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/lit/ - Literature

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13322999 No.13322999 [Reply] [Original]

I really fear the spam of religious threads is driving so many people away from /lit/. /lit/ was the only place I could discuss the stuff that I care about and this fucking spam is changing /lit/ for the worse.

>> No.13323004


>> No.13323006

chill. this happens in phases. wait a couple days

>> No.13323010

nice digits but Christ loves you anon :)

>> No.13323029

Yes, phase two will be the discussion of literature from a Catholic perspective.

>> No.13323043
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Changing it for the better.

>> No.13323050

I really hope you are right.
I just think that God's existence can't be ultimately proven nor unproven. I think we shouldn't care about whether He exists or doesn't, but we should care about the metaphysical and moral consequences of the belief or the lack of belief.
What matters is our worldview, our morality. And on those accounts we should believe in God or not.
I want both atheistic and theistic perspectives, but not just one dominating the other.

>> No.13323062

Atheist here.
I find religious posters to have more coherent arguments generally and at least have purer interests and lead better lives than the wanton ways of most.

>> No.13323124

>coherent arguments
>it's literally the same autist just telling people to read feser and calling anyone who doesn't believe in god a s oyboy or edgy without presenting a single argument himself

>> No.13323135

>its literally not
>the exact opposite of what you said

>> No.13323153

/lit/ needs to get some real fucking resources. Please post about your experiences and provide your experiences if you do/don't find them useful. Help people to stop being such assholes on /lit/.

>> No.13323201

I don't understand why people think the discussion of religion, and especially Catholicism, is something NEW on /lit/. I've been coming here since the board was founded and we we've been having religion threads since at least 2015. Remember the Thomas Milbank posters? All that "Radical Orthodoxy" shit?

>> No.13323217

As a Christian I’m tired of the low effort posts. I could read those on /pol/ and you are killing valuable threads

>> No.13323236
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>Why yes, I haven't heard of Jean Luc Marion, Rene Girard, John. D Caputo, Henri Lubac, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Blondel, don't believe in God and spend at least 4 hours a day watching pornography, how could you tell?

>> No.13323280

Point me to some of these posts that are presenting arguments for the existence of god and presenting a coherent argument instead of resorting to name calling, then. Of course you won't, though, because I am right.

>> No.13323283

The problem is not discussing religion itself. The problem is the low quality 'discussions' we are seeing on /lit/ right now. Discussing God doesn't matter, discussing religions and atheism does. Also there shouldn't be as much threads about religions as there are right now, literature should prevail.

>> No.13323287

Literally look at the post above this confirming what I've said, lmao. Nice 'coherent argument'

>> No.13323305

Dude, you are not funny, stop shitposting. If you actually want to defend religion, go ahead, but do it in an honourable way. It has been the most important thing in everyone's life for a long time and still is for most people. There are several ways you can tackle it, and yet, you choose the worst. You are not doing anyone a favour.
He meant the other days, not today.

>> No.13323510

Explain why I should waste my time using rational, high quality arguments and discourse on someone baiting with a picture of Ben Stiller and a Reddit post as an OP.
So many threads are bait onto shitposting real discussion of religion on this board is basically impossible. Just keep scrolling.

>> No.13323558

the post 2016 influx of T_d refugees dove all the literary types away from /lit/

We no longer have threads about literature and if we do they turn to shit in less than 10 posts

>> No.13323564

It will pass, don't worry. It's the americans larping around, during EU hours it's usually better

>> No.13323606

Eat shit and die larping faggot. Stop ruining /lit/

>> No.13323831

Imagine being such a newfag the idea of dismissing someone entirely because they believe in god. It’s summer OP.