yes, its his best one. Great buildup, great climax. Peak Lovecraft.

The Dunwich Horror and the stories about Randolph Carter kicks ass too.

>> No.13330454
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In all likelihood they are either a woman who has lived in a positivity bubble their entire life, or a youngster still needing a kick in the bum to see the world for what it is.

>> No.13330455

The “why even argue with...” is the purest sign of indoctrination and childlike response.
It would have been wiser to not have posted anything at all if you are not interested. Your dignity would not have been deteriorated

>> No.13330460
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>The goal is to live peacefully with one another as members of the human race
>instead of judging people on their intrinsic identity like gender or skin colour.
MLK's speech is the goal of humanity? Whoa!
I have better goals, such as making sure everybody knows that ugliness is the form of evil.

>> No.13330464

So why do you spread ugliness and hate if thats the case?

>> No.13330468

>the goal of humanity
where did you get that from? I don't believe humanity has a goal necessarily. Seems like the way things are going endless technological/scientific advancement is the goal of humanity for most people.
The goal that was being referred to in the context of our conversation was the goal of social justice and equality.

>> No.13330472

>I don’t believe humanity has a goal necessarily

>> No.13330477

Just because he's evil, it doesn't mean he's incorrect. Ugly people and sub-tier races are born that way because they are being punished for the actions of a past life. It doesn't mean they can't seek redemption but blacks in particular only have one chance left.

>> No.13330478

>where did you get that from?
"More social progress", aka. there is a Universal standard where 'social' is meant to go.

I don't. I do not spread hate, nor ugliness. Though if I do, it'll only be proof that the paragons of ugliness are wrong. People are not supposed to live in multiracial societies, favelas, commie blocs, debt slavery or even global economy.
All races are beautiful in so far as they can create beauty; and I love all races. Hence they must not be destroyed. Mixing in small quantities can be sustained, but large quantities will render the world a favela hell.

>> No.13330485

Retard. If I said the world turning vegan would be social progress that would not be the same as saying the goal of humanity is to turn vegan.

>> No.13330486

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

Yes, why even argue. Can you comprehend how big the world is? Do you know how insignificant everything you say or do is? Your vote doeent matter. Your speech impacts nothing.

>> No.13330487

>Retard. If I said the world turning vegan would be social progress that would not be the same as saying the goal of humanity is to turn vegan.
But then vegan countries would not be more socially progressed than others; aka. there would not be a hierarchy or ranking of change...
Because the progress would be completely relative.
Once Europeans start killing foreigners, that can also be named social progress, as was the case in Yugoslavia.

>> No.13330494

Lovecraft was based and redpilled.


>> No.13330495

True social progress is a world where nobody negatively judges another person based on their race.

We can accomplish this wonderful world if we just remove every other race from existence. True racial equality.

>> No.13330502

>True social progress
What the hell? Where did you get that from? Some socialist Torah?
> is a world where nobody negatively judges another person based on their race.
Especially white people!

>> No.13330508

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

>> No.13330510

>But then vegan countries would not be more socially progressed than others; aka. there would not be a hierarchy or ranking of change...
Not necessarily. For example there might be some countries in which going vegan would be impossible because of lack of money or whatever. I would not say that these countries are less progressive than vegan countries.
>Once Europeans start killing foreigners, that can also be named social progress, as was the case in Yugoslavia.
But the bosniaks weren't foreigners lmao...

>> No.13330520

>Not necessarily. For example there might be some countries in which going vegan would be impossible because of lack of money or whatever. I would not say that these countries are less progressive than vegan countries.
So you use parameters: [vegan], and [wealth] to rank others, with a strict threshold for wealth. Let me tell you something: wealth is not value. Wealth is merely some additional niceness to existence (real value) itself.
>But the bosniaks weren't foreigners lmao...
Yes they were. Intermarriage rates were at their peak just prior, too, and atheism. Man, such progress!

>> No.13330525

I'm not boomer. If you read the list of things I rated as ugly, you'd recognize that I oppose globalization and bleak architecture, as well as usury. Boomers love all of those.

>> No.13330528

>knowing that he was racist
>still recommending him
wow, you are the problem

>> No.13330533

Im going to short your pacemaker, you fucking boomer

>> No.13330553

>Yes they were.
Bosniaks are an ethnic group that are native to Bosnia. They are not foreigners in Bosnia by any stretch of the word.
>Intermarriage rates were at their peak just prior, too, and atheism
What's wrong with intermarriage or atheism?

>> No.13330720

>Bosniaks are an ethnic group that are native to Bosnia.
Yes, but Serbs and Croats are foreigners to them, and they are all Europeans who killed other, foreign Europeans. Whom they shared borders and civic nationalism with.
You have no idea what calamities multiculturalism has caused and will cause.

>> No.13330723

>What's wrong with intermarriage or atheism?
They were the prerequisities to Yugoslavian war, the less developed, less progressed stage.
You think you know the direction of fate and history. You don't. You refuse to acknowledge loop structures.

>> No.13330884

>X was [adjective, adjective, adjective, noun]
what a brilliant writer

>> No.13330896

China has way more social progress, economic progress too. It’s no joke that the Chinese are pulling ahead this century and it’s hilarious seeing libs turn to racism to cope.

>> No.13330904

Sounds like you can’t argue with it

>> No.13330924

Not really.

>> No.13330930

There Are More Things
t. Borges

>> No.13330941

Anon, do you know where democracy comes from?

>> No.13330960
File: 40 KB, 640x640, tweet-tariq-nasheed-attariqnasheed-sen-kamala-harris-has-announced-she-is-running-for-president-in-2020-and-as-a-black-american-descendant-of-slavery-lm-announcing-im-not-voting-ror-ner-unless-she-has-as-agenda-to-pr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The goal is to live peacefully with one another as members of the human race instead of judging people on their intrinsic identity like gender or skin colour.
and how has progressivism improved the life of the average minority? i mean it has allowed a few members of the top of each minority to climb to positions of power and share the spoils of dismantling institutions, but the average member of the minorities has not improved their lives, and it hasn't built the institutions into something better that will last for a long time

>> No.13330988 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 183x275, 1561039395683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, when you are incapable of creating, just destroy...

>> No.13330994

Yeah, sure he was racist, and homophobic, and anti-semite, and maybe had weird fetishes, but I think he just hated humanity in general, he was extra-based

>> No.13330997 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 996x1024, 1561039594298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best and proven way to do that is to allow the races to live seperately...

>> No.13331005

The fuck set that goal?

>> No.13331012

From Beyond is coming to mind and really I thought that was a wonderful story exploring the notion of human perception being so limited. We are only capable of experiencing what evolution allows us to perceive. Even with the help of technology there are things that we may never know about that is right in front of our faces at all times. Very spooky if you ask me.

>> No.13331326
File: 167 KB, 920x980, gibson_lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond the wall of sleep
The shadow out of time
The dreams in the witch house
The colour out of space

>> No.13331339

Is this OP sincere with this sissyfag post?

>> No.13331683

I recently read The House of Sounds by M.P. Shiel. Probably one of the most interesting short stories I have ever read.

>> No.13332231

Im black and don't give a shit that he was racist, who wasn't during his time.

>> No.13332348

he was hardly exceptional

>> No.13332455

>I mean that was just the time
Look at the time as a trend that is always changing and depending on what is atm modern/progressive/trendy influences people‘s minds. This is what I meant

>> No.13332776

Yet you are still here

>> No.13332827

Give it a few years and Lovecraft will only be known as a racist and his work will be forgotten. Just as planned.

>> No.13332876

The Haunter of the Dark is my favorite work by him.

>> No.13332881

>Believe its called the red something? I forget the title I might come back to the thread later
The Horror at Red Hook?

>> No.13332888

All those countries are also hellholes to live in. Why would we ever look to them as models for society?

>> No.13333823

Is there any writer more based than Ambrose Bierce?

>> No.13334641

>no mention of Rats in the Walls
Above is my favorite, followed by Shadow over innsmouth. Also loved the Whisperer in Darkness.

>> No.13335198

>Seems like the way things are going endless technological/scientific advancement is the goal of humanity for most people.
how does it feel to live inside a clockwork society, which becomes more computerized by the day?
positioning rudderless technological/scientific advances at the top of your valueless moral hierarchy (other than "be nice, lol") does not fulfill the human need for meaning and purpose.
it's naive to assume that technology - left unchecked - will develop in ways that will serve life.
if an AI with "godlike" intelligence takes over and treats you as an inconvenient remainder of an equation it has no qualms with eliminating, don't blame us.

>> No.13335215

I found the idea that evolution doesn't allow us to view anything "as such" - impartially and in its totality - to be liberating.
it disabused me of the notion that there was an objective reality sitting in front of our faces that we could just read as it was.
we evolved in order to survive - not to be able to perceive every portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, for example.
there is not - nor can there ever be - a perceiverless perspective. all sense experience is mediated by our consciousness, which renders it comprehensible.
this revelation is what made me a philosophical idealist - empiricism is for scientists.

>> No.13335571
File: 115 KB, 598x556, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite is the first Lovecraft I'd encountered: The Dunwich Horror.
it's followed by The Shadow Out of Time, At the Mountains of Madness, and the Case of Charles Dexter Ward.
Herbert West: Re-Animator is uncharacteristically funny, but I'd recommend it all the same.
I've read every story on these lists (from the hplovecraft dot com website), except for The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

>> No.13335583

Why not? Also dunwich horror is pretty based except the end

>> No.13335605

is there tv series, movies or something like that about lovecrafts stories?
i would really like to watch that

>> No.13335618
File: 31 KB, 326x499, 51H4sqz0ZIL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the three collections that Penguin put out sometime back worth picking up?

>> No.13335659

The Dreams in the Witch House is my favorite because it's where the oneiric side of him becomes most intense and explicit.

>> No.13335665

The thing on the doorstep is my favourite. The best characters in all of HP Lovecraft's stories, even a female character.