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/lit/ - Literature

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1332296 No.1332296 [Reply] [Original]

H.P. Lovecraft?

>> No.1332297

what about him

>> No.1332318
File: 16 KB, 263x310, golliwogg-1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How HP Lovecraft sees Africa

>> No.1332320

thanks for bringing up scifi/horror trash

>> No.1332322


Hey, thanks for being a know-nothing douchebag! Don't let the door bang you on the ass on your way out.

>> No.1332326

I'm high fiving you right now. Also, I'd love to see them actually do something w/ Mountains of Madness in film, fucking rumours.

>> No.1332331
File: 25 KB, 460x276, a-golliwog-illustration-001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP! you just lowered the tone of /lit/.
Kindly fuck right off.

>> No.1332334

Cut the Twitter/Facebook speak, please. We don't abbreviate simple words like "with" around here.

>> No.1332336

sorry that i enjoy fiction beyond escapist pieces designed for virgins

>> No.1332338

great ideas bad writing

no-one does H.P. Lovecraft worse than H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.1332349
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 51PAQCH4ZRL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /lit/? yall dudes into literature, so i got a doozy for ya! game of thrones by george rr martin! i really dig the complex political scheming going on between the rival houses, also the book lets me forget that im a faggot nerd virgin working a dead end retail job, greets

>> No.1332351

some advice: don't try faulkner cuz it might break your 6th grade reading level brain

>> No.1332378
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>> No.1332383


The Library of America, Michel Houellebecq and Michael Dirda all beg to differ.

Also, whether you omit capitalization and punctuation because of ignorance or laziness, you're still a know-nothing douchebag.

Checkmate, I believe.

>> No.1332384

Maybe some of those of us who like Lovecrapft do too, you goddamn dick?? Did you even think of that?

>> No.1332387

i think the checkmate came when i made you mad over boring space dragon stories

>> No.1332391


That's it! Keep digging when you're in a hole! That's sure to work.

I'm not mad at all -- I'm enjoying baiting you immensely, you know-nothing douchebag.

>> No.1332393

hey guys theres this critter, see? and he's like running around killing cows and shit? and the cats and dogs in the area get like...super pissed when they smell it, yeah? oh and the thing looks like an egg...a really horrible egg from space...it makes you crazy if you look at it...and uh...it's indescribable actually, that's how scary we're talking about...believe me, i'm an author.

>> No.1332394

>space dragon
wowz, buddy. you just made my brain explode wtih awesome. i think I know what my next novel is gonna be about

>> No.1332408

its going to be an allegory for a nerd who desperately wants to have sex but is too scared to approach women so he spends his days reading about squid men and slutty elves

>> No.1332411

Why I love Lovecraft.