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/lit/ - Literature

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13322817 No.13322817 [Reply] [Original]

>talking with friends
>randomly mention something from a book that's totally in context
>"Yeah, Anon, we get it, you read..."

Worst part is I'm still failing to think of a comeback days after.

>> No.13322839

>“If you have an earnest desire towards philosophy, prepare yourself from the very first to have the multitude laugh and sneer, and say, "He is returned to us a philosopher all at once; "and "Whence this supercilious look?"
I can't raise a single point among anyone without them throwing me dirty looks like I'm shitting on their children. Just keep your thoughts to yourself, 99% of people are garbage only worth tolerating.

>> No.13322857

>imagine being named Aaron

>> No.13322861


>> No.13322867

They will think you are trying to act like you are smarter than them and they will try to take you down a notch and humiliate you for daring to think that. People are not smart anyway, so don't even think to engage them in intellectual discourse unless it is in a setting that you know people will respond well too.

>> No.13322896

>rant on tangents about things
>friend just says "I get it, it just floats"
man, at least it's funny

>> No.13323134

I don't think he meant it in a bad way, just fucking with you.

>> No.13323894

Never mention something from a book. Actively try to not sound smart or pretentious. Only mention text from a book if you really have to and to other people that also read. Never steer the conversation into a place they are uncomfortable with like something about your favorite philsopher or shit like that. It will seem as if you are letting on less than you know which you should only expose if they are into the conversation or into the idea in the first place

>> No.13323937

My friends don't even know i read. They think I'm just as retarded as they are.

>> No.13323968

Just plagiarize the book on the spot without connecting it to "bookiness" and they won't be able to tell, you'll get to bring up wahtever point you wanted and instead of looking like a pretentious dude who read book your a genius free thinking thing in itself

>> No.13324008


>> No.13324050
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why? assuming your friends arent cunts do you just express shit super vague? why would anyone hate one a understanable idea that was inspired or adapted from a book?

>> No.13324060

americans do not trust people who read books

>> No.13324108

do your friends love you?

>> No.13324164
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Oh man, I hate those people, not you OP. Those who do not understand the value of reading and are degrading others bc of it. That are, ideed, the true plebs

although i also hate those who try to stand out and be acknowledged as a person who is reading.

>> No.13324165

kek nerd BTFO

>> No.13324193

If you read it from a book, you should be able to articulate the relevant point. It is unnecessary to explain that you read something relevant in whatever book. In fact, it almost makes it seem like your comprehension level was low and are in an effect, attempting to compensate by pretentiously naming a book that people outside your literacy circle have not likely read.

One should be able to make points without naming obscure references.

>> No.13324198


>> No.13324223

How can you not think of a comeback to this? You've probably been hearing shit like that since grade school
>"Yeah, Anon, we get it, you read..."
Agree and Amplify:
>Good, don't want to let you forget it. That reminds me, there's this great passage from Shakespeare...
Pressure Flip
>Just trying to keep up with you, boy genius.
Nuclear Option
>Goddamn, I need to find smarter friends. Let me know if you can think of anyone.
or simply ignore, let yourself think about something else while you take a drag or something and just relax

>> No.13324234

I don't even have a single friend but that's just autism

>> No.13324243

Quick add:
>Agree and Amplify
Almost always a safe option, defuses the comment and moves on without you coming off as the loser, makes you look confident.
>Pressure Flip
Only do this if you think you can keep up a little bant, because it may start a sparring match. Seem at ease the whole time, like its all a joke to you and you'll come off well, don't seem competitive, if the other person gets upset/intense and you remain jovial and seem above it you will win the encounter socially speaking.
>Nuclear Option
Only use if you don't give a shit about the relationship and you're just going for big air
Works best when you're already at the top in the social circle, as it seems like you can't even be bothered to rise to little bullshit challenges. Horrible if you're on the bottom.
Thanks everyone for reading my social mastery blog

>> No.13324245

Can’t the point be made without fallaciously appealing to higher authority? This is clearly an opinion of an underage. One should consider the audience, then make the point accordingly. If it upsets you that your friends have not read the referenced book, you’re likely an insufferable cunt who boost your ego by name dropping books that you know your audience hasn’t read, as opposed to being an adult and just making your point.

>> No.13324246

It's just categorizing the methods which people who are naturally good at banting simply use instinctively. But yes, that does indeed make it autistic.

>> No.13324254

I think you responded to the wrong hash

>> No.13324255

I've gotten into this situation but it's never because I want to sound smarter, I'm jist trying to add to the convo but they still make me sound like a chode. I cant fucking discuss one of my interests unless its about making money or videogames. fucking utilitarian shits.

>> No.13324264

You took Dale Carnegie too far.

>> No.13324275

This is literally bitch mentality shit
Instead do things that openly invite those social challenges and then counter them

>> No.13324281

Chad here, do this

>> No.13324283

Definitely do this OP

>> No.13324291

You should have said.
"I can teach you to read too, if you like?"

>> No.13324309

Do NOT do this. In general, avoid saying anything that makes you seem defensive. Keep it light, like their comment didn't bother you at all

>> No.13324313

I'd get offended, walk out without saying a word and not speak to them until they apologized. Yes, I'm autistic

>> No.13324333

I hate people so much that I fantasize about putting them down and showing how much smarter I am than them

>> No.13324337

Who doesn't mate? Do that by hitting them where it hurts and beating them at their own games

>> No.13324377

I mentioned my recent authorship in journal to a group of supposed friends I knew throughout high school who attend the same college (it was a big accomplishment for me). They told me to stop trying to seem like an "intellectual" while they went on about their frat parties and the girls they've fucked. I never talked to them again. Instead I went and discussed the paper with some other math bros who were genuinely interested and had a great conversation. That's how I discovered who my real friends were. Stupid people will always feel insecure when faced with someone who has genuine academic interests.

>> No.13324394

this but with my Dad

>> No.13324414

I only bother sharing my thoughts on anonymous imageboards and in my journal now.

>> No.13324415

This is the right solution. As long as you're actually bringing these things up in a spirit of sharing instead of trying to flex, you're in the right. Find new people to spend time with who share your values.

>> No.13324443

Either your friends act out certain inadequacies, or your bringing up of said books (or the way you do it) isn't as "in context" as you think it is. As a tactical matter, provide the point that is relevant to the conversation without citing a book every idea that is not original. If the points move the conversation laterally and they are truly interested in your points, then the conversation will flow naturally into the direction of their source and you will be able to bring up the book naturally. Citing every unoriginal thought in conversation is hilarious in most cases.

>> No.13324463
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I don't understand how so many people don't see this. The worst of it was when I was in college, the instructors would always try to get students to cite pop-culture shit in order to "tie in" with whatever theme. When talking about different kinds of villians, they would constantly use things like the Joker from batman, or Darth Vader from star wars.
Seeing an example of something vs understanding a core concept is wildly different. The former was a part of my own understanding of how culture worked: the difference with your teacher. Now I'm not saying that the students do this. They simply fail at doing it at all.
I'm quite sure the teachers in my class would be happy if we didn't have pop-culture references, but it really came around when I became a teacher, and since then my teachers have not been willing to do it.
The best example of this is the one above for the reason that teachers like to make fun of people who use pop-culture tropes . However, that's far from the most frustrating aspect.
I see teachers try to tie the students to a theme even more , which then is a part of how the student thinks: They think of what we are talking about when they are talking about things . They try to teach children about them more, more often.
This is actually much worse...

>> No.13325376
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>> No.13325392
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>/lit/ finally discoverers Jonahposting
don't bother anon, you can't win, you'll just get called fat in a 1000 different ways until you give up.

>> No.13325406

Imagine having friends that don't read. This would be a worse hell than life already is.

>> No.13325425

wow I don't even realize I do the a&a thing

>> No.13325505

>>Just trying to keep up with you, boy genius.

>> No.13326702

What a pussy. Only cowards will adhere to this.

>> No.13326734

>ripped from the void and placed in a flesh prison to suffer
that would explain why everyone is so anxious to get back to the void that they refuse to just kill themselves, instead opting to moan and write poetry about how awesome the void is.