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13326105 No.13326105 [Reply] [Original]

Any good podcasts discussing philosophy?

>> No.13326113
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>> No.13326123
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>> No.13326129
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>> No.13326131

Philosophy by the book

>> No.13326144

Calm down ladies. Can't read at work, but can consume podcasts. So post them or GTFO

>> No.13326156

philosophize this isn't bad off the bat. he does a decent job introducing the listener to the basic concepts and figures.

>> No.13326157
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>Calm down ladies. Can't read at work, but can consume podcasts. So post them or GTFO

>> No.13326160

Hello friends. I have created a language called Akrolaun. I’ve also created an organization called “Elephants Talk”. If you would like to join “Elephants Talk” and learn the wonderful language of Akrolaun, join our discord server. https://discord.gg/E4cGSVN

>> No.13326162

you have the wrong job, kesey wrote a fucking novel at his

>> No.13326187

Chapo trap house

>> No.13326240

Thought that was mostly political commentary?
I know it's some commie shit too but I don't really care. I like listening to all sides of the spectrum

>> No.13326260

I went through a short CTH phase but it became apparent all they are capable of is silly voices and laughing at strawmen

>> No.13326287

History of philosophy

>> No.13326289

What do you like now?

>> No.13326318

Check out this one for sure. Chronological history of philosophy by a professor with interviews with specialists every 15 episodes or so. Obviously not insanely in depth but it provides good secondary resources if you want to go deeper.

>> No.13326347

The Always Already Podcast is pretty good. Altho it leans more towards the critical theory realm.

>> No.13326387

Imagine being this triggered

>> No.13326413

Philosophy bites

Except it is nearly gone

>> No.13326528


Not that Anon but if you want leftist podcasts that actually emphasize organization and action rather than dick jokes, I quite enjoy Delete Your Account. They actually have substantive interviews with on-the-ground political and labor organizers, as well as grassroots activists.

Citations Needed is another good one, but it's more focused on needling American imperialism than offering any kind of constructive criticism. Gets depressing after a while.

>> No.13326548

Who /Crckdown/ here?

>> No.13326641

This for general overview and the “story” of philosophy. Partially Examined Life for in depth discussion.

>> No.13326672

PEL is a god tier podcast

>> No.13326707

BBC in our time is alright.

>> No.13326761

Why Theory

>> No.13326763

Very bad wizards is much more enjoyable than the average phil podcast if you like media and academia centered analysis and explanation.

>> No.13326952


>> No.13327198

Any episodes you recommend?

>> No.13327205


>> No.13327471

Nice stuff anon
Here's a bump

>> No.13327547

>I like Kant, but I don't agree with anything he says. I don't even know what that would mean, to agree with him.

>> No.13327593

sæd landsbyen

>> No.13327660

enjoy your cage, wagie.

>> No.13327665


>> No.13327784

Bump. I've been listening to them for 2 years now. They cover many philosophical topics while also discussing film/music/news from philosophical and psychological perspectives. I really like how they are a philosophy professor and a psychology professor because you get the latest in both worlds and often get to hear how they interact. 10/10

>> No.13327801

Uchicago's philosophy podcast is decent

>> No.13327809
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Listen to lectures on philosophy (and other subjects), don't bother with podcasts.

That being said, podcasts aren't nearly as bad as the wojakposting teenager makes it out to be.

>> No.13327812


>> No.13328827

oh FUCK are podcasts onions? of course god dammit! i listen to so many podcasts.

>> No.13328874

Seconding Citations needed, Nima and Adam (almost always) do their homework and interview people who know what they're talking about and offer insightful commentary. I disagree that they don't offer constructive criticism, though; most of their solutions (see: predatory targeting of low-income areas with lottery adverts) could easily be solved by just not doing that thing lol. It's all a calculated choice to amass power and wealth

Not philosophy related but in the vein of left-leaning podcasts that aren't Chapo, Street Fight Radio kicks ass, and both Brett and Bryan are legit working class bros in contrast to the Chapo wealthy failsons

>> No.13328881
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You have to go back

>> No.13329087

I listened to History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps by Peter Adamson and it goes in depth with maybe over 300 episodes so far. He goes from early greeks and he's only approaching modern philosophers recently, Descartes if I remember correctly. He includes islamic thought along with a side podcast about Indian philosophy as well. The amount that he delves into each philosopher is very satisfying compared to other podcasts or even classes that seem to gloss over most philosophers other than the most famous.

>> No.13329290

Started getting really into podcasts about 9 months ago. All that lost time I'll never get back...

>> No.13329293
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>> No.13329296

Eh, they have the potential to be far better than what's on Netflix.
I like to turn on some cumtown, grab a few beers and plan highways in city skylines myself desu

>> No.13329298

Luke Smith's "Not Related" podcast.

>> No.13329305


>> No.13329373

I have no idea if anything in myth of the 20th century is factually correct but they cover pretty cool topics not philosophy related though.

>> No.13329376


Chapo Trap House is the Charles Bukowski of leftist politics, in that most young white college-educated men go through an embarrassing phase where they think this is bold, visionary stuff being presented through willfully transgressive media. Most of them grow out of it.

>> No.13329388

literally me lmao

>> No.13329428 [DELETED] 


I mean I was the same way until my prefrontal cortex fully matured.

>> No.13329435

who shaves the barber is really good, especially if you're into analytic stuff at all. A lot of in depth interviews with high profile profs

>> No.13329442


>> No.13329500


Yeah, but what I meant was that "it would be better if we didn't do this, but we do because the people with wealth and power want us to" isn't constructive criticism so much as clear-eyed cynicism. Their interviews are indeed great, though.

>> No.13329546

I've been listening to Chapo lately but just their cute christmas carol and RPG episodes to make me feel less alone. I don't get the politics stuff and I don't think I ever will.

>> No.13329574

not explicitly philosophy, but lots of good philosophical waxing and esoteric content


>> No.13329638

Justin Murphy usually has interesting guests and doesn't get in the way too much.

>> No.13329643
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>> No.13329770

Extremely Patrician taste.

>> No.13330068

Slavoj Žižek - Collected Recordings

>> No.13330638

onions onions based s

>> No.13330644

Apparently girls chat got cancelled and I'm not sure if that's good or bad yet

>> No.13330645

getting pegged

>> No.13330666

:( I miss them

>> No.13330676
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>> No.13330727

was gonna suggest this

>> No.13330785

cum town

>> No.13331489


>> No.13331491

Now that's some good fucking choice

>> No.13331500

Yeah, all the ones that pretend to be about philosophy but really just shill marxism. Those ones I really like.

>> No.13331512

Based and tedpilled

>> No.13332571

Pel supporter woop woop

>> No.13333058

Who's paying you?

>> No.13333064

Chapo Trap House, especially when Matt is blacking out

>> No.13333212

The RPG episodes were excellent and also surprisingly well put together. I attribute most of that to Brendan, although I’m sure Chris could do it justice too if they went back to the concept (like they should)

>> No.13333477

Philosophize this is actually pretty good