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/lit/ - Literature

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13325038 No.13325038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Paul won over the Gentiles by abolishing the law but he ultimately doomed Christianity

Aquinas' theory of the persons of the Trinity as merely relations is not workable, you can crucify a being, you cannot crucify a relation.

To say Jesus ≠ God but rather Jesus ∈ God is flagrant polytheism. But if Jesus = God ∴ the Father = Jesus, thus undermining the Trinity.

>> No.13325051
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Trinitarians be like pic related

>> No.13325057

i see you are still here
just fuck off

>> No.13325088

In Aquinas persons are not merely relations because then they wouldn't be persons.

>> No.13325096
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You have not read him, I see


>> No.13325512

Now think of the concept as sets
God is the universe of R, with cardinality |R|=Ω
Now Jesus is a subset, say (0,33). But even if (0,33) subset of R, |(0,33)|=|R|
Now the Holy spirit, say [33, ∞) and the Father is some (-∞,0] we still have the same cardinality

>> No.13325524

Past present future
Solid liquid gas
Father son spirit.

It's that simple.

>> No.13325540

>This chair is made out of oak wood.
>This table is made out of oak wood.
>This stool is made out of oak wood.
This shit is simple, OP. It's stupid, but so are you. Seriously, have you retards never done any reading on this at all?

>> No.13325556

Bad trinitarian theology. Bad example.

>> No.13325566

Forget about Aquinas and engage with the Patristic theologians re the nature of the Trinity.

>> No.13325653

The coexistent coeternal modes of being for the one Divine 'I'. They are not Sabellian modes in that they are not sequential and do not mask a hidden true God behind the three hypostases. Read Karl Barth!

>> No.13325673

Why are you always trying to limit God with your language games ?

>> No.13325691

the trinity is a mystery, those who try to understand it are already missing the point: that they cannot understand it.

>> No.13325720

Jesus on Earth was an incarnation. The trinity rules only apply in heaven dummy, not to the God-man in his human form.

You're committing a category mistake and need a double set of trinity rules to explain firstly the ordinary non-incarnate trinity, and secondly the extraordinary trinity during the incarnate period.

>> No.13325761

Hello Jay Dyer. How's it going

>> No.13326031

This kills the christian

To believe God incarnated as a man is an insult against wisdom and morality, for it will infallibly make you view man (and thus yourself) in an idolatrous way. Also if it's graver to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, then he's above the other two.

>> No.13326039
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abrahamic religions were a mistake
why did those fucking retards convert

>> No.13326363

BASED Muslim bro, completely Tawheed-pilled

>> No.13326370

When will you Christians understand that your polytheism breaks the very first commandment. Jews and Muslims are in agreement about the nature of God, all the prophets for thousands of years have been in agreement, then a bunch of Roman pagans come around and make a polytheistic mess of the pure message of Abraham.

>> No.13326374

Paul abolished the law? Paul? Brainlet fucking post, my guy.

>> No.13326391

>1 chair
>1 table
>1 stool
>3 distinct items

>1 father-god
>1 son-god
>1 ghost-god
>3 distinct gods

>> No.13326416

When Jesus got crucified HE was crucified. Not the holy trinity as a whole.

God is not a relation you dumbfuck. That you can understand the holy trinity as a conceptual relation doesn't imply it's a conceptual relation. It's a being beyond the physical realm so it must be thinked abstractly in order to understand its nature.

>> No.13326426


>> No.13326442
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>> No.13326576

>I worship three distinct beings with different personalities, abilities, and locations, but do not DARE call me a polytheist!

>> No.13326579
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Polytheism, humans are a set too.



I did but desu they seemed pretty polytheistic, I think, unlike Aquinas, their chief concern was asserting, against Arianism, that Jesus is every bit the Father's equal. Monotheism seemed not to be a large source of worry as in their framework humanity is also one ousia

The phrase dramatis personæ must blow Bath's mind

I am not critiquing God, but your description and understanding of Him. That God is ineffable we all know, but "God is ineffable" is not a defense of a formula.

God is immutable


Yes Paul. Jesus said the law will not pass until the end of the world

Does the Trinity one being? Or is it three beings?

>> No.13326586

>Jesus said the law will not pass until the end of the world
you have to read the book before talking about it, my dude

>> No.13326593
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I have read the entire New Testament four times

>> No.13326604
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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.

It's obvious you are the same Islam shill that makes threads on this literally every day. This has nothing to do with literature. You could at least talk about a book about comparative theology but no, just the same banal theological banter day after day.

>> No.13326620

>Trying to convince westerners to convert to Islam and become slaves to muslims and the ummah
That's pretty cringe bro. Only a cuck would "revert" to islam.

>> No.13326633

From a Christian to a Christian, this is modalism not Trinitarianism.

>> No.13326634

The New Testament is literature, probably the core literature of the western canon. I can't imagine if thefe were a board on Mid Eastern literature and someone said "please do not talk about the Quran here'

If fact Islam forbids enslaving Muslims, only slaves who converted after enslavement can remain slaves

>> No.13326636

Dyer never said anything like that.

>> No.13326642

>If fact Islam forbids enslaving Muslims, only slaves who converted after enslavement can remain slaves
This is the most beautiful, concealed threat I have seen in my life. I commend you, akhi

>> No.13326651

Again, this is not about the New Testament or the Quran. You are just using this thread for religious proselytism and petty religious banter. Mentioning a book once doesn't make this thread about literature at its core and you fully well know that. By that definition /pol/ threads on religion would be literature threads as well just because they mention the Bible once. These sort of threads are the death of this board. Nearly half the catalog is just spam religion threads with no meaningful discussion or relation to any secondary literature.

>> No.13326659

>To say Jesus ≠ God
Jesus is God. God was crucified and died. This is the orthodox Christian understanding.

>> No.13326673

Imagine worrying that a Muslim state will declare war on you and invade you


Plenty of threads on philosophical worka don't mention titles, as for the other threads, many are shitposting, trying to lump mine in with them suggests that your discernment is not quite refined

>> No.13326677

>God was crucified and died.
This is blasphemy, and all the prophets of God would have you put to death for saying such bull.

>> No.13326682

What "is" means here could be an equivilant relationship, that is =, or not. Are you say it's an equivilant relationship?

>> No.13326683

The "God" refers to the substance they are made of. Yes, this is completely fucking retarded, but then this is Abrahamic religion we're talking about.

It's always fun watching Christians re-invent ancient heresies in these threads. The only one who has gotten this right is this guy >>13325540

>> No.13326688

Your right. I should not lump your threads in with the others. At least the shitposters don't take themselves seriously, unlike you who unironically thinks his religious prosletyism constitutes an appropriate topic for a literature board. You are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.13326691

It isn't. Jesus is a divine person who is God, who consists, without mixture, of a human nature and divine nature. Any action performed by Jesus is performed by the divine person, who is God, but this action is predicated upon either his human or divine nature. God, i.e. Jesus, died in respect to his human nature, not his divine nature.

>> No.13326692

>look this up
>it's true
>it's literally catholic doctrine
>this is what christians have believed since tettullian's time
holy shit this is mind blowing

>> No.13326715

That isn't entirely right. You can say "the char is made of oak wood," but if the chair were to be broken, it would not be proper to say, "oak wood was broken," at least not in the sense that there is a singular thing that is "oak wood," as you could only make the statement by speaking of a specific construction of said "oak wood."

>> No.13326721
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>using the term "embarassing yourself" on 4chan

Wew and you say *I* take myself too seriously

>> No.13326725

One being. But who was crucified was the SON AND ONLY THE SON retard

>> No.13326726

It means that any action of which Jesus was the subject or object, is attributed to God.

>> No.13326741
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>doesn't even deny the fact his thread is nothing but religious proselytism
At least you've shown your true colors

>> No.13326743

You misunderstand the definition of the word. As the poster said, the universe is still the same, God is still one.
>humans are a set too
We are not

>> No.13326746

Of course, but that's the nature of metaphors. Properly saying
>God is a consubstantial three-person hypostases
doesn't quite explain things to most people.

>> No.13326754

Why did Jesus not know the time of the day of Judgement, you dirty pagan

>> No.13326774

You can't crucify a relation, only a being

And therefore the entire Trinity?

My true colors are argumentative

>> No.13326787

Man = {Tom, Dick, Harry, ...}

>> No.13326791

>John Calvin: For we know that in Christ the two natures were united into one person in such a manner that each retained its own properties; and more especially the Divine nature was in a state of repose, and did not at all exert itself, whenever it was necessary that the human nature should act separately, according to what was peculiar to itself, in discharging the office of Mediator. There would be no impropriety, therefor in saying that Christ, who knew all things, (John 21:17) was ignorant of something in respect of his perception as a man; for otherwise he could not have been liable to grief and anxiety, and could not have been "like us," (Hebrews 2:17.)
>And therefore the entire Trinity?

>> No.13326797

Legs are also a set

>> No.13326806

Then the Godhead is not synonymous with Jesus as subject

>> No.13326816

Yes. This isn't helping deny polytheism

>> No.13326836

It depends on what you mean. I can say, "Jesus did X, therefore God did X." I cannot say, "Jesus did X, therefore the Holy Spirit did X." Both of their actions can be attributed to God as they are of the same substance, which is God, but their actions cannot be attributed to each other, just as actions performed in respect to Jesus's human nature cannot be attributed to his divine nature, even though they are both united in the singular person who performed said actions.

>> No.13326863

Yes, that's polytheism. Similarly non divine objects like wooden chairs or human beings share a like ousia, wood and humanity respectively

>> No.13326869

It isn't. To put it more simply, if you can follow what I stated here >>13326691, an analogy would work as follows: as the fact that Jesus is a person consisting of a multiplicity of natures does not render him a multiplicity of persons, the fact that God is a substance consisting of a multiplicity of persons does not render him a multiplicity of substances.

>> No.13326873
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>God is not a relation you dumbfuck. That you can understand the holy trinity as a conceptual relation doesn't imply it's a conceptual relation. It's a being beyond the physical realm so it must be thinked abstractly in order to understand its nature.

Not the Father was crucified, not the Holy Ghost, only the Son. Therefore God was crucified but no each person of the Holy Trinity


>> No.13326915

Action is relation. To crucify is to relate yourself to the the crucified in a very particular way, rich in meaning and dark in substance. If the act is relation, then this relation can certainly be established in relation to another relation. How can this be? Because all creation is a relation to God. The physical life is nothing more than the illusion of being that comes from the overwhelming relation of our senses--that is our dimensions and boundaries--our relation to what is not us. Relation is being, Being is relation. Without the Trinity, no system of Truth can be maintained, for it will either be too rigid to allow the reality of relation, or else it will have no grounding, and will become lost in self-referentiality. God is the Anchor and the Seed.

>> No.13327117

Dramatis Personae was first used in the post-reformation era. Get fucked, Mudslime.

>> No.13327132

Nature here is synonymous with substance except for non-Chalcedonian Christians

God is each person

Thos is process philosophy applied to God

>> No.13327142

That is because it was rundunant before then, as persona meant a character in a drama

>> No.13327162

retarded desert heretic

>> No.13327187
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you was at the club

>> No.13327202
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gotta raise these iq points my dum dum friend, this is not a pepe dyer would use.

>> No.13327210

>God is each person.

but what happens to ONE person doesn't happens to the others. they are three diferent beings altought they share the essence "God"


>God was crucified
>jesus was crucified
>The Holy Ghost wasn't
>The father wasn't

r e t a r d

>> No.13327215

Humans also share the ousia humanity. This is polytheism

>> No.13327225

>they are three diferent beings altought they share the essence
Also homousion means same essence as well as same being

>> No.13327231

if he was BORN that differenciates the being from the procedence.

>> No.13327264

Not in ousia

>> No.13328146
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these threads are based af but I just want to say I love you guys and hope I'll see you at the wedding feast.

>> No.13328437

>religious banter with no one recommending any books or writing any long, thought out replies
Yeah! Sure is Based! Hahah lol

>> No.13328459

The same person often played multiple roles in drama. The trinity is a doctrine of One God in three Persons, so it is unreasonable to read this as referring to three separate 'I''s rather than three coeternal, coequal modes of being.

>> No.13328506

"Persona" in Trinitarian terminology used to mean hypostasis, not "role"

>> No.13328518

seeing the rise of theologistic discussions on the board is a symptom of our cyberpunk-age emerging. Very cool.

>> No.13328530

I didn't say 'role', I said mode of being. Hypostasis is the original Greek technical term used, which also does not imply an individual consciousness.

>> No.13328542

'Manners of subsisting' is perhaps a better way to put it.

>> No.13328573


Gregory the Theologian on what hypostasis means

>For Gregory, common noun is to ousia what proper noun is to hypostasis: “This therefore is the hypostasis: not the indefinite notion of the substance, which finds no instantiation because of the commonality of what is signified, but that conception which through the manifest individualities gives stability and circumscription in a certain object to the common and uncircumscribed” (EpPet. 3b).

>Gregory gives an example from the Book of Job. When the narrator begins the story, he first identifies Job by means of substance, “There was a man …,” thus indicating the common nature that he shares with all men. The narrator then proceeds to individualize Job “by means of particular identifying notes, by mentioning the place and identifiable habits and such external marks that would distinguish him and mark him off from the common signification” (EpPet. 3c).

>> No.13328586

That's one personalistic understanding of the Trinity which was certainly not universally held. See folks like Augustine in the west, who, despite using a word like 'Person', was not a Trinitarian Personalist. Nobody but Catholics and Orthodox are required to believed that the church has demonstrated a significant doctrinal unity, especially in it's earlier years.

>> No.13328608

Okay, so hypostasis is an invalid term?

Augustine didn't bother to read Greek even though he could, even the Bible he would only read in Latin, so of course he has an inferior understanding of what the terms mean as he only used translations of the terms

>> No.13328621

No, hypostasis is not an invalid term, it's just wrong to read Gregory's understanding of the term back into the rest of church history. I don't think that the western tradition is 'inferior' or less faithful to the early church-- the early church was far, far from uniform.

>> No.13328644

The Trinity doctrine is total nonsense. Every attempt to explain it into a way that is comprehensible to anyone with a brain gets labelled a heresy:

Modalism (i.e. Sabellianism, Noetianism and Patripassianism)
...taught that the three persons of the Trinity as different “modes” of the Godhead. Adherants believed that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not distinct personalities, but different modes of God's self-revelation. A typical modalist approach is to regard God as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Spirit in sanctification. In other words, God exists as Father, Son and Spirit in different eras, but never as triune. Stemming from Modalism, Patripassianism believed that the Father suffered as the Son.

...Tritheism confessses the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three independent divine beings; three separate gods who share the 'same substance'. This is a common mistake because of misunderstanding of the use of the term 'persons' in defining the Trinity.

...taught that the preexistent Christ was the first and greatest of God’s creatures but denied his fully divine status. The Arian controversy was of major importance in the development of Christology during the fourth century and was addressed definitely in the Nicene Creed.

...taught that Jesus Christ as a purely divine being who only had the “appearance” of being human. Regarding his suffering, some versions taught that Jesus’ divinity abandoned or left him upon the cross while other claimed that he only appeared to suffer (much like he only appeared to be human).

...taught that while Jesus was endowed with particular charismatic gifts which distinguished him from other humans but nonetheless regarded Him as a purely human figure.

...that that the Holy Spirit is a created being.

...taught that Jesus was born totally human and only later was “adopted” – either at his baptism or at his resurrection – by God in a special (i.e. divine) way.

...taught that Father, Son and Holy Spirit together are components of the one God. This led them to believe that each of the persons of the Trinity is only part God, only becoming fully God when they come together.

The Trinity is just a ridiculous exercise of mental gymnastics. There is no logical explanation of it. If you just take it on "faith", that's fine, but don't pretend that it makes any kind of sense or gives the believer any kind of practical understanding of god.

>> No.13328656

Karl Barth's doctrine of the trinity posits three coeternal, coequal, essential, real modes of being or manners of subsisting in God which are not sequential and do not mask a hidden God behind all three.

>> No.13328660

If God is Omnipotent and Omniscient, then that obviously allows for something like the Trinity. Three distinct yet inter-connected Beings that are all God. Like if I get a pie and cut it into thirds. They're all the same pie but different slices.

>> No.13328671


Gregory's understanding follows Aristotle's, your beef is with the Greek fathers, kind of ironic when Barth dishonestly uses a phrase they use to suggest they subscribed to an orthodox modalism when you can see they were in fact polytheists

The west of course had an inferior understanding of Greek writings and concepts compared to Greeks when they mostly read them in translation

>> No.13328679

That is either polytheism, or violates divine simplicity

>> No.13328682

Jesus fulfilled all the messianic prophecies from the old scriptures. He is the Son of the living God. Jews reject him on the basis he wasn't the warmongering figure they expected who would crush Israel's enemies. They are still waiting for their messiah who will undoubtedly be the antichrist.
Islam on the other hand is total heresy and should not even be considered an Abrahamic religion. Muslims worship a moon (horned) God, read: a very powerful demon in the service of Satan.

>> No.13328691

Even if you were right about the Greek Fathers being somehow "Polytheistic", that would just mean that one subset of Christians in the east were wrong. What difference would that even make? The vast majority of later western Trinitarian theology emphasizes the oneness of God, even denying any composition whatsoever in the medieval period. This would literally just prove that the ecumenical councils are not specially infallible, and that the west has the right understanding of the Trinity.

>> No.13328701

Also, I don't believe that the western fathers had an inferior understanding of the Trinity. Their ideas can just as validly be read back into the early church as can Gregory's-- doctrine transcends linguistic divides.

>> No.13328717

Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah and will return to lead the Ummah

The Christians who wrote the Bible and the Nicene Creed are wrong? That's a problem

This is not simply a linguistic divide, this is mutually exclusive beliefs about doctrine

>> No.13328728

The apostles wrote the Bible, not the early Greek Fathers. The scriptures are inspired, the ecumenical councils are not. The common protestant understanding is that the councils can err.
I am saying that I don't believe that the entire western Christian world inherited some kind of obviously flawed Trinitarian theology-- I don't think you can read personal consciousness back into the Council of Nicaea, the fact that it was accepted as infallible by the western Church for so long is a sign that it is open for multiple interpretations

>> No.13328739

I add that Muslims also have mutually exclusive theology, Ashari, Athari and Maturidi, but these are about what is speculative, not what is dogmatic for Muslims

Athanasius established the Trinity as orthodoxy, was he wrong?

>> No.13328744

Protestants do not accept the Trinity by the authority of Athanasius. They accept it by the authority of scripture.

>> No.13328754

Muslims do not believe in the divinity of Christ.
God made man in his image, which means God the Father is supposed to have a Son. The Son of Man willingly lays down his life so man has a chance of eternal reconciliation with the Father. There's no atonement without the lamb.
I say again: Islam is heresy.

>> No.13328783

Based on Patristic exegesis

There is no image of God, Jesus is not God

>> No.13328794

No, not based on patristic exegesis. How many protestant exegetical texts have you read? They cite the fathers, but their arguments are not based on them-- they are used to add persuasive authority most of the time, especially in reformed circles. The traditional western understanding is a complete unity of essence, a single divine subject. Why is this so hard to understand? You may disagree with it, but to call Trinitarianism polytheism is ridiculous. Social Trinitarianism may be subject to that critique, but not the traditional western understanding.

>> No.13328906

To say Ousia and Substance mean "subject" only shows that Protestant exegesis is wilfully ignorant at best, mendacious at worst

>> No.13328913

I didn't say that substance and subject were identical terms...? Maybe my post was unclear, not great at expressing myself lol

>> No.13328933

>a complete unity of essence, a single divine subject

This looks like parataxis

>> No.13328941

sorry, my mistake
I really should proofread my posts instead of just immediately posting

>> No.13328959

This is a subject


>> No.13328965

Is the Quran created or uncreated?
If the Quran is uncreated, then it is a fellow god alongside Allah.

>> No.13328972

The Quran is uncreated. It is, as His voice, is one of God's attributes, like Mercy and Justice, not His being. The distinction between God's attributes and being is simply the distinction between God phenemenologically and God ontologically.

>> No.13328976

>you can crucify a being, you cannot crucify a relation.
But Jesus is a being?

>> No.13328989

So he and the father are not homousion?

>> No.13328991


>> No.13329079


>> No.13329081

>My hand gets impaled with a spike
>My head was not
>My leg was not
>I was impaled with a spike

>> No.13329086

So if I were to crucify a Quran I would be crucifying God?

>> No.13329104

"A" Quran is obviously not uncreated, do you take us for imbeciles?

>> No.13329112

Unless the Quran is an illusion then it has to partake in the essence of God to be uncreated, it can not exist and be a mere appearance or phenomenon without underlying being, that would make it an unreal illusion.

>> No.13329116


>> No.13329132

Yes a particular Quran is uncreated in its essence because the particular Quran in its particularity is an appearance of the noumenal objective Quran that exists godlike alongside/within God, but the particular Quran-in-itself is the noumenal objective Quran that exists godlike alongside/within God. A crucified particular Quran crucifies both the appearance and the essence of the particular Quran, that later of which is the noumenal objective god-like Quran.

>> No.13329148

seething Christfag, fuck you and fuck Christianity

>> No.13329160

>god can't incarnate as a man
Also Islam
>god incarnates a part of himself into millions of books

>> No.13329177
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Reminder that Islam abandoned philosophy because they couldn't invent a coherent formula as to why the Quran is uncreated but not a God so they abandoned the entire field as haram and retreated into dogmatism.

>> No.13329193

God's attributes and essence and operations are distinct in Islam. An attribute of God is Mercy for example, so by studying that we learn about God. God's essence/being, God in Himself, not for us, is unknowable

>the particular Quran-in-itself is the noumenal objective Quran
No, no more than a record in itself is an orchestra


Islam never abandoned philosophy, that is Orienalist retardation, read "Al-Ghazali's Philosophical Theology". Ashari, Maturidi and Athari still produce extensive literature, it just isn't godless so tge west refuses to consider it philosophy

>> No.13329229

>Paul won over the Gentiles by abolishing the law

>1 Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints?
>5 I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren, 6 but brother goes to law with brother, and that before unbelievers?
>7 Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded? [...] 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
> 33 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. 34 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says.

>9 Moreover we have had fathers of our flesh, for instructors, and we reverenced them: shall we not much more obey the Father of spirits, and live?

Yeah breh, Saint Paul and Christianity totally abolished the Law.

Sometimes I don't know if people have actually read the damn fucking text. Or is there any other way to interpret all this?
(By the way, who do you think the "fornicators", "idolaters", "adulterers", "effeminate" and "homosexuals" were? If I hear one more time the usual "Render unto Caesar" rhetoric as being an order to secularism and submission to secular authorities I'll be fucking triggered.)

>> No.13329264

>if you get circumcized you go to hell
>stahp telling people to eat Kosher!

>> No.13329276

You're a pseud and so is most everyone here. Fancy learning is nice to have, but it's also a snare for the vain and prideful. Jesus and his disciples didn't argue theology. The practiced it.

>an order to secularism and submission to secular authorities
read Romans 13. the Church's job is to make saints, to lead men to the kingdom of heaven.

sometimes in practice this means realizing moral ends by secular means. e.g. the anti-abortion movement, or the many refugee immigrant aid programs

>inb4 fucking kalergi plan i knew it!!!
Jesus died for all mankind. The gospel is for all mankind. Enmity because of states or borders leads us away from God.

>> No.13329325

This is so anti intellectual an unholy, Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blesssings be upon him, said learning is obligatory for all Muslims, and theology is the most important thing learn, but Protestards like yourself think learning about bugs being an extensive study is perfectably reasonable, but theology should be dumb dumb simple, which is exactly why the west no longer has it as the queen of sciences

>> No.13329329

Islam is an illiterate warlord's imperial rape cult, not a serious religion. Islam exists for no purpose but to expand and consume infinitely, like a cancer. The cult is so clearly and obviously an ideological virus, a prehistoric relic of a particularly successful rape-lord that accidentally infected too many inbred Arabs a millennium ago. It is sustained not through virtue and truth and beauty, but by expansion for the sake of expansion for the sake of expansion.

It's actually quite fascinating as an expression of human behavior. The idea of wacky Arab accidentally fucking and killing himself into a global religion is as funny as it is tragic. And I'll admit, te Quran is a very beautiful book, at least the translated excerpts I've read. But as a civilizational and theological model it is a total failure. When Islam lost the ability for conquest due to the intellectual and technological and economic and cultural superiority of Europe, the entire cult lost its considerable achievements and collapsed into tribes of cousin fucking goatherders conquesting one another as they bickered about whose farm animal belonged to whom.

A fitting end to a very stupid and fascinating religion